CakeResume 找工作

Logo of KLOOK 客路.
雇主活躍於超過 2 年前
Logo of 轉客來策略行銷顧問有限公司.
轉客來TargetConvert要做的是一個比行銷顧問還要懂消費者的科技公司,目前團隊也正為海外地區積極開發行銷自動化產品「 hey!Bear 」。 我們致力於開發一個行銷自動化系統,透過了解行銷人的痛點,並運用大
雇主活躍於大約 1 年前
106066 台北市大安區信義路四段250號5樓之1 (臺興大廈)
Logo of 兌心科技有限公司.
兌心科技成立於 2017年,即將邁向第六個年頭。 兌心科技是 一站式區塊鏈服務公司 ,專業領域橫跨醫療、物聯網、科技、加密貨幣等領域,致力於成為企業Web2.0到Web3.0的領航員,提供 雲服務 、 線路 、 區塊鏈 、 金
雇主活躍於大約 1 年前
Logo of FAZZ - 新加坡商迅星金融科技有限公司台灣分公司.
~~~Welcome to follow us for more updated information and job openings!~~~ Fazz is an ecosystem of financial services that comprise Fazz (business account for Southeast Asia), StraitsX (payments infrastructure for digital assets) and Modal Rakyat (mutual cooperation funding for MSMEs). Fazz was founded in 2016 as a result of a merger between PayFazz and Xfers, two Y Combinator alumni based in Southeast Asia. Fazz provides business accounts that offer seamless payment, savings and credit functionalities, under the brand Fazz
雇主活躍於大約 2 個月前
106, Taiwan, 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段300號5 樓
Logo of 訊連科技 CyberLink / 挑戰全球最快臉部辨識技術!.
雇主活躍於 2 天前
Logo of OffSec (Previously known as Offensive Security).
OffSec stands proudly as the world's most reputable and trailblazing provider of hands-on cybersecurity training and certification for both red and blue teams. Our relentless commitment to excellence is reflected in our industry-standard, rigorous training programs, sought-after certified alumni, and cutting-edge methodologies. Infusing the "Try Hard" mindset into our courses, we equip students to attack like cunning hackers and defend like seasoned security professionals. Our curriculum encompasses immersive, real-world simulated lab environments featuring an
雇主活躍於 7 天前
230 Park Ave, 3rd Floor, New York, NY, 10168, United States
Logo of 慶奇科技股份有限公司.
點燃學習樂趣,快速實現創意 Webduino 是 Web + Arduino 的合稱,自 2015 年,慶奇科技的 Webduino 技術已經可以純粹使用 Web 來控制 Arduino。除了讓裝置上網,還可以做到「雲端更新韌體」、「透過網路無線控制裝置」和「用各種程式語言進
雇主活躍於 8 個月前
高雄市前鎮區復興四路 10 號 8 樓之 2
Logo of DaiMangou LTD.
DaiMangou creates software for the digital creative industry i.e game , film, animation etc We have produced several software used in game development projects worldwide. More recently one company which has used our software as a main system in their game project has gone on to win best mixed reality game title at the Windows Developer Awards 2018. Our Aim now for our new product focus is to allow for anyone in the digital creative industry to create great stories
雇主活躍於超過 5 年前
4F., No.210, Sec 3, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist, Taipei City 105, Taiwan
Logo of 遊悅科技股份有限公司.
Kooapps is a mobile game design and development studio. We have over 400 million downloads across iOS, Android, Blackberry and the Windows Phone. We are an indie gaming studio. We work very hard to polish our games because our dream is to create thet global gaming brand. We are just getting started. Kooapps expanded into Taiwan in search for like minded partners to realize its vision. Kooapps corp 是一家獨立遊戲工作室, 在美
雇主活躍於 10 天前
Logo of FaceHeart Corp. 鉅怡智慧股份有限公司.
鉅怡智慧股份有限公司 (FaceHeart Corp.) 為 AI 軟體公司,結合人工智慧、電腦視覺、深度學習以及生理資訊量測等先進優勢技術,透過一支攝影機,以非接觸之方式量測生理資訊,除了心跳之外,更能夠連續性量
雇主活躍於大約 1 個月前
300 新竹市東區博愛街 75 號賢齊館 10 樓 1003 室

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