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Avatar of Wu Ching Yi.
Production & Content Manager, Marketing Designer, Illustr...
11 months

【What We've Learned from Organizing The First #Successful Campaign】

Based on the experience of organizing the very first successful online/offline #hybrid campaign for an art competition, which the participants grew from 30 to 450+!

The campaign involving numerous artists and #Singaporean governmental organizations, we have categorized three general types of #artists when it comes to hosting sessions designed for kids.

1. The Professional and #experienced:

This category includes artists who possess extensive experience and are adept at managing any situation that arises. They understand the importance of thorough preparation, including personally visiting the location in advance.

Collaborating with this type of artist is a pleasure since there are minimal concerns. Furthermore, they can even offer guidance on enhancing and refining the preparation process.

2. The Company-owned:

These artists are either employed by a large company or are the owner/CEO themselves. While they have experience and familiarity with the #administrative process and paperwork, they may not excel in artistry or handling on-ground situations.

3. Pure artists:

This group comprises artists who demonstrate exceptional #talent in their own art form. They excel in expressing complex emotions through their #intricate art, often using elaborate language that may be difficult for children to comprehend.

It's like some university professors possess a wealth of knowledge, yet very few students are able to comprehend the lectures.

While it would be ideal to have all hosts in the type 1 category, it's important to note that even type 1 hosts have developed their skills from scratch.

Therefore, instead of expecting everyone to be trouble-free, it is advisable to have #discussions with experienced hosts, create #checklists, provide constant #reminders, and establish proper #setups, such as have one experienced and one inexperienced host team up for one session.


That's it for the sharing. Hope the next campaign could be even more successful.


#experience #eventholding #whatIvelearnt #campaignorganization

Avatar of Kuro Huang |  Kuro的資安學習手記.
CISSP | CCSP | ISC2 Taipei Chapter Board of Supervisors |...
over 1 year

今年資安大會我受邀在 Cyber Talent /證照區 跟大家討論「學習」這件事,9/21 號下午 14:55 - 15:35 一起聊「思維轉型!從零開始的資安治理學習之路」,為何要透過國際認可之 ISACA 四張證照(CISA/CISM/CRISC/CGEIT) 與 ISC2 CISSP 的經驗去學習,我知道書是紙上談兵而且是理想狀態,但先打好根基實戰才不會歪,先有理論打底搭配實作,結合管理、技術與專案實務經驗,另外綱正大大同一天的OSCP & OSCE 那場也很棒!。



身為非高階長官的我可以比較看到執行現實面,長年觀察下來資安的乙方並不會比甲方重視完整的教育訓練與專業度,想不到吧?業績導向加上流動率關係,很高的機會只有 on job training 直接GO專案,但對新人來發展來說這很容易長歪掉,報告品質也是堪憂,我個人很反對直接On job training ,例如要有一兩週的專業訓練。對甲方來說,如果乙方來的人觀念不對,造成整個甲方上串肉粽的錯怎辦? 就我看來,靠哪方都有風險,靠自己學習、社群學習和同事間討論是一個好的選擇。


#cyber #training #talent

Avatar of Pingyun Hsieh.
Content Strategist
about 2 years


去年許多人開始反思自己為何要工作──LinkedIn 的 COO 稱之為「大洗牌」( The Great Reshuffle),也形塑了 2022 年的職場變化與人才趨勢🔥



來看看我們整理出 LinkedIn 分析的 5 大人才趨勢與 COO 的預測觀點吧!

#CakeResume #LinkedIn #recruitment #hiring #job #talent

Avatar of Weicheng.
COO @CakeResume
over 2 years

I’m very excited about this one: today we’re launching CakeResume Community — an ecosystem where great talent can get together with like-minded people to share info/thoughts about works and personal growth, and be inspired by each other.

Awesome work CakeResume Product and Marketing team 👏

CakeResume Community - https://www.cakeresume.com/feed

#community #talent #socialmedia #cakeresume #jobseekers #career

Avatar of Trantor Liu.
Founder & CEO @CakeResume
over 2 years

Hello CakeResume 的使用者!

現在你看到的這個介面是我們團隊新開發的社群功能 🌐

CakeResume 2016 創立時,就是希望打造一個人才交流社群;這一路走來,我們靠著好用的履歷工具,成長成一個有 2 百萬使用者的平台;如今我們推出這個社群功能,目的是近一步促進人才與企業間的交流,並提供求職者更多職涯成長的資源和人脈網絡。

邀請看到這篇貼文的使用者們也分享你的第一篇貼文——或許是你今年想看的書、你優化時間管理的方式、你寫的 medium 文章、你的開源程式貢獻... 相信你的分享也能幫助到平台上的求職者和雇主!

期待進一步與你互動 😊

CakeResume Community - https://www.cakeresume.com/feed

#community #talent #socialmedia #cakeresume #jobseekers #career

Avatar of Trantor Liu.
Founder & CEO @CakeResume
over 2 years

Hello CakeResume 的使用者!

現在你看到的這個介面是我們團隊新開發的社群功能 🌐

CakeResume 2016 創立時,就是希望打造一個人才交流社群;這一路走來,我們靠著好用的履歷工具,成長成一個有 2 百萬使用者的平台;如今我們推出這個社群功能,目的是近一步促進人才與企業間的交流,並提供求職者更多職涯成長的資源和人脈網絡。

邀請看到這篇貼文的使用者們也分享你的第一篇貼文——或許是你今年想看的書、你優化時間管理的方式、你寫的 medium 文章、你的開源程式貢獻... 相信你的分享也能幫助到平台上的求職者和雇主!

期待進一步與你互動 😊

CakeResume Community - https://www.cakeresume.com/feed

#community #talent #socialmedia #cakeresume #jobseekers #career


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