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Mar 6th 2024

Executive là gì? Các vị trí Executive phổ biến và mức lương

hơn so với vị trí Executive thông thường, nhưng thấp hơn so với vị trí cấp quản lý cao nhất là Chief Executive Officer. Và Chief Executive Officer ở đây thường được mọi người biết đến với từ viết tắt CEO-Tổng Giám Đốc Điều hành. Lưu ý, nhiều bạn thường nhầm lẫn và thắc mắc Executive Chef là gì trong khi đang làm công việc liên quan đến hành chính văn phòng. Hãy nhớ rằng Executive Chef là Bếp
Success Stories
Aug 25th 2020

就是要幫創作者找到伯樂!創作平台 ArtzyPlanet 與音樂人 Rick 的職涯火花

需,你還能夠保有自己的初衷與價值嗎? 在 《科技職涯》第一季的第 3 集中,我們邀請了創作平台 ArtzyPlanet 的 CEO & Co-founder Rick,來跟我們分享他如何一路從創意工作者、發案方到成為銜接兩方的平台經營者,以及他
Success Stories
Aug 7th 2019

那些科技新創教我的事 I「 挑最難的問題來解決,自我成長最快 」- 林聖昌 (Cubo iOS 工程師)

得 Cubo 在解決的是比較困難、挑戰性比較大的問題。印象很深刻的,是當初去面試時,辦公室其實就是 CEO 家中的客廳隔出來的,當下就體驗到這個團隊自由及放鬆的氣氛。雖然那時團隊還很小,但是大
Cover Letter
Oct 4th 2022

Office Assistant Cover Letter Samples & Tips

Manager XXX Corporation 123 Street, CA 90008 Dear Mr. Chuang, I am interested in applying for the office assistant job opening at XXX Corporation. In my last role as an office administrator at XXX Fashion, I assisted the company’s CEO by scheduling meetings, keeping track of all the customer information, communicating with other departments, etc. I am used to working in a fast-paced environment, with 200+ documents to sort out and answering more than a hundred calls per
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024

新創企業的超強推手,Nogle 諾傑如何打造平等、多元的跨國團隊

不需要透過多層階級,就能與高層直接溝通市場需求。」Christine 每週都有固定與管理層的交流時間,包括 CEO 和 COO,Nogle 的管理階層非常開放,對於員工的任何回饋或意見都會認真地考慮並討論,建立一個支
Success Stories
May 16th 2023

專訪 CakeResume 招募顧問 Tina|溫暖搭起人才市場供需的獵頭職涯

時為了轉換領域、參與許多科技軟體類的講座,在一次因緣際會下,身為講座主持人的她認識了 CakeResume CEO Trantor,充滿活力與無限可能的新創軟體公司與 Tina 的期待不謀而合,便成為加入 CakeResume 的契機。 「當你真心
Resume & CV
Mar 2nd 2022

Best Executive Resume Examples & Tips

you might be used to creating for entry-level and mid-level job resumes. Having an executive resume sample to refer to can guide you to the right direction. 🖋 Step 4: Adjust your C level resume for the position. CEO resume Executive chef resume Marketing executive resume Warehouse executive resume Healthcare executive resume While the above are all C level positions, there are many differences in the knowledge, skills, and experiences needed for those positions. 🖋 Step 5: Write
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Supporting Women in the Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide

The latter half of the 20th century and the early 21st century have witnessed significant strides towards women empowerment at the workplace. Notable examples include the first female astronaut, Sally Ride , in 1983, and the groundbreaking appointments of women to CEO positions at Fortune 500 companies. Moreover, legislative actions such as the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 have addressed wage disparities, providing legal mechanisms for women to challenge pay discrimination. As we reflect on this historical journey, it
Industry & Job Overview
Mar 25th 2022

Mau Jadi Personal Assistant? Tugas, Gaji, dan Caranya! [+Contoh CV]

perkantoran untuk membantu karyawan lain dan mengelola komunikasi dalam bisnis. Tugas-tugasnya dapat berupa mengarahkan panggilan telepon, menanggapi berbagai pertanyaan, mengatur jadwal rapat, dll. Asisten eksekutif ( executive personal assistant ) : membantu seseorang yang bekerja di bidang bisnis pada tingkat eksekutif, seperti CEO atau direktur. Untuk posisi ini, kamu perlu memahami lebih dalam tentang bisnis, administrasi, dan perusahaan itu sendiri. Beda halnya dengan personal digital assistant (PDA). Personal digital assistant adalah alat elektronik berbasis komputer sebagai pengelola informasi pribadi. Sekarang fungsi PDA
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Specialist là gì? Phân biệt specialist, generalist hay executive?

cụ thể, thì Executive chịu trách nhiệm quản lý tập thể. Executive có thể có chức danh khác nhau tùy thuộc vào vị trí của họ trong một công ty. Ví dụ như Chief Executive Officer - Giám đốc điều hành (CEO), Chief Marketing Officer - Giám đốc tiếp thị (CMO), hay Chief Finance Officer - Giám đốc tài chính (CFO). Đọc thêm: Mẫu CV cho vị trí quản lý và bí quyết thuyết phục nhà tuyển dụng 🔎 Generalist là gì? Generalist

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