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Resume & CV
Mar 31st 2022

Communication Skills in CV: 15 Common Skills & Examples in CV

CV: Briefly list your experience, state the context and number of audience if applicable. This will inform recruiters what kind of public speaking you specialize in, for example, whether it is formal or informal. Reflection The ability to rethink your manager or co-worker’s suggestions after listening to it differentiates whether or not you are a person accepting of others' opinions, which is why this skill is important to almost every type of profession, as long as you’re
Industry & Job Overview
Aug 26th 2022

Mau Jadi Brand Manager? Kenali Tugas, Skill dan Caranya!

posisi Brand Manager semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Dikutip dari linkedin Indonesia, setidaknya terdapat 569 lowongan pekerjaan sebagai Brand Manager maupun Assistant Brand Manager di beberapa sektor industri, seperti manufaktur, ritel, maupun jasa keuangan. Bagi kamu yang tertarik berkarir sebagai Brand Manager maupun Assistant Brand Manager , CakeResume telah merangkum secara lengkap tentang apa itu Brand Manager dan Brand Management . Yuk, mari kita simak! 📚 Bacaan lanjutan: 5 Contoh CV Marketing Menarik Perhatian Rekruter [+Tips dan Trik] Mengenal Brand Manager Pengertian Brand
Resume & CV
Sep 15th 2021

What Is A CV? [Definition, Element, Writing Tips, and Examples]

compared to a “CV”. A “CV for job application” essentially means the same as a resume. 💡Tip: Use online CV makers such as CakeResume to create, design, or choose a CV template to save your time! What is a CV? What does “CV” stand for? “CV” is the abbreviation for Curriculum Vitae, which is an official document usually intended for academic purposes. “Curriculum vitae” is the Latin for "course of life". In academics, a CV contains detailed information regarding
Resume & CV
May 22nd 2023

Cách viết email gửi CV & Mẫu thư xin việc 10 điểm!

được cách viết tiêu đề email xin việc sẽ nâng cao cơ hội nhà tuyển dụng xem hồ sơ ứng tuyển của bạn. Ví dụ tiêu đề mẫu email xin việc: Ứng tuyển vị trí Graphic Design_IVY Moda Project Manager Position at PledgeCamp Lưu ý: Nếu nhà tuyển dụng đã nêu rõ cách viết email ứng tuyển CV (ví dụ: đặt tiêu đề theo cấu trúc "Họ tên - Vị trí ứng tuyển") trên mô tả công việc, thì bạn
Resume & CV
Apr 21st 2023

Chi tiết cách viết CV xin học bổng bằng tiếng Anh + Mẫu tham khảo

với các ứng viên khác cũng như giúp CV xin học bổng của bạn gây ấn tượng hơn. Đọc thêm: Cách giới thiệu bản thân trong CV nổi bật và ấn tượng Ví dụ về "Giới thiệu bản thân" trong CV xin học bổng: Diligent undergraduate experienced and knowledgeable in marketing strategies, business models, and financial management. Seeking to enter MIT Sloan’s MBA program to gain more skills and knowledge to succeed as a marketing manager. 3. Trình độ
Resume & CV
Dec 21st 2021

How Long Should a CV Be? [+ Dos and Don’ts]

a CV which is too long and has information irrelevant to the job opening. This CV type is suitable to be used by job seekers, especially executive and top-level professionals. Check this article out to learn about the right CV formatting and layout . How Long Should a CV Be? Whereas resumes are more concise and commonly written within one page, CVs are longer and list out more detail. Hiring managers do not have strict requirements or preferences on how
Resume & CV
Jan 7th 2023

3 Cara Menulis Sertifikat Dalam CV Agar Menarik!

dapat menjadi lebih unggul dibanding kandidat lain. Terdapat beberapa sertifikasi yang semakin populer karena kemampuannya untuk diterapkan ke berbagai bidang ataupun karena sertifikasi tersebut menetapkan standar pengetahuan industri tertentu. Melansir dari artikel CIO, berikut merupakan beberapa contoh penulisan sertifikat dalam CV yang populer dari jurusan IT yang harus dimiliki pada tahun 2024: ✍️ Sertifikat untuk pekerja bidang IT : AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) CompTIA (A+, Cloud
Resume & CV
Jan 10th 2023

How to Write Experience in CV [+ Examples & Tips]

Work Experience in CV & Why Is It Important? The work experience section of your CV lists the history of your employment from the most recent to the oldest in reverse-chronological order. You can include any work experience into your CV as long as they're relevant to the position you're applying for. When screening a candidate’s application, the hiring manager will most likely scan through the job experiences on the CV first. They expect to see what
Cover Letter
Sep 26th 2022

A Comprehensive Cover Letter for CV Guide w/ Examples & Templates

Created by CakeResume CV and cover letter are the two documents that are often required for a job application. While the CV focuses on your work history, educational background, and key skills, the cover letter for the CV allows you to elaborate further details about why you’re applying for this role and how you can contribute to the company's growth. In some cases, a cover letter for a CV can go under different names such as: Job application
Industry & Job Overview
May 22nd 2023

Sales Admin: Syarat, Gaji, Prospek Kariernya [+CV]

Pekerjaan sales kerap dianggap sebagai pekerjaan yang bekerja di depan layar dan bertugas untuk berjualan atau menawarkan produk secara langsung. Persepsi ini tidak sepenuhnya benar, karena faktanya ada juga pekerjaan sales yang dapat dikerjakan dari balik layar, lho! Tipe pekerjaan ini dinamakan sebagai Admin Sales. Apa saja tugas dan tanggung jawab administrasi penjualan? Skill apa saja yang perlu dikuasai? Apakah ada jenjang karier yang jelas? Yuk, langsung saja simak artikel berikut ini. Daftar isi: Pengertian Admin Sales Tugas dan Tanggung

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