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Resume & CV
Sep 17th 2021

Operating Room Nurse Resume Examples (Resume Writing Steps & Tips)

the hiring manager. 👍 The rule of thumb is inserting keywords from the description of the operating nurse job you're applying for. Step 5: Showcase relevant certifications or licenses. You will need a license or certification to work as an operating room nurse so don't miss out on showcasing your certificates , such as: Registered Nurse (RN) CNOR Certified Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Certification 📝 Reminder: It’s best to list your profession...
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

10 Tips for Successful Talent Recruitment

allows you to hire more passively, saving you time and energy on pre-screening. There are a few different ways you can encourage employee referrals and increase your hiring success. You can get more referrals by offering incentives to your employees for referring new candidates who stay. This can be things like gift cards or bonuses. Another recruitment tip to encourage employee referrals is a more bottom-up approach, by building your brand. This is the best way to r...
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

15+ Unique Ideas for a New Employee Welcome Package (2024 Update)

pack. Personalized goodies Everyone loves something unique, which is why your new employees will love an employee welcome package with customized: Welcome letters direct from the CEO, hiring manager, or fellow colleagues. Even better if it’s handwritten. Personalized business cards and nameplates (if applicable). Branded merch like hoodies, t-shirts, hats, pens, notebooks, key fobs, mugs, stickers, and more. Employee welcome packets could also include special gifts like books, gift cards, and headphones. Informative documents & guides Onboarding is intended
Career Planning
Apr 4th 2024

How to Work Abroad Tips for 2024: A Practical Guide for Global Job Seekers

obtain a work permit and a resident visa, which are issued by the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, respectively. You will also need to apply for an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) and a National Health Insurance (NHI) card, which are issued by the National Immigration Agency and the National Health Insurance Administration, if you have plans and intentions to work long-term in Taiwan. For more information, you can find more information about the visa and...
Resume & CV
Apr 18th 2023

CV nên in 1 mặt hay 2 mặt? In CV bằng giấy gì?

mình. 2. Giấy Bristol Bên cạnh giấy Ford thì giấy Bristol cũng được sử dụng nhiều trong việc in ấn vì loại giấy này được tráng trắng và cán láng mịn. Loại giấy này thường được dùng cho các loại card visit vì tính rõ nét và các chi tiết được in đẹp. Vì vậy để in CV thì đây là lựa chọn vô cùng thích hợp. 3. Giấy Couche Nếu bạn muốn in CV bằng loại giấy có độ
Career Tools
May 20th 2021

遠端工作如何效率加倍?別錯過 4 個實用軟體與 3 招遠端工作技巧!

常容易上手,只要在一大塊看版( Board)中建立無數個專案清單( List ),接著,在專案清單中建立一張張卡片(Card),用拖曳移動的方式,標示出每個專案清單中會需要的各項任務、資料、想法或是討論串等等。  在 Trello


能力(發想引起受眾共鳴的點子) 4. 對創新科技或電子產品感興趣 5. 優秀的口頭和書面溝通能力 OcardOcard 顧客經營管家】App 數位行銷企劃 35K ~ 45K TWD / 月 1. 溝通協調能力 2. 文案撰寫能力 3. 數據分析能力
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Canva là gì? Tạo CV online trên Canva có ưu nhược điểm gì?

kho tàng mẫu thiết kế phong phú, tất nhiên Canva cũng có rất nhiều font chữ đẹp. Dưới đây là tổng hợp các font chữ đẹp trên Canva (cập nhật 09/2023) để bạn tham khảo: DM Serif Display Vidaloka Cardo Lora Libre Baskerville Merriweather Poppins Light Josefin Sans Bold The Seasons Noto Serif Display Tạo CV trên Canva Với quy mô cộng đồng thiết kế lớn mạnh, Canva cũng đã thêm chức năng tạo CV online và người dùng

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