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Mar 22nd 2023

Cara Merekrut Karyawan di Kala Persaingan yang Ketat | CakeResume Can Help

kandidat. Salah satunya adalah perubahan cara perusahaan beroperasi dari yang tadinya tradisional menjadi serba digital. Perusahaan harus terus berinovasi dan mengikuti perkembangan teknologi agar dapat bersaing di tengah pasar yang kompetitif. Alhasil, merekrut kandidat dengan skill tech/digital ( product development, engineering, digital marketing, visual design ) menjadi krusial supaya perusahaan bisa mencapai tujuan ini. Namun, jumlah kandidat dengan skill-skill tersebut tidak sebanding dengan kebutuhan rekrutmen perusahaan-perusahaan. Sehingga, perusahaan harus memperebutkan kandidat terbaik. 3 Kunci dalam Merekrut dan Mempertahankan Karyawan
Success Stories
Oct 30th 2020

從 CTO 到 Sr. Engineer:Ronald 的荷蘭 Uber 之旅與工程師職涯思維

著資歷增加,追求職稱的成長是大部分人的理想的職涯規劃。對於工程師而言,從 Junior Engineer、Senior Engineer 到 Product Manager、Engineering Manager、CTO 等等,從專注寫程式到管理技術團隊,似乎是一個理所當然的職涯成長。 然而,《科技職涯》第二
Resume & CV
Apr 7th 2022

3 Contoh CV Product Manager, Siap Diterima Perusahaan!

bahwa seorang product manager harus bisa pemrograman ataupun lulusan computer science /teknik informatika. Namun, pada kenyataannya banyak juga profesional yang bekerja sebagai product manager namun tidak memiliki latar belakang IT sama sekali. Beberapa dari mereka memiliki latar belakang teknik atau engineering , analisis data ( data analysis ) maupun manajemen. Jika dijelaskan dengan gambar, product manager berada di tengah 3 bidang yang berbeda 一 bisnis, UX, dan teknologi. Seorang product manager tidak diwajibkan untuk ahli dalam pengkodean ( coding ) atau harus lulusan computer science

How to Lean in and Become a Software Developer

sure. But what does one need to study to become a software engineer? There are three main ways to earn meet the software engineer education requirements for the job market: coding bootcamps, college degree, and self-directed learning certificate. Software Engineering Certificates Software Engineering Bootcamps Associate Degrees in Software Engineering Bachelor's Degrees in Software Engineering Master's Degrees in Software Engineering Doctoral Degrees in Computer Science 📍 Software Engineering Certificates When hiring managers look for software engineers who meet
Resume & CV
Feb 11th 2022

Entry-Level Software Engineer Resume (Template, Sample, Tips)

system faults. Since IT-related job titles are not standardized, a software engineer may be called with different titles such as a systems/software/web programmer, engineer, or developer, depending on the system they're developing. Landing the first software engineering job can be very tough, especially for entry-level individuals who have acquired some relevant skills but lack real-world experience compared to more senior professionals. That means if you want to get hired, you'll need a solid
Resume & CV
Mar 25th 2022

Write a Great Data Engineer Resume (& Examples)

years of experience implementing a diverse range of complex projects using Hadoop, AWS, and Azure. Seeking to join X.io as a data engineer to build upon more complex infrastructures. Driven data engineer with 3+ years of experience in software engineering and computer science. Looking to join ETL as a data engineer to design larger scaled data frameworks. Passionate data engineering graduate skilled in various programming languages, such as Python, Java, and SQL. AWS-Certified and seeking a role as
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Software Engineer Cover Letter Guide: Unlock Your Journey w/ Examples & Templates

[email protected] linkedin.com/catherinegarnette (+908)-xxx-xxxx September 22th, 2022 Daniel Spacey CEO at POP-Tech 8012 S Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60116 [email protected] Dear Mr. Spacey, I'm Catherine - a fresh graduate of Software Engineering from the University of Illinois Chicago. This letter is in regard to my interest in the Software Engineer position for POP-Tech, as advised on ITjobs. As your company is one of the most reputable tech companies in Chicago
Student Guide
Sep 29th 2022

10 Prospek Kerja Teknik Mesin [+Info Kuliah, Gaji, dll.]

itu Teknik Mesin? Jurusan teknik mesin atau prodi teknik mesin adalah salah satu jurusan atau prodi yang sangat umum ditemukan di berbagai jenis universitas baik di Indonesia dan di dunia. Teknik mesin sendiri dalam bahasa inggris umumnya disebut sebagai mechanical engineering , atau insinyur mekanik; spesifiknya, seorang insinyur yang bekerja khusus dalam bidang peralatan yang menghasilkan dan menggunakan energi. Walaupun umumnya pendidikan dalam jurusan mekanik berbasis pada pendidikan sarjana S1, prodi teknik mesin juga tersedia untuk jenjang pendidikan lain, baik D3
Career Planning
Mar 3rd 2020

For Freshers: Top 10 Most in Demand Jobs in 2020

An overview of the most promising jobs in 2020 The first job right out of college is one of the major life decisions that freshers have to carefully ponder on before going all in. After all, finding a job that justifies all those all-nighters back in university is not that easy. With an ever-changing work landscape, jobs that exist today may become obsolete in 20 years, so it's nearly impossible to future-proof your career when change
Resume & CV
Feb 11th 2022

150+ Superior Technical Skills for a Resume [+ Definitions & Examples]

Created by CakeResume What are technical skills? Many people may know technical skills as hard skills. They are skills acquired in specialized education or experience on the job. Technical skills for a resume or CV are important for every sector in the industry. For instance, a software engineer needs the technical knowledge and skill of C++ and unit testing. Waiters or bartenders need the technical skill of a point-of-sale (POS) system. In this article, we will show you

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