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Mar 6th 2024

Virtual Career Fair CakeResume 2023 Sukses Digelar, Intip Keramaian Acara Disini!

Webinar Virtual Career Fair 2023 juga menghadirkan praktisi HR dari industry leaders Stefanus Oliver (People Acquisition Partners Lead DANA Indonesia ) dan Dianing Lupitasari (People Strategy Lead Mekari). Untuk menghadapi tantangan dan perubahan dinamika dalam dunia pencarian kerja, CakeResume mengundang kedua ahli untuk membagikan perspektif mengenai proses rekrutmen dari perspektif HR yang biasanya tidak terlihat oleh jobseeker , sekaligus mengupas mitos mengenai proses rekrutmen. Selain itu juga memberikan panduan tentang tips dan trik berkarier di era digital saat ini. Webinar Karir Virtu...
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace: What Is It and How Can You Change It

solving. Leaders should encourage open communication and ensure that diverse voices are heard and valued to create inclusive workspaces . Transparency in Decision-Making Providing transparency in decision-making processes helps build trust amongst employees. When individuals understand the criteria and rationale behind decisions, it mitigates the perception of bias and fosters a fair and equitable workplace. Technology and Tools Leveraging technology, such as AI or other analytic tools, can help identify and mitigate unconscious bias in various HR processes. Technolog...
Resume & CV
Sep 7th 2021

Graduate School Resume: Templates & Formats for Successful Admissions

your qualities (experience, skills, etc.) can contribute to your academic success if you were to be admitted to the program. Graduate school resume objective examples: Goal-oriented and analytical financial analyst seeking to further deepen my knowledge and skills through MIT’s Master of Finance program. Creative and innovative marketing manager with eight years of experience in television advertising. Seeking to gain further knowledge and skills in digital marketing in Stanford University’s Master of Business Administration Program with a

電子業 OEM、ODM、OBM、EMS 有什麼差別?工作內容一次搞懂!

整合產品設計轉型 ODM 模式。鴻海科技(Foxconn)、和碩聯合科技(Pegatron)、緯創資通(Wistron)、金寶集團(Kinpo Group)以及神達電腦(MiTAC)皆是台灣知名 OEM / ODM 代工廠。 OEM 廠商負責完成製造過程中的生產加工環節。 三、整合研發設計:ODM 代
Cover Letter
Sep 28th 2022

How to Write a Great Cover Letter for a Social Worker Job?

time at the university, I took courses focused on working with children and teenagers. I specialized in developmental psychology and found my true passion is helping young individuals realize their full potential and accompanying them in that journey. I was inspired by my high school psychologist, Mr. Mitchell. He is why I decided not to drop out and focus on my education. I hope I can help kids going through a similar situation by working for you. I am sure ...
Success Stories
Mar 3rd 2021

Microsoft Software Engineer 的美國求職挑戰:我如何以化工與機械背景加入 Amazon 成為軟體工程師

產業特性不利於外籍求職者 在賓州大學攻讀碩士時,教授就經常牽線讓韋安跟同學們親臨業界、MIT 的實驗室觀察機器人領域的實際應用以及產業趨勢,而在交流的過程中,韋安也發現因為機械
Success Stories
Jul 14th 2021

史丹佛如何改變我對 Coding 的想像?stanCode 創辦人 Jerry 的留學收穫與創業初衷

的同學。他記得有次的作業討論中有來自印度、中國、加拿大等國家的學生,大家開玩笑其中一個從 MIT 畢業、來史丹佛唸博士的同學是整組的支柱,這位同學卻回說自己也很常需要大家的幫忙、自己
Success Stories
Apr 1st 2021

功能更強的產品其實很多,但我們要把簡單的事變有趣—專訪 Fourdesire 創辦人 Taco

家喜歡躲進去,就代表這個設計是對的。」 Fourdesire 玩心辦公室的個人空間 Taco 也實際探查過位於波士頓的 MIT 實驗室,發現「躲起來」確實比較有生產力,「大家都喜歡在車庫或實驗室深處搞一些奇怪的東西啊
Success Stories
Jul 9th 2021

誰說有技術才能 MVP?專訪《科技產品與牠們愛好者的產地》社團創辦人曾仲平,讓社群成為你的創業能量!

產品背後是否為台灣的團隊。因為太多資源都被國外的科技大廠壟斷,所以他特別想要幫忙推廣 MIT 的科技產品。 若是從類別來看的話,一開始他著重分享跟商業、生產力有關的實用產品,但是後來

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