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27 Mar 2023

Venture Capital: Cara Kerja dan Perannya untuk Bisnis Startup

dengan diiringi risiko yang sangat besar. Terkait dengan definisi modal ventura/VC adalah pengertian venture capitalist . Seorang venture capitalist adalah seseorang yang bekerja di sebuah perusahaan modal ventura. Bisa sebagai seorang analis yang mencari startup yang menarik. Maupun sebagai portfolio manager yang mewakili perusahaan modal ventura untuk mengelola startup di mana mereka berinvestasi. Di kalangan investor sendiri, venture capitalist juga erat kaitannya dengan angel investor hingga sering salah dimengerti. Pada dasarnya, angel investor merujuk pada investor pada tahap ideasi. Seorang
Industri & Profesi
2 Feb 2023

Apa itu Business Analyst? Ini Tugas, Gaji, Skillnya!

alat IT. Selain itu, pekerjaan Business Analyst juga dituntut untuk memiliki skill atau kemampuan khusus baik soft skill maupun hard skill di bidang Analisis Bisnis. 1. Pengembangan Produk Dalam pengembangan produk, seorang Business Analyst sebaiknya memiliki 3 aspek pengetahuan mengenai product requirements, product analysis, dan engineering requirements . Ketiga hal tersebut merupakan ilmu dasar yang mana akan mempermudah dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait pengembangan produk serta fungsi produk dan pemasaran. 2. Berpikir Analitis dan Kritis (Analytical and Critical Thinking ) Seorang analis bisnis
6 Mar 2024

Cara Membuat CV Business Development Beserta Contoh Benar dan Salah

with non government stakeholders. My interest in Business Development has led me to manage several projects and expand the sales area zone to 10 different countries in East Java. Indonesia | [email protected] | 083990765678 Work Experience Digital Skola Business Development Manager 2020–Sekarang Attract a minimum of 15 new clients every month from B2B sales Promote product, services and business, particularly about Japanese culture Designing a sales plan so that a deal occurs between the client and the company Sales
15 Sep 2021

Editor Resume Examples & Template [w/ Must-Know Resume Dos & Don'ts]

former jobs 💡 highly recommended for a senior editor resume! Skills and educational qualifications 💡 suggested especially for an entry-level editor resume! 💡 Tip : When well-written, you can quickly paint a picture of your career and show hiring managers your qualifications from the very first beginning. Examples of a professional editor resume summary : Film editor resume: Seasoned Film Editor with 5 years of experience working with film shoots from commercial, musical, to production shows. Key skills included editing
6 Okt 2021

Essential Creative Thinking Skills Examples and How to Develop Them

solutions, while critical thinking is about thinking the way you think and asking the right questions. Here is a list of 10 jobs that use creative thinking skills: Art Director Copywriter Graphic Designer Industrial Designer Journalist Music Teacher Public Relations Manager Research Scientist User Experience (UX) Designer Web Developer Art Director Art directors are the leader of a group of designers. They use their creativity and experience in the industry to guide and inspire the vision of the team. Copywriter

UX Designer Portfolio: 10 Best Portfolio Examples and Why They Work

your UX design portfolio: Project description, scope and timeline Your role and list of collaborators Problem and methods Primary and secondary research User research User persona and user journey map Design iterations (sketches, wireframes, low and high-fidelity prototypes) Final product Conclusion and quantified results Lessons Project description, scope, and timeline First, in the summary section, briefly explain the project: what is the product? What does it provide? What is unique about it? Explain the scope of your project and
Cover Letter
24 Feb 2023

Cover Letter for Executive Positions with Examples and Tips

at Parallel Logistics, I implemented a marketing initiative that resulted in 20% of growth in revenue receipt, and my design of the customer service procedure was proven effective according to the increase in the customer success rate of our Saas product. I believe my experience and expertise in management can contribute to the extensive success of your company. Here is a short list of my portfolio and qualifications: • Agile management with scrum practices in the development of Saas that generates
6 Mar 2024

Contoh CV Data Analyst Profesional yang Dilirik HRD

untuk Manajemen Pemasaran Tingkat Lanjut: Studi Kasus Perusahaan X. Juara 2 National Data Analysis Competition 2017 Institut XYZA. Pemakalah Seminar Nasional Data Analyst untuk Negeri (2016). Skill Tools: Google Data Studio, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Tableau, Power BI, Meta Ads Manager. Hard Skill: SQL database, Gap analysis, Data visualization, Data mining, Data cleaning, Trend Analysis . Soft Skill: Manajemen waktu, Analytical Thinking , Komunikasi Tim, Attention to Detail Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia ( native ), Bahasa Inggris (profesional). Pelatihan & Sertifikasi Google Data Analytics Professional Certification

在趣味中工作!看 COACH 如何落實 DEI 策略,讓員工勇於展現自我

COACH 自 1941 年創立於紐約,秉持 Expressive Luxury 「真我新奢」的價值,憑藉自由精神和美式傳統,自然流露富有現代視角、獨特性和創造力的紐約風尚為世界所知。 文章大綱 一、COACH 品牌與 Tapestry 集團介紹 二、COACH 如何成為亞洲
8 Mar 2022

10 Steps for Writing a Pharmacist Resume (+ Example)

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: Step 1: Pick the best layout for your pharmacist resume. Step 2: Choose the right format for your pharmacist resume. Step 3: Start with contact information and basic personal details. Step 4: Create an intriguing pharmacist resume headline. Step 5: Craft a pharmacist resume summary. Step 6: Include skills and abilities relevant to the job. Step 7: Highlight your best experience and accomplishments. Step 8: List educational qualifications and background

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