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Skill Interview
29 Mei 2022

How To Answer "What Is Your Greatest Weakness?" in a Job Interview

caught off guard and blow the interview. How am I supposed to impress and make them like me if I reveal my flaws? Wouldn't that lower my chance to get hired? Not definitively. Although it could sound like a self-sabotaging move (if done poorly), having good proper answers about your weaknesses for a job interview might actually put you ahead of the other candidates. Mind you, there are no right or wrong answers. However, there's such a
Career Planning
4 Mei 2021

Qualities of a Successful Freelancer [+Tips]

experience, but the rest are closely tied with your personality. If you still want to give freelancing a go, here is a comprehensive list of traits and tips you should focus on. 3 Qualities of a Successful Freelancer 1. Strong Self-Discipline and Time-Management are needed Self-discipline and strong time-management skills should be second nature to you. Basically, freelancing entails managing each aspect of your work: from your schedules and deadlines, the occasional clients from hell, and
Tool Karier
27 Mar 2024

Power BI vs Tableau, Mana yang Lebih Baik untuk Analisis Data?

vs. Tableau Perbedaan Penting dari Power BI dan Tableau Apa itu Power BI? Power BI adalah suatu alat analisis data yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft pada tahun 2015. Power BI membantu dalam membuat visualisasi data yang interaktif dengan kemampuan business intelligence self-service . Cara menggunakan Power BI adalah pengguna dapat membuat laporan dan dashboard sendiri, tanpa harus bergantung pada teknologi lainnya. Pengguna dapat mengekstrak BI data dari berbagai sumber, seperti Excel, gambar, tabel, dan lain-lain melalui antarmuka yang intuitif. Power

Pelajari Contoh Portofolio Beasiswa yang Lengkap dan Cara Membuatnya!

yang telah kamu raih. Pilihlah karya yang relevan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam portofolio. Ingat, masukkanlah karya yang relevan dengan bidang studi yang kamu apply . 💡 Tunjukkan Hasil Kerja yang Telah Kamu Raih Pada dasarnya, portofolio adalah media bagi seseorang untuk self-branding . Maka, penting untuk membuat portofolio yang dapat merepresentasikan siapa dirimu. Tunjukkanlah kinerja kerja dan prestasi apa saja yang telah kamu raih, agar dapat menarik perhatian penyelenggara beasiswa. 💡 Partisipasi dalam Komunitas Jika kamu pernah aktif dalam berorganisasi atau
Skill Interview
31 Mar 2022

How To Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” (With Interview Examples)

you stand out amongst the other interviewees, eventually increasing your chance of getting the job. Introducing myself in an interview might sound easy and straightforward, except you’re not quite sure how much to share, how to structure your short self introduction and you feel like simply presenting your best achievements would sound like you’re bragging. To help you prepare for this question, this article will talk about all the basic must-knows on answering the “tell me about
7 Feb 2022

Dentist Resume Writing Guide: Examples & Templates

a minimum understanding in biology, chemistry, physical sciences, and more. After the years of the dental program, one would still need to compete in the job application pool if one wants to get into a hospital or become a partnered/self-employed dentist (which comes with high opportunity costs, risks, and benefits!) The article will cover the basic truth of how to write a resume for a dentist job from zero to 1. teaching the methods that could pave one
Skill Interview
15 Apr 2022

15 Tips on How to Answer Interview Questions Confidently

interview. Tips for Boosting Your Confidence Before an Interview Prepare a good self-introduction. Prepare answers to common interview questions. Rehearse out loud. Decide what to wear to the interview in advance. Arrive earlier. Stay positive. 💡 Prepare a good self-introduction. An impressive self-introduction is the best opening to show your confidence in an interview. After all, “Tell me about yourself” is one of the most commonly asked and often the first interview questions. A self-introduction will
Skill Interview
29 Nov 2022

How to Answer The Interview Question, “What Are Your Salary Expectations”

Evaluation The main reason why hiring managers ask salary expectation questions is to evaluate whether the company’s budget for the role is in line with the service that you would provide and if that budget needs further adjustment. ❗️ Self-Assessment Candidates’ assessment of their professionalism reflects greatly their experiences and understanding of the industry standard, which are important factors hiring managers often take into consideration when they ask candidates salary expectation questions. ❗️ Seniority Check ­ A candidate’s
Career Planning
6 Mar 2024

Make Money With These 10 Side Hustle Ideas

Created by CakeResume If you’ve ever considered starting a side hustle for some extra cash, you’re not alone. Nearly 40% of Americans report they have a regular side hustle in addition to their full-time job . It’s a great way to pursue your interests and expand your skills, while putting some extra money in your pocket. If you’re uncertain about starting a side hustle, this article will cover some great tips as well as side hustle
Tips Karier
3 Apr 2024

Beyond IQ – The Power of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

The Power of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Effective workplace communication is crucial to getting things done in the office. Employees who excel in this domain often possess a key skill set – emotional intelligence (also known as emotional quotient or EQ). Yet what does it mean to have emotional intelligence in the workplace? And how can you apply emotional intelligence to become a powerhouse at your own work? TABLE OF CONTENTS What is Emotional Intelligence? Examples of Emotional Intelligence in

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