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Interview Skills
Apr 27th 2022

10 Pertanyaan Interview Marketing dan Jawabannya!

pada CV beserta dengan pencapaiannya. "Apa saja pertanyaan saat interview untuk posisi marketing?" "Apa yang harus dipersiapkan untuk wawancara posisi marketing?" Artikel ini cocok untuk kamu yang sedang mempersiapkan interview marketing. Terdapat 10 pertanyaan interview tentang marketing yang beragam untuk sales, digital marketing, maupun manager marketing. Simak sampai habis ya! 📚 Baca juga: Efektif! 5 Cara Perkenalan Diri Saat Interview dan Contohnya Contoh Pertanyaan Interview Kerja Posisi Marketing & Jawabannya 1. Apa yang menginspirasi kamu untuk berkarir di bidang marketing? Pertanyaan
Resume & CV
May 19th 2021

Polish Your Operations Manager Resume (+ Formats, Examples, Templates)

different teams, and enhance process efficiency. Furthermore, a business operations manager may be responsible for setting goals and strategies to reduce costs and generate benefits for the company. However, if one excels in a specific area, such as IT or sales, they might become an IT operations manager or a sales operations manager, whose duties are more directly related to those specific departments. Additionally, in various industries like logistics, a logistics operations manager or a warehouse operations manager may require
Resume & CV
Feb 22nd 2022

Write an Impressive Retail Resume in 10 Steps (+ Examples)

a retail resume template. As a retail clerk, your job responsibilities include: Serving and greeting with customers Handling customer queries and complaints Operating cash registers and dealing with payments Displaying products Helping with special promotions Reporting and ordering stocks Meeting sales targets Managing stock and inventories Analyzing sales This article will cover how to write a professional retail resume to make you stand out from the crowd. Follow our retail resume writing guide step by step and feel free to
Resume & CV
Jun 7th 2021

Best Marketing Executive Resume Examples [+ Cover Letter Template]

campaign, but there is no space for errors. A market executive resume shall display how you are capable of many marketing responsibilities, such as reviewing marketing campaigns, conducting marketing research, and maintaining coordination between customers, investors, suppliers, etc. Unlike a sales executive, who has a role more centered on being responsible for the overall sales activities of the company like presenting and demonstrating the product towards customers and maintaining customer satisfaction, your role as marketing executive goes beyond the buying
Resume & CV
Mar 29th 2021

Business Owner Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

work, tenacity, passion, and that means doing the tiniest thing like picking up the trash. Nevertheless, the key responsibilities of a small business owner include: planning fiscal health, business model, and others staffing and management (hiring, training, and managing employees) sales & marketing daily operation customer service You probably wonder... if I had my own business, why would I even need a professional business owner resume? At one point you may... Need to take a loan from the bank because you
People Operations
Sep 28th 2022

A Guide to the Perfect Employee Performance Review

their needs. There are different types of performance reviews for different positions or the length of employment. Someone new to a job might have weekly employee evaluations during their probation period. Monthly performance reviews might be necessary for positions with sales quotas or commissions. Quarterly and year-end reviews are more common for workers who have been in their role for a longer period and are used for the purpose of establishing a raise. Performance reviews are an important part
Resume & CV
May 13th 2021

Business Administration Resume [+ Skills & Templates]

it stand out among several resumes. There are many duties and responsibilities that one can write on a business administration resume. They include: Research and maintain the organization's files, data, and records. Analyze organization's finances and budgets, including sales reports, financial statements, budgets, and other key performance indicators. Communicate with and offer office support to existing and potential clients using different media. Formulate and implement organizational goals, strategies, and policies. Manage general activities related to production, sales, inventory

15 Tugas Kasir: Penjelasan, Skill, Hingga Gaji!

bertanggung jawab untuk melayani pelanggan dalam proses transaksi tunai dan non-tunai (cek, debit, kredit, voucher). Untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab seorang kasir, kamu harus memiliki skill customer service yang baik, mampu menggunakan sistem POS , dan memiliki pengetahuan produk serta skill sales karena terkadang kasir juga bertugas untuk mempromosikan suatu produk kepada konsumen. Kasir termasuk pekerjaan di bidang apa, sih? Pekerjaan kasir termasuk dalam bidang keuangan yang sering kita temukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Profesi kasir bisa kita temukan di supermarket
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

8 Strategi dan Teknik Negosiasi Ampuh yang Bisa Dicoba

Dalam berbisnis maupun ketika bekerja di suatu perusahaan, terdapat kemampuan-kemampuan ( soft skills dan hard skills ) yang perlu kamu kuasai. Tidak hanya bekerja secara benar dan jujur, tetapi kemampuan penyelesaian masalah, berpikir kritis, manajemen waktu, dan memiliki strategi negosiasi yang baik juga diperhitungkan oleh perusahaan. Kali ini CakeResume akan membahas taktik dalam bernegosiasi dan contoh dari strategi negosiasi. Daftar isi: Pengertian Negosiasi Mengapa Strategi Negosiasi Penting Untuk Dipelajari? 8 Strategi Negosiasi Bisnis yang Bisa Kamu Coba Tips Negosiasi Pengertian Negosiasi
Success Stories
Feb 2nd 2023

Pengalaman Bekerja di FMCG Unilever (UFLP) Setelah Lulus dari Jurusan Teknik

FMCG atau fast-moving consumer goods adalah istilah untuk produk yang digunakan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Disebut fast-moving karena merupakan produk yang dijual cepat, diproduksi dalam jumlah banyak, dengan harga yang terjangkau. Di Indonesia, industri ini berkembang sangat pesat, karena banyaknya demand atau kebutuhan pasar akan produk ini. Fokus FMCG yang terletak pada penyediaan barang dan distribusi barang agar cepat sampai ke tangan konsumen menjadikan industri FMCG salah satu industri yang cukup stabil, meskipun dilanda pandemi. Bicara mengenai stabilitas

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