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Apr 6th 2021

Visual Merchandising Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

will help you gain more credibility and leave a better impression on the hiring manager. Examples of great quantified results for visual merchandiser resumes: Conducted a time-motion analysis for better customer experience that results in 20% increase in monthly sales. Re-arranged in-store display for more eye-catching store visuals, boosting up to 45% in annual sales. Deployed a branding strategy that results in 68% increase of branding awareness among existing customers. Tip 5: Customize your creative resume
Resume & CV
Aug 18th 2021

【履歷範本】門市/ 專櫃店員履歷教學,掌握銷售與親和力優勢

門市店員或專櫃店員的工作適合自己嗎?如何應徵? 門市店員或專櫃店員(Store Sales)的工作都在做什麼?自己適合成為門市 / 專櫃店員嗎? 我們整理出門市店員的工作內容、必備技能與特質和職涯發展方
Industry & Job Overview
Jan 30th 2023

Kenali Karier Account Manager: Tugas, Skill, Gaji, dan caranya! [+CV]

Daftar Isi: Pengertian Account Manager Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Account Manager Keterampilan yang Harus Dimiliki Account Manager Jenjang Karier Account Manager Cara dan Syarat untuk Menjadi Account Manager Perbedaan account manager dan account management Setiap perusahaan pasti memiliki tim sales untuk menggapai klien baru, dan customer service sebagai wadah untuk menerima kritik, saran, dan tanggapan dari klien. Nah, tapi ternyata ada juga posisi lain yang tugas dan tanggung jawabnya mencakup keduanya. Posisi pekerjaan ini dinamakan sebagai Account Manager . Singkatnya, Account
Resume & CV
Mar 8th 2021

Account Executive Resume Examples (Templates, Skills & Tips)

Created by CakeResume You'll learn about: How to write an account executive resume? What to put on an account executive resume? Tips for writing the best resume for account executives How to write a great account executive cover letter? Account Executive Resume Sample (Text Format) In the pursuit of new sales and gaining more clients, a company relies on an account executive to engage with prospective clients. Account executives work with clients to break down what their goals are
Mar 6th 2024

Southeast Asia Meets Taiwan: A Recap of CakeResume’s Event for Career Advancement

TLDR;; CakeResume hosted the Global Talent Connect event, a resounding success tailored to students from Southeast Asia seeking promising career opportunities in Taiwan. The event featured prominent experts, including Satria Perkasa — Digital Technology Consultant at Deloitte Taiwan ; Daniel Ha — Project Manager at Taiwan Employment Gold Card Office ; and Anna Tran — Sales Country Manager at VIVOTEK Taiwan . These accomplished professionals graciously shared their valuable insights and seasoned expertise. The event is a milestone, marking CakeResume's unwavering commitment to bridging the

Mengenal Profesi Account Executive: Tugas, Skill, dll.

yang berbeda. Sebenarnya apa itu account executive? Account executive atau biasa disingkat AE, bertugas untuk mencari klien dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan klien untuk menghasilkan kerjasama jangka panjang antara klien dan perusahaan. Namun pekerjaan account executive tidak sepenuhnya sama dengan sales penjualan. Biasanya sales hanya fokus pada penjualan jangka pendek. Tugas account executive juga memelihara hubungan baik dan menjadi jembatan antara kebutuhan klien kepada perusahaan. Sebagai seorang staff account executive, tanggung jawab Anda biasa dimulai dengan mengelola klien lama, lalu
Career Development
Sep 29th 2022

Apa Itu Content Marketing? Kenali Pengertian, Jenis, Skill, dan Prospeknya!

Daftar Isi : Apa Itu Content Marketing? Pentingnya Content Marketing untuk Bisnis Jenis-jenis Content Marketing Skill untuk Content Marketing Cara Mendapatkan Kerja Content Marketing Baru-baru ini content marketing jadi pembicaraan hangat di dunia marketing . Content marketing kini menjadi strategi yang kuat bagi setiap perusahaan ataupun brand untuk meningkatkan awareness, brand recognition, consideration,engagement hingga sales lead . Terlebih lagi di era digital saat ini, sebagian besar orang di dunia mengonsumsi media sosial, sehingga paparan terhadap media sosial jauh lebih besar
Resume & CV
Feb 10th 2022

Merchandiser Resume | Examples, Templates, Writing Tips

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a merchandising resume? What to put on a merchandiser resume? Tips for writing the best merchandiser resume How to write a successful merchandising cover letter? Merchandising Resume Example A merchandiser is responsible for adjusting the amount, price, and appearance of different products, in offline and online stores, for maximizing sales performance. With that responsibility, a merchandiser has to monitor each product’s performance to decide seasonal stock level, work closely with
Cover Letter
Oct 25th 2022

Writing a Business Development Cover Letter (with Samples)

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: Business Development Cover Letter Samples How to Write a Business Development Cover Letter Business Development Cover Letter Template Business development concerns handling the growth of organizations in a wide range of aspects. When writing a cover letter for a business development role, you might consider different jobs and their main duties: Business Development Executive Business Development Associate Business Sales Development Representative Business Development Officer Business Development Manager A resume may list
Resume & CV
Feb 23rd 2021

Account Manager Resume Examples [+ Skills & Resume Summary]

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write an account manager resume? How to tailor a resume for an account manager? Tips for writing the best account manager resume How to write an account manager cover letter? Professional key account manager resume sample An account manager is the client's go-to person in doing business and builds one-on-one interaction with clients. Aside from generating sales, their success can be seen from how well-connected they are

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