求職信(Cover Letter)

Computer Science Cover Letter: Cracking the Code for Your Path to Success

SQL. I’m excited to submit this letter for the summer internship at LLC Tech, and believe that my education and freelancing experience would allow me to excel in this intern position. During the past two years as a freelance UX designer, my major duties and responsibilities include: Conducting user research and testing to evaluate the UX effectiveness Defining interaction models, user task flows, and UI specifications Developing and maintaining design wireframes based on user needs Collaborating with visual designers
Career Development

Apa itu Digital Talent? Pahami Skill dan Contohnya

saat ini Indonesia masih menduduki daya saing rendah untuk digital talent (Kompas.com) . Variasi industri yang beragam, menyebabkan perusahaan juga membutuhkan digital talent yang berbeda-beda, seperti digital marketing , data science , data engineer , data mining , copywriting , social media marketing , UI/UX designer , dan kemampuan digital talent lainnya. Berikut akan dibahas lebih lanjut mengenai apa yang dimaksud digital talent . Daftar isi: Apa yang Dimaksud Digital Talent? Pentingnya Talenta Digital untuk Perusahaan Skill Digital Talent Contoh Pekerjaan Digital Talent Apa Saja yang
作品集 & 個人品牌

The Ultimate Guide to A Great UI Designer Portfolio

will be in charge of designing all the interfaces through which a user will move on a website, app, or in a video game, and creating visual elements that facilitate this movement. UI designers will have to work closely with UX (User Experience) designers and other design specialists. That’s why you may see many professionals work as UX/UI designers at the same time. If you’re new to this field or have completed plenty of projects, it’s

Web Designer Resume Examples [What to Include & Writing Tips]

layout of a website from scratch. Most often, web designers’ responsibilities involve writing a website according to their clients’ needs, hence collaboration is a key task. A web designer should not be confused with a web developer or a UI/UX designer. A web developer is responsible for testing, maintaining, and monitoring a website’s function with the help of programming languages such as Java and PHP. A UI/UX developer, however, is in charge of acquiring and assessing the

從前端到後端,工程師找工作 16 大社群不藏私整理給你!

好工作,都藏在工程師社群裡! 以臉書來說,就有討論社群經營案例的社團、品牌行銷交流的社團、UI/UX 設計的社團,以及前端、後端語言的社團等等,相對應的工作及徵才訊息也出現在其中。 跟求職網

UI Designer Resume (+ Examples)

role in cementing a good reputation. A UI designer is a type of visual designer that is responsible for creating the look of a website (the user interface) from the user’s point of view. Contrary to popular belief, a UX (user experience) designer differs from a UI designer. A UX designer focuses more on the users’ overall experience with the website and, therefore, is less concerned with the visuals than a UI designer. Instead, UI designers need to understand


薪資結構,搭建不同職能工作者彼此對話互動空間,當天吸引超過50位軟體工程師、產品負責人及 UX 設計師等人才參與,現場熱絡,討論聲、提問聲此起彼落。 軟體科技公司眾多,鈦坦科技有何不同之

Front End Developer Resume [Examples, Sample & Template]

software user experiences, front-end development concerns more about the technical application & feasibility (hence the constructor) of software interfaces. Front End Developer Job Description: Has the master hand that integrates the art of design with programming; translates & develops the UI/UX wireframes to actual reusable code and libraries. Optimize application speed & scalability. Collaborate with back-end developers & other stakeholders in the team. For one to become a front-end developer, a strong front end developer resume is a must. The

3 Contoh CV Product Manager, Siap Diterima Perusahaan!

product manager namun tidak memiliki latar belakang IT sama sekali. Beberapa dari mereka memiliki latar belakang teknik atau engineering , analisis data ( data analysis ) maupun manajemen. Jika dijelaskan dengan gambar, product manager berada di tengah 3 bidang yang berbeda 一 bisnis, UX, dan teknologi. Seorang product manager tidak diwajibkan untuk ahli dalam pengkodean ( coding ) atau harus lulusan computer science . Namun, seorang product manager harus bisa menjadi “lem” untuk ketiga bidang yang berbeda, untuk menyelesaikan masalah pengguna, menilai apakah solusi ini dapat

Designer Resume Writing Guide with Examples and Tips

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: Which format is the best for a designer resume? What to include in a designer resume: 8 key sections 5 tips for a good designer resume and portfolio What designer resume template is the most creative one? Designer resume sample A designer’s job duties not only include making things beautiful, pleasing, or eye-catching. It’s also about making connections to people and how people act, interact, and understand


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