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Interview Skills
Jan 16th 2023

7 Cara Negosiasi Gaji Ampuh [+Contoh Email]

Daftar isi: Tips dan Cara Nego Gaji yang Sopan Nego Via Email/Tatap Muka? Cara Negosiasi Gaji Lewat Email Negosiasi gaji adalah salah satu hal yang penting untuk dilakukan sebelum kamu aktif bekerja pada sebuah perusahaan. Mengapa demikian? Karena gaji yang dihasilkan dari bekerja merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat berpengaruh dalam kehidupanmu. Oleh karena itu, saat hendak menjalankan interview, ada baiknya kamu melakukan negosiasi gaji. Terutama jika kamu memiliki kualifikasi dan pengalaman kerja yang lama tapi tidak melihat gaji
Job Search Tips
Apr 8th 2019

8 Ways to Get a Better Job Fast

are 8 ways to get a better job fast: 1. Create a Compelling Resume Recruiters go through several resume every day. They’ve learned the art of scanning resumes for important keywords and know which ones are worth a job interview. If your resume does not generate interest within the first 10 seconds, yours could be headed into the filing section. Given the short window of opportunity your resume has for being noticed, you have to put in more time
Recruitment & HR
Mar 8th 2024

人資與主管不可錯過的行為面試技巧!5 種行為面試問題一次告訴你

技巧! 四、五種行為面試問題類別一次告訴你! 一、行為面試是什麼?為什麼要用行為面試? 行為面試(Behavioral Interview)是一種詢問求職者過往事蹟、經驗與個人特質的提問方式,以其回應預測求職者未來的工作和
Interview Skills
Jan 25th 2022

Ditanya HRD Alasan Melamar Pekerjaan? Ini Contoh Jawabannya!

Alasan Melamar Pekerjaan Daftar isi: Contoh Jawaban Alasan Apply Pekerjaan Fresh Graduate Contoh Jawaban Alasan Melamar Pekerjaan Saat Masih Bekerja Tips Menjawab Alasan Melamar Pekerjaan Jika kamu sedang melamar pekerjaan, pastinya tidak akan luput dari pertanyaan: “Apa yang mendorong Anda untuk bekerja di perusahaan kami?” atau “Mengapa Anda ingin melamar di posisi ini?” Pertanyaan ini memiliki bobot yang sama penting dengan pertanyaan interview lainnya. Oleh karena itu, pelamar kerja harus mempersiapkan jawaban dengan baik. 📚 Baca juga: 20+ Pertanyaan Interview
Job Search Tips
Apr 8th 2019

Applying for Internships and Jobs at Startups

Why People Apply to Brand-Name Companies Big players in the tech space lure the best talent by offering everything you can possibly think of as work-related perks. The likes of Facebook, Google and Apple offer not just six figure salaries (plus stock options!), gourmet meals on campus, sleeping pods, flextime, and even dry cleaning and car maintenance services free of cost to all employees, but some of these companies even go so far as committing to taking care
Career Planning
May 27th 2022

The Best Elevator Pitch: Samples and Template

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: What is an Elevator Pitch How to Write an Elevator Pitch Tips for Delivering an Elevator Pitch Elevator Pitch Examples Elevator Pitch Template There are a number of situations in which you can use an elevator pitch. It’s a great way to network, and it functions as a self-introduction when you meet someone. You might also use an elevator pitch for an interview, when you’re asked the question
Recruitment & HR
Apr 17th 2023

Cultural Fit: What You Need to Know and Its Importance in the Hiring Process

How to Hire for Cultural Fit In this article, you'll read about: What Is Cultural Fit? Benefits of Hiring for Cultural Fit How to Hire for Cultural Fit Cultural Fit Interview Questions Cultural Fit vs Cultural Add How to Hire for Cultural Add Company culture can make or break organizational productivity. Whether it’s a quiet and professional office or a lively and interactive space, you’ve probably experienced how company culture can govern the way you present
People Operations
Jul 12th 2022

Write a Professional Candidate Rejection Email [+Samples & Template]

Created by CakeResume In this article, we’ll cover: Why Should You Send Candidate Rejection Emails How to Write a Candidate Rejection Email Job Applicant Rejection Letter Samples Candidate Rejection Email Template Hiring a new employee can involve reviewing, meeting and interviewing masses of candidates, but the job is not done once you make your decision. Rejecting job applications is common in the hiring process, and whether other candidates were not qualified, interviewed poorly or applicants outnumbered the available positions
Interview Skills
May 13th 2022

How to Ace “When Can You Start Working?” Questions - with Sample Answers

Now that you are at the end of your final round of interviews, congratulations! You might then notice that the next thing your recruiter asks is “when can you start working?” This is a common interview question that most - if not all - employers ask candidates who are being seriously considered for the job. On the surface, this might seem like a simple question to answer; in reality, getting the appropriate answer requires time, effort and practice. This question also comes
Resume & CV
May 12th 2020

Craft Your Professional Portfolio Resume Like a Pro [+ Tips]

CakeResume's Portfolio Collection Page For talents in engineering and design-related fields , " portfolios " are usually requested during job application process. There have already been plenty of relevant online resources like tutorials and templates. However, more and more companies now require job applicants to provide "portfolios" for interviewers as references, and the importance of portfolios is no longer limited to the fields mentioned earlier. Nowadays, for positions like content writing , marketing & planning, and project coordinator, “portfolio” is commonly listed in

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