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工業設計的價值如何實踐?frog design Industrial Designer 國傑的設計日常與中國市場觀察

密切相關的「工業設計」。 國傑在台科大設計系的工業設計組畢業後,先在台灣的運動穿戴品牌擔任 Product Designer & Product Manager,後來到上海加入了德國設計公司 designaffairs,目前則是服務於世界知名設計顧問公司 frog design。在本
Industri & Profesi
6 Mar 2024

想應徵電子業 PM?一文了解電子和高科技製造業 PM 薪水、必備技能與履歷面試重點

近事實的時程 成本控管: 包含分配人力成本、場地費、行銷預算、外包、開發、模擬測試等費用 產品經理(Product Manager) 產品經理(Product Manager)更關注一個新產品/服務如何「從無到有」,且能成功被市場肯定。 市場調查 :競品分
29 Des 2021

Elevate Your Resume Design to Capture Attention [15+ Inspiring Examples]

Template Design by CakeResume 3. This academic resume design template by CakeResume uses background color to highlight non-experience section accomplishments such as publications, skills, or conference experience. Academic Resume Template Design by CakeResume 4. Chung Ping Tseng is a product manager. This resume design uses CakeResume 's resume design tool with a black background and a simple timeline to keep everything organized. Unique Resume Design by Chung Ping Tseng on CakeResume 5. Fiona's resume design uses a stylish
Tips Rekrutmen
14 Apr 2023

7 Contoh Iklan Lowongan Kerja Terbaik dan Cara Membuatnya!

detail, jelas, akurat dan menarik. Biasanya, posisi pekerjaan ditulis sebagai headline dalam iklan lowongan kerja. Biasanya jabatan pekerjaan terdiri dari 2-3 kata dan mengandung tingkat senioritas posisi tersebut. Contoh Penulisan Posisi Pekerjaan: Associate Software Engineer Content Marketing Strategist Senior Product Manager People and Partnership Specialist 2. Informasi tentang Perusahaan Tuliskanlah informasi tentang perusahaan dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan secara singkat dan jelas. Hindari penulisan informasi terlalu panjang yang tidak relevan dalam iklan loker yang ada. Bagian ini merupakan bagian yang

擁有 5,000 萬使用者的 MIT 平台是什麼樣子?解密 17LIVE 工程與產品團隊!

的工程技術支援,都會是台灣團隊的舞台。在本集的《科技職涯》中,我們邀請到了 17LIVE 的 Engineering Director Sammy 以及 Senior Product Manager Ruby,請他們用技術人才的角度來跟大家分享這個產品背後的故事! Podcast 各節摘要 01:40 請 Sammy 跟 Ruby
7 Jan 2023

Data Diri dalam CV: Informasi Apa Yang Wajib Dicantumkan?

lulus atau fresh graduate tidak perlu khawatir harus menuliskan job title seperti apa. Kamu bisa saja menuliskan kalau kamu adalah seorang fresh graduate ataupun menggunakan beberapa kata untuk menggambarkan diri kamu. Contoh job title: Untuk pekerja profesional: Creative Advertising Expert Product Manager dengan 5+ tahun pengalaman Untuk fresh graduate: Fresh Graduate Universitas Indonesia Digital Marketing Enthusiast 3. Email Jika kamu mau melamar pekerjaan, memiliki email pastinya bukan hal yang asing lagi. Biasanya email adalah platform yang paling praktis bagi pelamar
15 Jul 2022

Resume Keywords Unleashed: 600+ Examples & Tips to Maximize Their Impact

product manager as an example. If you were to apply for the position of product manager, first remember to read through the job description to find some job posting keywords to put in your resume. Take a look at this product manager keywords found on a job description: Understand and execute the product creation process according to timelines Analyze the performance of new products Cooperate well and able to support other teams to maintain trustful relationships Then try and analyze
Cover Letter
24 Agt 2022

The Full Guide for a Perfect Personal Assistant Cover Letter

look at this example to get inspired to write a perfect cover letter for your first personal assistant job. Anne Smith 1130 11th St Miami Beach, FL, 33139 305 - 201 - 1888  [email protected] July 20th, 2022 Mr. Manuel Espinoza Production Manager | Espinoza & Associates 725 NE 166th St Miami, FL, 33162 305 - 213 - 0626  [email protected] Dear Mr. Espinoza, I would like to apply as a candidate for the Personal Assistant position at your company. Although I am a
11 Okt 2022

How to Include Projects in Resumes (Samples, Tips, Templates)

proves your passion for the work in the resume. In addition, personal projects in a resume present your growing ability and skills. The topic you choose to work on also shows your traits that could be wanting in the hiring manager’s organization. 3. Academic Projects Academic projects accomplished at school in a resume show your competency. Technical skills or soft skills such as teamwork and leadership are valuable talents to gain with each experience. Including academic coursework projects in

全球每年只錄取 40 位!Google APM Charlene 下班也精彩的 side projects 是什麼?

你想過 work-life balance 嗎?你想像中的 work-life balance 是什麼樣子?是可以勇敢地比老闆早下班、能夠想請假就請假、還是公司對於你的工作和生活一樣重視與支持? 有個說法是 work-life balance 其實是個假議題,尤其是在疫

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