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Apr 11th 2023

Graphic Design là gì? Công việc của nghề thiết kế đồ hoạ

Graphic Design là làm gì? Hãy cùng tìm hiểu: Graphic Design là gì? Thiết kế đồ hoạ là làm nghề gì? Câu hỏi thường gặp về ngành thiết kế đồ hoạ Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Graphic Designer Khi thế giới đang ở trong kỷ nguyên của thương mại điện tử và truyền thông đa phương tiện, thì nghề thiết kế đồ hoạ (Graphic Design) được ví như làn gió mới thu hút đông đảo sự quan tâm của mọi người
Resume & CV
Jun 8th 2022

Front End Developer Resume [Examples, Sample & Template]

Different from UIUX design that focuses on software user experiences, front-end development concerns more about the technical application & feasibility (hence the constructor) of software interfaces. Front End Developer Job Description: Has the master hand that integrates the art of design with programming; translates & develops the UI/UX wireframes to actual reusable code and libraries. Optimize application speed & scalability. Collaborate with back-end developers & other stakeholders in the team. For one to become a front-end developer, a strong front
Success Stories
Nov 13th 2020

UI/UX 人才重要的特質——PicCollage拼貼趣 Product Designer 分享

刺激創意、分享、合作及學習成長的工作環境並提供團隊成員們更有品質的生活。 我們正在尋找 Product Designer 產品設計師,如果你/妳喜歡開發好玩又有創意的產品,擅長 UI / UX,目標是用設計改變世界的話,歡
Industry & Job Overview
Aug 12th 2020


於越南、日本等地協助品牌規劃、負責上海創客大賽的台灣區運作。近來專注於台灣新創產品的UX規劃與UI設計,並與一群強大的開發者在台中建立起 Monospace 社群空間,發起多項計畫推廣 UI Design 與 Lean UX。
Industry & Job Overview
Jan 19th 2023

設計業新星「UI設計師」,如何煉成?— UI設計自學資源與求職管道整理

課程他則推薦 Hahow 的 iOS 入門--從介面設計到開發 。 JiaJhen 也表示 Medium 是她常常學習新知的管道之一, Intercom 和 UX Design Collective 是她常關注的帳號。此外,Twitter 的 Chris Messina 、 Julie Zhuo ,臉書社團 Taiwan UI/UX Designers 、 UI club 、 UI 設計師精進會 也會有許多
Sep 29th 2021

How to Make a Graphic Design Portfolio [What to Include & Examples]

Leovy 20. Pilgrim Creative How to Make a Graphic Design Portfolio Starting your graphic design portfolio website is going to be a challenge. Here are some steps that might help you to settle in on creating your very own graphic design portfolio: Gather ideas and inspiration. Decide the theme / style / design. Choose the right platform for your online graphic design portfolio. Select your best work to showcase. Add necessary information. Improve the UI and UX. Ensure its responsive on a
Industry & Job Overview
Sep 16th 2022

如何自學成為 UI/UX 設計師?UI/UX 設計書單│自學課程│網站資源│求職管道

中會蒐集不同類型的設計視覺,找不到靈感的時候,看這個絕對會有幫助。 像是 Design Inspiration Resources 2019 和 63 Beautiful Dark UI Examples & Design Inspiration 都是這個系列下值得參考的設計資源,有興趣的人可以再到這個帳號中挖寶。 6. AAPD UI/UX
Industry & Job Overview
Jun 20th 2022

什麼是產品設計師?跟 UI/UX 設計師有何不同?

網站的使用者體驗,相信你也常常聽到或看到 UI、UX 設計的課程及職缺,但你有聽過「 產品設計師 (Product Designer) 」這個職位嗎?產品設計師跟 UI/UX 設計有什麼不同呢? 產品設計師就像 UI/UX 一樣,是打造品牌企業
Success Stories
Jul 17th 2019

職涯專訪》如何發展自己的海外職涯—— 西雅圖 Pilot Lab 使用者體驗設計師 Jasmine 專訪

UX 設計師負責照顧使用者體驗,實務上則是將使用者研究的成果應用於產品使用流程圖、線框圖。UI 設計師注重界面體驗與美感,維護設計元件系統。互動設計師類似 UX 設計師,但在微互動、動態時
Success Stories
Jan 14th 2021

在 Sketch 工作是什麼樣子?唯一亞洲區夥伴揭秘:UX 設計師在 Sketch 的全遠端協作!

Sketch 是一套支援 MAC 系統的 UI 設計工具,簡易好上手、又有許多實用插件,擄獲許多設計師的心。但你知道,支撐起 Sketch 的團隊竟然全靠遠端工作嗎?在 Sketch 團隊工作又會是什麼樣子呢? 這次的 CakeResume 科技職涯就

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