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Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Work-Life Balance: Tips for Achieving Balance and Well-Being

If you’re not sure how to balance work and life, you’re not alone. Maintaining good work-life balance is a difficult task that many people struggle with. If that sounds like you, read on to discover some useful work-life balance tips. Table of Contents What Is Work-Life Balance? The Importance of Work-Life Balance How to Balance Work and Life Tips for Employers and Managers Conclusion What Is Work-Life Balance? Work-life balance is the
Recruitment & HR
Apr 25th 2023

12 Tips to Motivate Your Employees and Be the Best Manager

Your Employees Give Positive and Constructive Feedback Offer Accommodations Provide Snack Catering Respect Your Employees Be Transparent about the Business Plan Set Small, Weekly Goals Make Employees Feel Safe and Comfortable to Talk with You Motivate Individual Employees Differently Prioritize Work-Life Balance Tips on How to Motivate Employees 1. Create a Pleasant Environment Think about it. No one feels pleased staying in a dull workspace for too long. Decorate your office to be aesthetic appealing, functional, and pleasant will
Career Development
Oct 17th 2022

Apa itu Work Life Balance dan Pentingnya di Era Digital!

dengan uang. Oleh karena itu penting untuk memanfaatkan waktu menjalin relasi dengan orang yang kamu sayangi. Secara garis besar, dengan adanya work life balance bisa membuat karyawan merasa lebih bahagia. Oleh kaena itu, sudah sepatutnya semakin banyak perusahaan yang menerapkan work life balance mengingat pentingnya work life balance tersebut. 📚 Baca juga: Pengembangan Diri untuk Mencari Potensi Diri: Pengertian, Manfaat, Tips, Dll. Bagaimana Cara Mencapai Work Life Balance ? Setelah mengetahui apa saja manfaat dari work life balance , CakeResume akan membahas
Career Planning
Apr 6th 2022

Work Efficiently Under Pressure: How-to & Tips

be more productive, make better decisions, and avoid burnout. By working well under pressure, you take control over your stress instead of letting it control you. This leads to career opportunities, healthier relationships with your co-workers, and a better work-life balance. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to handle high-pressure situations and work more efficiently under pressure. What Does Working Under Pressure Mean? Work is stressful, but where do we draw the line between a
Interview Skills
Mar 22nd 2022

How to Decline a Job Offer: Tips, Email Samples & Phone Scripts

insurance? It is important to look at more than just the salary when considering turning down a job offer. ✅ Work schedule The working schedule is also important to take into consideration because it has a huge impact on your work-life balance and, possibly, physical and mental health. Will you be working long hours? Do you have to work weekends? How often will you be traveling? Are there flexibility options? ✅ Starting date Make sure you have enough time
Resume & CV
Jun 8th 2022

Pengembangan Diri untuk Mencari Potensi Diri: Pengertian, Manfaat, Tips, Dll.

memang penting, tapi hidup tidak hanya sebatas karier, ada banyak aspek lain yang bisa kamu gali untuk meningkatkan kualitas dirimu. Proses menegmbangkan kemampuan diri sendiri tidak hanya meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan nilai diri, tapi juga bisa memberimu kesempatan untuk meningkatkan work-life balance . Selain itu, skill pengembangan diri juga bisa membantumu untuk bekerja secara lebih efektif dan efisien sebagai seorang karyawan atau pekerja. 10 Kegiatan Self Development Inilah 10 cara yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk mengembangkan diri sendiri! 1. Ambil
Interview Skills
Apr 8th 2022

How to Successfully Negotiate Your Salary for a Job?

wage negotiation is the opportunity to receive a more complete benefit package. Other than some extra cash that you would like to get out of a wage negotiation, your company can also show support by providing better career development opportunities, work-life balance, and health-related perks and allowing you more work flexibility. Some of these can include training and development opportunities and qualifications, healthcare coverage and fitness stipends, and flexibility to work remotely. While the tangible perk of money
Recruitment & HR
Nov 18th 2022

How to Manage a Remote Team - A Guide

when businesses shuttered, and many workplaces moved their employees online. Since the pandemic, life has slowly returned to normal, but many people and companies chose to continue working remotely due to its overwhelming benefits: no commute, more savings, and better work-life balance. Like any workplace, a remote team that’s poorly managed will underperform and cause conflict. Ineffective remote managing can cause problems like confusion, burnout, and resentment. Leading a remote team is clearly challenging, but a few changes
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Work From Home Resume Guide & Ready-To-Use Examples 2024

Work From Home Resume Guide & Ready-To-Use Examples 2024 You may notice the trend of working from home started in 2020 right after the first wave of the pandemic. As a result, the demand for tips and examples of work from home resumes also increased. In the beginning, working remotely was a necessity. Workers had no choice but to stay at home because their office was closed due to Covid-19. And here comes the turning point. The Pew
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

8 Rekomendasi Kerja Part Time untuk Menambah Penghasilan

Kerja paruh waktu biasanya menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk mendapatkan tambahan penghasilan. Terlebih bagi yang memiliki waktu luang, seperti mahasiswa hingga ibu rumah tangga. Selain untuk tujuan finansial, kerja part time juga bisa membantu mengasah kemampuan manajemen uang dan waktu kamu. Tahukah kamu? 17-20% pekerja di Amerika, Inggris, dan Jepang merupakan pekerja part time. Menariknya, di Belanda pekerjaan part time mencapai 51% , dimana jumlah ini adalah presentasi terbesar di dunia. Di Indonesia sendiri, kerja sambilan juga semakin populer, hal ini

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