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Career Planning
mars 6ème 2024

Work-Life Balance: Tips for Achieving Balance and Well-Being

If you’re not sure how to balance work and life, you’re not alone. Maintaining good work-life balance is a difficult task that many people struggle with. If that sounds like you, read on to discover some useful work-life balance tips. Table of Contents What Is Work-Life Balance? The Importance of Work-Life Balance How to Balance Work and Life Tips for Employers and Managers Conclusion What Is Work-Life Balance? Work-life balance is the
mai 2ème 2023

Work-life balance là gì? Cách duy trì sức khỏe tinh thần nơi công sở

Cách cân bằng công việc và cuộc sống Hãy cùng tìm hiểu: Work-life balance là gì? Vì sao work-life balance lại quan trọng? 5 cách cân bằng công việc và cuộc sống Work-life balance được cho là “mục tiêu” của dân văn phòng và là một trong những tiêu chí chọn lựa công việc hàng đầu của giới trẻ hiện nay. Sở dĩ work-life balance ngày càng được xã hội chú trọng vì chính áp lực
Career Development
oct. 17ème 2022

Apa itu Work Life Balance dan Pentingnya di Era Digital!

work life balance . Sebagian orang mungkin sulit untuk menerapkan keseimbangan itu. Artikel CakeResume kali ini akan mengulas secara lengkap mulai dari apa itu work life balance , apa yang mempengaruhinya, manfaatnya, hingga cara mencapai keseimbangan kehidupan kerja tersebut. Daftar Isi: Pengertian Work Life Balance Manfaat Work Life Balance Cara Mencapai Work Life Balance Indikator Pencapaian Work Life Balance Cara Mencapai Keseimbangan Kehidupan Kerja saat Bekerja Jarak Jauh Apa itu Work Life Balance ? Sesuai judul di atas, “ apa sih, work life balance
People Operations
avr. 15ème 2024

Daftar Perusahaan Startup Indonesia dengan Work-Life Balance Terbaik Maret 2024

pentingnya work-life balance bagi karyawan dan perusahaan, CakeResume menyusun daftar 15 startup Indonesia dengan rating work-life balance terbaik berdasarkan ulasan dari para karyawannya. Daftar isi: Pentingnya Work-Life Balance di Tempat Kerja 15 Perusahaan Indonesia dengan Work-Life Balance Terbaik Metodologi Penilaian Work-Life Balance di Perusahaan Cara Perusahaan Mewujudkan Work-Life Balance Karyawan Pentingnya Work-Life Balance di Tempat Kerja Work-life balance adalah konsep yang menegaskan pentingnya keseimbangan antara kehidupan kerja dan kehidupan pribadi. Dengan work
People Operations
mars 8ème 2024

工作生活平衡怎麼做?雇主怎麼落實 Work-life balance?

找到滿足感、實現個人成長並渴望更靈活的工作模式。人們對一份「好工作」的理解正在逐漸改變。 二、Work-life balance 國外企業怎麼做? Work-life balance 已成為趨勢,國外不論大小企業紛紛推出不同政策,期望能帶給員
Success Stories
janv. 10ème 2022

全球每年只錄取 40 位!Google APM Charlene 下班也精彩的 side projects 是什麼?

你想過 work-life balance 嗎?你想像中的 work-life balance 是什麼樣子?是可以勇敢地比老闆早下班、能夠想請假就請假、還是公司對於你的工作和生活一樣重視與支持? 有個說法是 work-life balance 其實是個假議題,尤其是在疫
Recruitment & HR
nov. 18ème 2022

How to Manage a Remote Team - A Guide

when businesses shuttered, and many workplaces moved their employees online. Since the pandemic, life has slowly returned to normal, but many people and companies chose to continue working remotely due to its overwhelming benefits: no commute, more savings, and better work-life balance. Like any workplace, a remote team that’s poorly managed will underperform and cause conflict. Ineffective remote managing can cause problems like confusion, burnout, and resentment. Leading a remote team is clearly challenging, but a few changes
Resume & CV
mars 6ème 2024

Work From Home Resume Guide & Ready-To-Use Examples 2024

due to Covid-19. And here comes the turning point. The Pew Research Center found in its February 2022 survey, that 61% of the employees chose to work from home because they wanted to, citing a desire for a better work-life balance as a primary motivator. This shift in the work landscape is not only a trend but a lifestyle choice. You can also join this new way of working. Don't worry if you know nothing about making
mars 6ème 2024

7 cách làm việc hiệu quả bạn không nên bỏ qua

Trong bài viết này, hãy cùng Cake Resume áp dụng ngay 7 cách tăng năng suất làm việc, học hỏi các phương pháp làm việc hiệu quả, đồng thời đảm bảo sức khỏe thể chất, tinh thần và duy trì work-life balance mỗi ngày nhé! 7 cách làm việc hiệu quả bạn nên áp dụng 1. Sắp xếp công việc và thời gian hợp lý Kỹ năng quản lý thời gian đóng vai trò vô cùng quan trọng với
Career Planning
avr. 6ème 2022

Work Efficiently Under Pressure: How-to & Tips

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn: What Does Working Under Pressure Mean? Why You Should Build the Ability to Work Under Pressure How to Work Under Pressure: Our Tips Do you feel like you're constantly under pressure to perform at your best? You're not alone. In 2019, 94% of American workers report experiencing stress at their workplace, according to Wrike’s United States stress statistics , with 23% of them describing their workplace stress level as

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