Talent Acquisition Business Partner

Updated 3 meses agoHR » Recruiter

Descripción del trabajo

SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,是提供品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智慧開店服務。

以品牌電商架站平台為核心,整合網站設計、商品管理、金物流服務以及行銷導流工具,為賣家提供簡單、好上手的架站服務,是亞洲最大的網路開店平台,此外,SHOPLINE 也提供跨境、O2O 虛實整合、POS 系統等全通路解決方案。自 2013 年創辦以來,全球已經有超過 500,000 個品牌使用 SHOPLINE 的服務成功開店,讓 SHOPLINE 成為在亞洲市場的行業領軍者。

歡迎對 startup 有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊!

This role is an integral partner in managing full-cycle recruiting and building candidate relationships, often providing candidates with their first impression of SHOPLINE.

This candidate will be an organizational guru, work effectively with internal and external partners and candidates, possess great communication skills, have the ability to shift gears at a moment’s notice, and enjoy the challenges of helping to build a great organization of talented individuals.

【What you will be doing】
- Owning and driving full-cycle recruiting for multiple, complex searches, creating sourcing plans and engagement to bring the best talent to each role, while focusing on a diverse set of candidates.
- Partnering with internal HRBP, Engineering Managers, and Leaders to understand their teams’ hiring needs and team dynamics.
- Developing sourcing strategies for identifying passive and active candidates that strive for excellence and innovation within their respective fields.
- Discussing potential offers, planning, and successfully closing candidates.
- Effectively partnering with cross-functional teams, hiring managers, and Finance and operations teams as needed through the recruiting process.
- Providing excellent, timely customer service to our hiring teams and ensuring a positive candidate experience for all potential candidates.


【Who we are looking for】
- 3+ years of recent full-cycle recruiting experience in a software company.
- Ability to take on technical requisitions immediately and independently.
- Strong influencing skills, and ability to establish and build trust and partnerships with all stakeholders.
- Attention to detail.
- Knowledge of recruiting tools, applicant tracking systems, and data management/reporting techniques.

50K ~ 80K TWD/mes
Trabajo a Distancia Parcial
Ver todos los empleos


台北市松山區敦化北路 168 號 9 樓

Sobre nosotros

SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台成立於 2013 年,是亞洲最大及成長最快的SaaS (Software-as-a-service ) 商務平台以及解決方案服務商之一。SHOPLINE 豐富的生態圈服務提供最新的技術、資源及合作夥伴,全方位賦能店家成功;店家可透過 SHOPLINE 全通路解決方案包含電子商務、社群商務以及 POS 系統,成功將產品及服務銷售至全世界。

SHOPLINE 總部設立於新加坡,目前全球有約 2,000 名員工,並已協助全球超過 60 萬商家開店,包含 DR.WU、茶籽堂、綠藤生機、vacanza、美珍香、乾杯超市、Lady M、起士公爵、海邊走走、京盛宇等知名品牌都是 SHOPLINE 客戶。
發展至今,SHOPLINE 已是橫跨香港、台北、吉隆坡、新加坡、雅加達等 14 大城市的國際化團隊,去年更進軍歐美市場,開設英國、澳洲、美國、日本辦公室據點,透過 SHOPLINE 創新的服務與頂尖的團隊,專注為品牌打造最好的產品。

SHOPLINE 保有外商的制度福利與新創公司的發展彈性,你還等什麼!歡迎對 Startup、對電商產業有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊!



2014|入選美國矽谷 500 Startups 第十屆新創團隊

2015|榮獲香港資訊及通訊科技獎 - 最佳資訊科技初創企業


2016|全球商家數累計突破 8 萬

2017|成為 Google 大中華區第一個電商平台合作夥伴

2018|全球商家數累計突破 10 萬

2019|榮獲 《數位時代》 FCA 創新商務獎「 最佳產品創新獎」與「 最佳商業模式創新獎」

2019|成為 Facebook 行銷夥伴

2020|成為 LINE 官方行銷夥伴

2020|榮獲《倫敦金融時報》亞太區快速成長企業 500 強


2022|榮獲 APEC 亞太傑出企業獎「優異勵志品牌獎」與「卓越企業管理獎」


2023|全球員工數突破 2,000 人


2023|全球商家數累計突破 60 萬


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【CMS0401】MS 客戶成功顧問 - 客戶體驗 (O2O/POS)

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【CBD0101】商務拓展顧問 Business Development Consultant

A tiempo completoNivel de entrada30K ~ 100K TWD/mesActualizado hace 19 días

【CMKT1001】資深數位廣告業務 (新客開發) Senior Digital Marketing Consultant

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【TENG1901】Systems Architect

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【TENG1402】Senior Data Engineer (Mid-Senior Level)

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【CBD0201】業務助理 Business Development Assistant

A tiempo completoAsociado35K ~ 42K TWD/mesActualizado hace 19 días

【TPD1301】Product Director

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【TENG2101】Cloud Engineer - DBA

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【CMKT1902】數位廣告助理 Digital Marketing Assistant

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【TPD0402】Product Manager - Ads & 3rd Party

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