CakeResume Job Search

Logo of TonFura.
Apps, providing users with a more secure, transparent, and efficient user experience. 👉 Join Beta Program: 👉 Join our channel: Core features of the TonFura platform include: Seamless user experience: TonFura's API allows Mini Apps to seamlessly interact with the TON blockchain, providing users a smooth user experience. Strong security: TonFura leverages blockchain technology to provide Mini Apps with strong security, protecting users' data and asset security. TonFura team comprises experienced
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 8 jam yang lalu
Logo of OSPWAT.
OPSWAT 為一間全球化的資安防護公司,針對不同企業的需求及特性,致力於研發及提供不同的資安解決方案,以保護企業的資料安全、減少資料被竊取的風險和來自惡意軟件的攻擊威脅。 - OPSWAT 總部位於
Perusahaan aktif hampir 2 tahun yang lalu
No. 460, Section 4, Xinyi Road, Xinyi District
Logo of Oursky Limited, Taipei.
來自行訓練新模型;另外我們針對收據、發票、身份證 / 護照等文件提供預訓練的模型,使用我們的 FormX API 更為便捷。 Authgear 是一項隨插即用的 開源 身份驗證,其對開發者友善、預設多種功能的特性,有助消費
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 14 jam yang lalu
7F, No. 277, Section 4, Bade Road, Songshan District, Taipei City
Logo of Mlytics 摩速科技有限公司.
Founded in 2017, mlytics is a startup aiming to build a more reliable, faster, and safer internet world with options and transparency. With our rapid growth speed we now reached an employee number of more than 60 and we are still expanding ! mlytics is a diverse team of experts with a broad range of backgrounds and experiences who are not afraid to ask tough questions. You could help build our platform with the brightest people, discuss the design with the
Perusahaan aktif 8 hari yang lalu
Logo of Mlytics.
Founded in 2017, mlytics is a startup aiming to build a more reliable, faster, and safer internet world with options and transparency. With our rapid growth speed we now reached an employee number of more than 60 and we are still expanding ! mlytics is a diverse team of experts with a broad range of backgrounds and experiences who are not afraid to ask tough questions. You could help build our platform with the brightest people, discuss the design with the
Perusahaan aktif 8 hari yang lalu
Logo of TomTom.
TomTom is the leading independent location technology specialist, shaping mobility with highly accurate maps, navigation software, real-time traffic information and services. To achieve our vision of a safer world, free of congestion and emissions, we create innovative technologies that keep the world moving. By combining our extensive experience with leading business and technology partners, we power connected vehicles, smart mobility and, ultimately, autonomous driving.Headquartered in Amsterdam with offices in 37 countries, TomTom’s technologies are trusted by hundreds
Perusahaan aktif hampir 5 tahun yang lalu
32F, No. 66, Sec. 1 Zhongxiao W. Road
Logo of 邯武科技有限公司.
公司主要發展三大類,數據分析、資訊安全、數位載體 1. 透過企業合作建立數位載體、服務流程。 2. 針對業務需求持續蒐集資料。 3. 分析及預測資料結果轉換成公司營運動力 4. 包含資訊安全與伺服
Perusahaan aktif 28 hari yang lalu
Logo of Trunk Studio 創科資訊.
Intelligent Things Connected. 數位科技與網路,正在改變你我未來生活的樣貌,我們自詡成為探索新時代的領航員。 我們是誰? 創科資訊的團隊是由一群認真工作、享樂生活的資深專家組成,各為來自不同領域背景的專
Perusahaan aktif 3 bulan yang lalu
Logo of 耀點國際有限公司.
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 5 tahun yang lalu
Logo of IdeasLab Formosa (智之視創新有限公司).
Ideas Lab is delivering the best of data analytics and AI capabilities into the hands of anyone seeking intelligence in motion technologies. The technology we are developing can measure both instrument (baseball bat, golf club, tennis rackets, among others) and human limb tracking without the use of sensors. Recent advances in AI and deep learning now enable us to perform motion analysis recognizing both Body + Instrument key points using machine vision only. Technology is changing the game; it is easier
Perusahaan aktif 1 hari yang lalu
100 Songjen Rd, Hsinyi Dist, Taipei City

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