15 posts
Avatar of 吳宛倫.
Karma Ksana HR Manager @ 普洛克拉斯提有限公司
over 1 year

The top-up system is hurting the game industry !

The top-up system is a well-designed humanity trap. Few people can maintain their sanity in such a system, and it is hard to imagine how high the cost of addiction is. Although many game companies have made money with this system in recent years, it is like a gillnet that is hurting the entire game market and will eventually make players lose their passion for games.

Top-up games have a typical model:

First, those companies induce purchases with a low price and often intentionally use real time as a standard to make people feel that it is a good deal. For example, it only costs players $39 to get the same results or equipment that require three days of time investment in the game, which easily causes impulsive purchases.

Then, they make players keep investing money with the cumulative VIP consumption system. This system takes perfect advantage of how humans are unwilling to waste the money they have spent, encouraging players to keep paying. For example, after spending $39, players only need an extra $61 to get $100 and unlock some features. After unlocking the features with $100, they want to unlock the features of $200, $500, $1000, and even more. Players unconsciously invest too much in the game, and when they finally find out, they might have fallen too deep to leave, just like a boiled frog.

What these players get from this experience is definitely neither entertainment nor a sense of accomplishment, but consumption pressure and repetitive work. Even after they leave the game, they must go through a painful struggle since transferring the assets they have invested is not easy. This awful experience will continue, which is not a good development direction for the game ecology.

Another serious problem is that top-up games focus on high-speed iteration (short-term flow) and do not pay special attention to the survival time of the game (long-term operation). Hence, the problems of duplicated systems, old wine in a new bottle, and plagiarism are especially severe. They have led to a large number of similar games in the market, which is undoubtedly hurting the variety of gaming experiences and is likely to cause misunderstanding among light players and limit the game's look.

Therefore, when the market is flooded with these types of games, it will enter a vicious cycle where bad money drives out good, which is undoubtedly worrisome. We are apprehensive that the game market will become more and more sluggish. However, we believe that these problems can be solved very well with blockchain technology. For example, we can directly improve the situation of eliminated games by giving assets to players. We can also solve the top-up problem by limiting the number of game items with NFTs.

In fact, it is not the technology that stops the market from moving in the right direction, but the developers' unwillingness to give up quick profits. Karma Ksana thrives to create a new gaming paradigm that raises players' awareness of what an ideal development is like and exert pressure on game developers to contribute to the market transformation!

Written by 賴彤兒 , the co-founder at Karma Ksana.

Join us https://discord.gg/karma-ksana & do things right on chain!

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Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

The top-up system is hurting the game industry !

The top-up system is a well-designed humanity trap. Few people can maintain their sanity in such a system, and it is hard to imagine how high the cost of addiction is. Although many game companies have made money with this system in recent years, it is like a gillnet that is hurting the entire game market and will eventually make players lose their passion for games.

Top-up games have a typical model:

First, those companies induce purchases with a low price and often intentionally use real time as a standard to make people feel that it is a good deal. For example, it only costs players $39 to get the same results or equipment that require three days of time investment in the game, which easily causes impulsive purchases.

Then, they make players keep investing money with the cumulative VIP consumption system. This system takes perfect advantage of how humans are unwilling to waste the money they have spent, encouraging players to keep paying. For example, after spending $39, players only need an extra $61 to get $100 and unlock some features. After unlocking the features with $100, they want to unlock the features of $200, $500, $1000, and even more. Players unconsciously invest too much in the game, and when they finally find out, they might have fallen too deep to leave, just like a boiled frog.

What these players get from this experience is definitely neither entertainment nor a sense of accomplishment, but consumption pressure and repetitive work. Even after they leave the game, they must go through a painful struggle since transferring the assets they have invested is not easy. This awful experience will continue, which is not a good development direction for the game ecology.

Another serious problem is that top-up games focus on high-speed iteration (short-term flow) and do not pay special attention to the survival time of the game (long-term operation). Hence, the problems of duplicated systems, old wine in a new bottle, and plagiarism are especially severe. They have led to a large number of similar games in the market, which is undoubtedly hurting the variety of gaming experiences and is likely to cause misunderstanding among light players and limit the game's look.

Therefore, when the market is flooded with these types of games, it will enter a vicious cycle where bad money drives out good, which is undoubtedly worrisome. We are apprehensive that the game market will become more and more sluggish. However, we believe that these problems can be solved very well with blockchain technology. For example, we can directly improve the situation of eliminated games by giving assets to players. We can also solve the top-up problem by limiting the number of game items with NFTs.

In fact, it is not the technology that stops the market from moving in the right direction, but the developers' unwillingness to give up quick profits. Karma Ksana thrives to create a new gaming paradigm that raises players' awareness of what an ideal development is like and exert pressure on game developers to contribute to the market transformation!

Join us https://discord.gg/karma-ksana & do things right on chain!

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #Blockchain #blockchaindevelopment #blockchaintechnology #blockchaingame #NFT #NFTgame #crypto #cryptogame #cryptocurrency #DeFi #Gamefi #DAO #GameDevelopment #Gaming #game #web3

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

Recently I've participated in several exhibitions and conferences of many famous Taiwanese projects, platforms, and exchanges. It was decent from the professional aspect, but there is a peculiar problem that I think it's worth discussing – I haven't heard of any project emphasizing decentralization.

To put it explicitly, many Taiwanese developers regard Web3 as an entrepreneurship platform rather than a new concept. For instance, I heard a lecturer sharing the Discord community could become a "high-value client," the whole community is just a way to attract customers for him.

This totally violates how I think about Web3!

For me, the main reason for the involution of on-chain development is the developers' self-centered arrogance. Each participant shouldn't be treated as a customer but as a co-participant. (If not, what the heck are we doing in the Web3 market?) Nevertheless, I must apologize to everyone. Because Karma Ksana's product is currently under development, it isn't easy to discuss with the community thoroughly and get everyone to participate considering decision-making efficiency.

However, I’ve also realized that we can and we should place more team discussions in the community to make all of the participants understand the context of development, join the discussion, and provide advice.

We’ve made some plans to correct what we didn't do well and will carry them out in the following two days.

Let's do things right on chain!

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #DeFi #GameFi #blockchain #blockchainproject #blockchaingame #NFT #crypto #cryptogame #web3 #decentralization #blockchaindevelopment

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

大家好,這裡是 Karma Ksana 團隊本週為大家精選的文章,包含了有趣的知識與市場最新資訊,供大家參考:

1. 美國國會議員 Warren Davidson、消費者金融保護局 (CFPB) 主任 Rohit Chopra針對美國國會近期通過的監管法案發表他的推測,雖然這份草案主要是針對資產價值較有疑慮的『算法穩定幣』做限制,但只要監管行為開始逐漸普及,可以預見未來的限制只會愈來愈多,或許也會讓加密金融逐漸往現實金融靠攏,或許到那個時候才是真正大規模『出圈』。


2.上週有提到 V 神針對以太坊的後續發展提出展望,此文則是從以太坊的起源開始談起,也把整個發展細節都交代的非常清楚,可以讓大家更加了解以太鍊飾如何成就今天的地位,畢竟作為一個區塊鏈世界的龍頭、擁有最多開發者的公鏈,以太坊的一舉一動都會對整個區塊鏈世界產生巨大的影響,這些學習或許也會有助於找尋下一個更有潛力的賽道。。


3. 從這份排名可以看出在熊市階段只剩去中心化的交易所或一些交易平台才能保有其收益,這些獲利主要也是由長短線的『交易者』所貢獻,主要也是因為大家在這個冷清的市場對於項目的參與都會抱持更加保守的態度,對於長線發展的項目是非常大的挑戰。但觀察過去在熊市轉牛市那些創造出井噴式增長的項目,大多是那些在熊市時期就持續穩穩紮根經營的項目,要如何找出那些項目就要考驗各位的眼光。


持續關注 Karma Ksana 社區,掌握區塊鏈領域大小事!

#KarmaKsana #blockchain #crypto #blog #nft #web3 #guide #blockchaindevelopment #區塊鏈 #區塊鏈基礎知識 #News

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

這裡是 Karma Ksana 團隊本週為大家精選的文章,包含了有趣的知識與市場最新資訊,供大家參考:

1. 這兩年鍊遊主打的 P2E(Play to Earn) 模式在疫情的推波助瀾下,『邊玩邊賺』這個論述成功吸引大量的玩家參與,許多項目也利用這個商業模式結合 NFT 獲得巨大的成功。但隨著時間過去,那些過往擁有輝煌成績的項目也開始式微,大眾也認知到 P2E 這個模式的確難以長時間維繫良好的遊戲生態。而本文提到的「own 擁有」概念其實本來就是 NFT 技術的特點,也是與傳統 Web2 遊戲最大的差異,如果能夠強化『擁有』的概念可以從底層翻轉玩家投入遊戲的內在動機,



2.在以太坊完成了權益證明機制的轉換後,其實仍未解決以太坊交易速度過慢、費用過高等核心痛點,要能夠徹底解決這些問題還是必須讓以太坊達到真正的升級。 V 神在前陣子的公開演講中也預告了以太坊未來升級的五個階段,其中 2023 年的核心重點就是「分片(sharding)」技術,試圖利用分片技術來突破區塊鍊的『三難困境』,搭配 Layer 2 解決方案來降低交易成本,更快、更便宜的鍊上體驗會讓大家對於以太坊的未來有更多的期待。



3. 去年開始的 NFT 熱潮成功將區塊鏈技術快速推進到人們的眼前,許多人都是藉由 NFT 開始進入區塊鏈的世界,這些『可視化』的資產也成為傳統 Web2 品牌進軍 Web3 領域最佳的領頭羊。傳統企業投入加密貨幣市場或許無法讓區塊鍊的『技術』有太多的突破與創新,但卻可以藉由這些知名企業本身的能見度與影響力,讓區塊鍊技術博取大家更多的目光,甚至結合這些企業原本的優勢來塑造更多的鍊下結合與體驗。



持續關注 Karma Ksana 社區,掌握區塊鏈領域大小事!

#KarmaKsana #blockchain #crypto #blog #nft #web3 #guide #blockchaindevelopment #區塊鏈 #區塊鏈基礎知識 #News

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

We are excited to announce that Karma Ksana's Chinese official blog is online! 我們的官方中文部落格正式上線了,歡迎想了解區塊鏈的大家參考看看!

Join us https://discord.gg/karma-ksana & Do things right on chain!

Blog link 部落格連結 https://guide.karmaksana.io/

#KarmaKsana #blockchain #crypto #blog #nft #web3 #guide #blockchaindevelopment #區塊鏈 #區塊鏈基礎知識

Avatar of 吳宛倫.
Karma Ksana HR Manager @ 普洛克拉斯提有限公司
over 1 year

We are excited to announce that Karma Ksana's Chinese official blog is online! 我們的官方中文部落格正式上線了,歡迎想了解區塊鏈的大家參考看看!

Join us https://discord.gg/karma-ksana & Do things right on chain!

Blog link 部落格連結 https://guide.karmaksana.io/

#KarmaKsana #blockchain #crypto #blog #nft #web3 #guide #blockchaindevelopment #區塊鏈 #區塊鏈基礎知識 賴彤兒 普洛克拉斯提有限公司

Avatar of 吳宛倫.
Karma Ksana HR Manager @ 普洛克拉斯提有限公司
over 1 year

If you're looking for a guide to blockchain games, please take a look at these threads below.

Follow us https://discord.gg/karma-ksana to get the latest info ✨

Karma Genesis: https://twitter.com/Genesis_KMK

Let's do things right on chain🙌🏼

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #blockchain #blockchaingame #NFT #NFTgame #crypto #cryptogame #cryptotrading #blockchaindevelopment #blockchaintechnology #web3 #Gamefi #DeFi #DecentralizeWorld #Gaming #nftart 賴彤兒

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

If you're looking for a guide to blockchain games, please take a look at these threads below.

Follow us https://discord.gg/karma-ksana to get the latest info ✨

Karma Genesis: https://twitter.com/Genesis_KMK

Let's do things right on chain🙌🏼

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #blockchain #blockchaingame #NFT #NFTgame #crypto #cryptogame #cryptotrading #blockchaindevelopment #blockchaintechnology #web3 #Gamefi #DeFi #DecentralizeWorld #Gaming #nftart

Avatar of 吳宛倫.
Karma Ksana HR Manager @ 普洛克拉斯提有限公司
over 1 year

Development Log (Updates)


1. Releasing more content on social media (Please head over to our Discord channel, "👁|viewpoint" for details!)

2. Completed calculating Member Points Records on Discord.

3. Redesigning our Discord channel (Stay tuned! )

4. Planning to hold more events on Discord (We value your ideas or advice so please share!)

5. Published our weekly news in Chinese

6. Developing new content for our Youtube channel (set to film and release around mid September)

Core team:

1. Connecting and negotiating with institutions for private placement (So far, we have successfully found some investors!)

2. Welcomed a new Social Media Marketer to our team (Currently, there are 29 members in our core team.)

3. Found our new office location in Taipei City

Game development:

1. Conducting more NFT artworks while fine-tuning character settings

2. Releasing our background music shortly (drumroll please)

Web development:

1. Launching the Karma Genesis website in September

2. Built and tested the API function of the Membership System

Join us https://lnkd.in/gcEEkpZY & Do things right on chain!

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #KarmaSpace #web3 #blockchain #blockchaingame #blockchaindevelopment #crypto #cryptotrading #cryptogame #gamefi #defi #community #gamedevelopment #blockchaintechnology #metaverse #ethereum #development #followus 賴彤兒

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

Development Log (Updates)


1. Releasing more content on social media (Please head over to our Discord channel, "👁|viewpoint" for details!)

2. Completed calculating Member Points Records on Discord.

3. Redesigning our Discord channel (Stay tuned! )

4. Planning to hold more events on Discord (We value your ideas or advice so please share!)

5. Published our weekly news in Chinese

6. Developing new content for our Youtube channel (set to film and release around mid September)

Core team:

1. Connecting and negotiating with institutions for private placement (So far, we have successfully found some investors!)

2. Welcomed a new Social Media Marketer to our team (Currently, there are 29 members in our core team.)

3. Found our new office location in Taipei City

Game development:

1. Conducting more NFT artworks while fine-tuning character settings

2. Releasing our background music shortly (drumroll please)

Web development:

1. Launching the Karma Genesis website in September

2. Built and tested the API function of the Membership System

Join us https://lnkd.in/gcEEkpZY & Do things right on chain!

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #KarmaSpace #web3 #blockchain #blockchaingame #blockchaindevelopment #crypto #cryptotrading #cryptogame #gamefi #defi #community #gamedevelopment #blockchaintechnology #metaverse #ethereum #development #followus 普洛克拉斯提有限公司

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

New perspective article from Karma Ksana.

How do you think the relationsip between Democracy & Decentralization?

Join us https://discord.gg/sjkQMnJsuj to get more info and let's do things right on chain!

#KarmaKsana #web3 #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptotrading #cryptogame #DeFi #Decentralization #democracy #community #Discord #Perspectives #Viewpoints #Blockchain #blockchaindevelopment #BlockchainContent 普洛克拉斯提有限公司

Avatar of 吳宛倫.
Karma Ksana HR Manager @ 普洛克拉斯提有限公司
over 1 year

New perspective article from Karma Ksana.

How do you think the relationsip between Democracy & Decentralization?

Join us https://discord.gg/sjkQMnJsuj to get more info and let's do things right on chain!

#KarmaKsana #web3 #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptotrading #cryptogame #DeFi #Decentralization #democracy #community #Discord #Perspectives #Viewpoints #Blockchain #blockchaindevelopment #BlockchainContent 賴彤兒 普洛克拉斯提有限公司

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

Good day, everyone. This is Karma Ksana's new NFT character design.

Please stay tuned, we will release more characters. Thank you!

Join our community https://discord.gg/KcPyBJBDrY & Do things right on chain!

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #KarmaSpace #NFT #blockchain #blockchaindevelopment #crypto #cryptotrading #NFTgame #nftart #blockchaingame #cryptogame #web3 #Discord #community #art #characterdesign

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

Good day everyone,

Here’s one of the scenes in Karma Genesis.

Hope you like it. We'll release more scenes, stay tuned, thank you : )

Join us https://discord.gg/KcPyBJBDrY

Do things right on chain.

#KarmaKsana #KarmaGenesis #NFT #blockchain #crypto #cryptotrading #blockchaindevelopment #art #conceptart #scenes #blockchaingame


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