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Hard Skill dan Soft Skill yang Harus Dimiliki Business Analyst

menjalankan tugas business analyst dan memperoleh gaji business analyst yang cukup tinggi, tentu kamu perlu menguasai hard skills dan memiliki soft skills tertentu. Artikel CakeResume ini akan membantu kamu untuk memahami lebih lanjut terkait dengan berbagai skill yang harus dimiliki business analyst . Daftar isi: Hard Skill Business Analyst Soft Skill Business Analyst Hard Skill Dari Business Analyst 1. Bahasa Pemrograman Bisnis analis adalah pekerjaan yang memiliki hubungan erat dengan analisis data. Diperlukan pemahaman yang kuat akan bahasa pemrograman untuk membantu

How Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace Benefits Both Employees & Businesses

How Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace Benefits Both Employees & Businesses In today's fast-paced and highly connected work world, mental well-being is as important as physical health. Mental health in the workplace isn't just a buzzword for business. In a recent Mental Health at Work report, 84% reported at least one workplace factor had negatively impacted their mental health in the past year. This mental health in the workplace statistics signifies a rising concern of employees

CakeResume 商務開發實習生:面試經驗、實習日常

大家好~我是今年就讀台大國企系二年級的蔡詩云,我在 2021 年 的 10 月加入 CakeResume 擔任 BD intern(商務開發實習生),主要負責企業招募活動的宣傳以及 CakeResume 的社群拓展,實習畢業後想來和大家分享我當初怎麼

What to Wear to Job Interviews - Full Guide [+ examples]

casual smart interview dress code for men requires a step up. That is why chinos, slacks, or dress pants are great. You can pair them with a tucked-in button-down shirt. Try some leather shoes and a matching belt. Business casual: elevated but still not fully formal Business casual interview outfits are one of the most common styles for interviews. Therefore, a smart option for you. A business casual interview dress code for women includes tailored clothing, dress pants
產業 & 職位介紹

Apa itu HRBP? Kenali Tugas, Peran dan Skill yang Dibutuhkan!

business partner . Kira-kira apa saja, ya, tugas HRBP, apa perbedaan HRBP dan HR manager , bagaimana proyeksi karir HRBP, dan yang tidak kalah penting berapa, sih, gaji HRBP di Indonesia. Mari kita simak! Apa itu HRBP? Arti HRBP Human Resource Business Partner atau HRBP adalah seorang HR senior atau berpengalaman yang akan bekerja langsung dengan manajer departemen lain ataupun pimpinan perusahaan. Job desk utama HRBP adalah membantu mengembangkan bisnis perusahaan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan mengembangkan bakat karyawan, memperbarui strategi

Want to Study in Taiwan? Here’s What You Need to Know

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: How to Study in Taiwan Best Courses & Universities in Taiwan Learn Chinese in Taiwan Work While Studying in Taiwan Taiwan is known as the heart of Asia, and with delicious food, warm weather, beautiful scenery and rich culture, it's a fantastic option for studying abroad. Studying in Taiwan will provide you with a unique cultural experience as well as a well-rounded and rich education. You can study at the

機會是用創造的!看李威從 MIT 國際創業訓練營、Udemy 到 SaaS 工具 LearnWorlds 的職涯 MVP

看到一份心儀的職缺,卻發現自己沒有符合的相關經驗,你會直接把網頁關掉,還是全力以赴把握機會? 對於李威來說,想要爭取一份有興趣但是沒背景的工作,需要的遠遠不只是一頁履歷!大學時

Advice for Employers – Ways to Prevent Discrimination in the Workplace

Ways to Prevent Discrimination in the Workplace Feeling welcomed and included at work is a crucial aspect of employee satisfaction; yet 83% of employees have witnessed discrimination in the workplace at least once. Companies often set the expectations for employees through a formal code of conduct, which outlines what behaviors are not tolerated in the workplace. Discrimination in the workplace can have serious implications for both employees and the company’s reputation, as many countries have placed anti-discrimination acts

Understanding Taiwan’s Culture: A Guide for Professionals

an expatriate looking to acclimate to Taiwan's work culture, a traveler curious about the local traditions, or a professional seeking insights into career opportunities on this island nation, we've got you covered. Read on to discover Taiwan's business culture, work values, and lively celebrations, perfect for culture lovers and job seekers. TABLE OF CONTENTS: What Makes Taiwan Culture Different? What Language is Spoken in Taiwan? What's Unique about Taiwan's Food Culture? What are the Key

MBA Application Resume: Formats, Templates, and Examples

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: How to write a resume for MBA admission? What should an MBA application resume look like? Top 5 MBA resume tips for business school applications Best resume format for MBA applications MBA application resume sample As an MBA applicant, you will need to focus on many aspects, from preparing for your GMAT exam to writing flawless application documents. With such a rigorous admission process, applying for an MBA spot takes


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