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工業設計的價值如何實踐?frog design Industrial Designer 國傑的設計日常與中國市場觀察

重要的角色。在 《科技職涯》第二季的第 39 集中,我們邀請了目前在全球知名設計顧問公司 frog design 擔任 Industrial Designer 的國傑,來跟我們聊聊與實體產品密切相關的「工業設計」。 國傑在台科大設計系的工業設計組
16 Sep 2021

Manufacturing Engineer Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: The Basics for a Manufacturing Engineer Resume What are the components of a manufacturing engineer resume? What are some suggestions for a crafting a great manufacturing engineer resume? Steps for Writing a Manufacturing Engineer Cover Letter Manufacturing Engineer Resume Sample (Text Format) Manufacturing engineers are in charge of designing, integrating, or improving manufacturing systems or related processes. They may work with commercial or industrial designers to refine product designs to increase production and lower

Guide to a Top-Notch Product Design Portfolio [+Tips and Examples]

Portfolio Examples Tips on How to Create a Product Design Portfolio A product designer is a person that is in charge of the design and advancement of a product. Due to the complex and diverse product design ecosystem, a product designer often comes with different names and fields of expertise, such as: Industrial Designer Furniture Designer Packaging Designer Footwear Designer Fashion Designer Toy Designer Accessory Designer Apparel Designer etc. Despite all the differences, they all share common universal roles, which
6 Okt 2021

Essential Creative Thinking Skills Examples and How to Develop Them

thinking skills focus on generating unique ideas or solutions, while critical thinking is about thinking the way you think and asking the right questions. Here is a list of 10 jobs that use creative thinking skills: Art Director Copywriter Graphic Designer Industrial Designer Journalist Music Teacher Public Relations Manager Research Scientist User Experience (UX) Designer Web Developer Art Director Art directors are the leader of a group of designers. They use their creativity and experience in the industry to guide

別跳脫舒適圈了,舒適圈也是你爭取來的——矽谷相機工程師 Tom Lin 的職涯觀點與美感養成之路

得它符合這兩個條件,於是我就決定了!」 第一份工作的兩年半裡,Tom 在一家由兩位資深工業設計師 (industrial designer) 成立的顧問公司中擔任組織裡的第一位工程師,這份工作讓 Tom 親眼看到一個點子如何從紙
12 Mei 2023

Hướng dẫn tạo CV Freelancer và những điều cần biết về làm việc tự do

hợp với định hướng sự nghiệp mới. Trong bài viết này, CakeResume cũng sẽ nêu ra những tips hay, áp dụng được cho một CV freelancer dịch thuật. Freelancer thiết kế có thể làm trong ngành thiết kế công nghiệp (industrial design) hoặc truyền thông thị giác (visual communication). Freelance designers sáng tạo đồ hoạ để minh hoạ sản phẩm hoặc thương hiệu, xây dựng các trang web, ứng dụng, hoặc thiết kế nội thất, quần áo, phụ kiện cho
Career Planning
21 Apr 2023

Freelancer là gì? 10 công việc freelancer có thu nhập ổn định hiện nay

Freelance Teacher) có thể giảng bài trực tuyến hoặc trực tiếp, dạy môn học thuật hoặc kỹ năng, gia sư 1-1 hoặc dạy theo nhóm, học viên nhỏ tuổi hoặc là người lớn. Thiết kế tự do (Freelance Graphic Designer) là một trong những nghề freelancer cực hot hiện nay. Họ làm việc chủ yếu trong ngành thiết kế công nghiệp (Industrial Design) hoặc truyền thông thị giác (Visual Communication). 6. SEO SEO là viết tắt của Search Engine
Industri & Profesi
6 Mar 2024


就會接觸到不同產業,有較多機會接觸不同領域的工作。 各設計領域職缺與需求 UI /UX 設計師 MetaCRM UI Designer 使用者介面設計師 初階全職 700K ~ 1,000K TWD / 年 有些 UI / UX 會以遠端的方式,工作地點較為自由。依照公
Industri & Profesi
16 Sep 2022

如何自學成為 UI/UX 設計師?UI/UX 設計書單│自學課程│網站資源│求職管道

文章大綱 什麼是 UI/UX 設計? 有哪些 UI/UX 設計的自學課程、書單、網站? UI/UX 設計師該如何找工作? 近年來,UI/UX 設計已然成為設計業的新星,也有許多企業開出 UI/UX 設計師的工作職缺。但到底什麼是 UI

How to Design a Portfolio for Students [+ Ideas & Tips]

In this article, you will learn about: 15 Best Creative Portfolio Ideas for Students Free Websites to Create a Student Portfolio Design 10 Tips to Make a Creative Student Portfolio Design The importance of putting together a comprehensive portfolio for students can’t be stressed enough. A powerful portfolio for application can help increase the chance of achieving your goal in such cases as: Building personal branding Looking for freelance or part-time jobs in creative fields (i.e, graphic

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