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Aug 16th 2021

遠端工作哪裡找?熱門職缺 & 10 大遠距工作求職管道都在這裡!

無法遠端工作」。 CakeResume 上面的遠端工作職缺多以數位產品相關的工作為主,包括軟體工程師、UIUX 設計師、PM,也有數位行銷、業務、影像工作等等。如果希望可以收到同種類工作的通知,可以在 註冊 後於職缺
Career Development
Apr 12th 2024

Apa itu KYC? Pengertian, Cara Kerja, Manfaat, dan Contoh Penerapannya

Jasa. Di pasal ini disebutkan, pihak penyedia jasa keuangan seperti bank wajib menerapkan prinsip mengenali pengguna jasa atau KYC. Undang-Undang ini juga mengatur KYC bank dan penyelenggara jasa keuangan lainnya harus memuat identifikasi, verifikasi, dan pemantauan transaksi pengguna. 2. PMK Nomor 30/PMK.010/2010 Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) nomor 30 tahun 2010 mengatur tentang penerapan prinsip KYC di perusahaan asuransi, dana pensiun, dan lembaga pembiayaan non-bank lainnya. Peraturan ini dibuat untuk mencegah pencucian uang, pendanaan teroris, dan
Career Planning
Nov 3rd 2020

First job for freshers: Startups or Corporates? 3 differences

think twice. Startups are always evolving and dynamic; therefore, employees are expected to be resilient and adaptable to various scenarios. With a smaller employee base, a “generalist” is more suitable in startups where one can dabble in different tasks, from PM to advertising to editing or PR. That being said, the smaller the company, the broader the work. Evidently, it can be pretty stressful for a fresher to take on so many roles, but surely one will be rewarded with
Resume & CV
Jan 7th 2023

3 Cara Menulis Sertifikat Dalam CV Agar Menarik!

Certified Cloud Practitioner Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) CompTIA (A+, Cloud+, Security+) Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect Expert Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Oracle MySQL Database Administration Project Management Professional (PMP) Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Designer Cara Mencantumkan Sertifikat di CV Jika kamu memiliki sertifikasi yang sangat kritis terhadap sebuah pekerjaan yang akan dilamar, kamu perlu memasukkannya ke bagian deskripsi diri dalam CV atau ringkasan, dan juga bagian
Success Stories
Jan 5th 2022

Google Pixel 團隊來了!軟體與硬體人才協作有哪些火花?讓硬體工程師 Ching-Han & 使用者體驗設計師 Kelly 告訴你!

軟體部分 — 相機、錄影等介面規劃功能;作為軟體團隊的人才,Kelly 平常協作最密切的是設計師、研究員、PM、工程師,分別位於美國與台灣。Ching-Han 的協作對象則是依照開發階段區分 — 初期會與台灣和美國負
Success Stories
Jan 14th 2021

如何自學成為 Instagram iOS 工程師?Jacky 與 Facebook 教會他的事

觸過所有功能。 在 Facebook,工程師不只是工程師 在 Facebook,雖然有 PM 的角色,資深的工程師也常被要求要具備 PM 的思維,除了產出以外,也要具備規劃、評估與溝通協調的能力,能夠與 PM 緊密合作甚至能夠做 PM
Industry & Job Overview
Jan 19th 2023

想應徵韌體工程師?先了解 FW 工程師薪水、工作內容與面試重點

韌體設計也具備軟體設計基礎的人才。 韌體工程師 (FW 工程師) 的工作內容: 撰寫與設計韌體程式 與 PM 討論規格,並執行韌體產品的開發流程 協助檢測韌體產品、除錯,進行軟體測試 與硬體及軟體工
Career Tools
Mar 6th 2024

五力分析怎麼做、跟 SWOT 分析有何不同?3 個模板讓你上手

五力分析的族群,包含了企業管理者、經理人、分析師和顧問,以及行銷部門、策略部門,某些時候甚至 PM 和產品開發團隊也能運用。 由於五力分析經常被用來衡量一個產業或市場的競爭強度,藉此來
Career Planning
Jul 20th 2020

Considering a Career Change? Here Are 3 Tips to a Successful Job Switch

that the skills used remain the same, but the field or industry changes (for example, switching sales job from financial industry to technology industry). The other type requires obtaining new knowledge and skills, such as switching jobs from sales to PM or marketing. Two types of career changes ● Same skill-sets, but different industries ● New skill-sets required Regardless of the type of career change, before resigning, try to gradually incorporate more of your desired job content into
Resume & CV
Feb 11th 2022

150+ Superior Technical Skills for a Resume [+ Definitions & Examples]

Created by CakeResume What are technical skills? Many people may know technical skills as hard skills. They are skills acquired in specialized education or experience on the job. Technical skills for a resume or CV are important for every sector in the industry. For instance, a software engineer needs the technical knowledge and skill of C++ and unit testing. Waiters or bartenders need the technical skill of a point-of-sale (POS) system. In this article, we will show you

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