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Job Search Tips
Aug 19th 2020

How to Find Jobs in India? 3 Best Ways for Job Hunting Online & Offline

was to provide a platform that ex-employers can leave anonymous and honest reviews about a company, but later on, users can find average salaries of different jobs, reviews, and a hot pile of job opportunities, freelance or not. With total visits top nearly 60M, you can trust the unbiased reviews given by its users. On Glassdoor, problems you consider are answered: work culture, how companies operate, gender equality in the workplace, potential growth for your career development, etc.. It
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

A Complete Guide to Taiwan Work Permits for Foreigners

place of employment and stay in Taiwan as you seek a new job, you are required to apply for a Job Seeking visa (or ARC extension). These extensions are valid for 6 months and can be renewed once, for a total of one year. 6. What happens if I overstay my visa in Taiwan? Overstaying your Taiwan work visa is not recommended, as fines levied can be anywhere from 30,000NTD to 150,000NTD. Repeat offenses have the potential for
Success Stories
Dec 7th 2020

產品跟人才都是 problem solver!SHOPLINE 如何組建契合的團隊、協助店家將商品賣到全世界?

貫給人的明快節奏感,然而,他卻在談到如何跟店家互動時,吐露了如此感性的一句話。 成為店家的 Total Solution 如同一開始所說,SHOPLINE 認為自己不是開店的「工具」,而是「解決辦法」,因為工具是死的,方法才是活的
Cover Letter
Jun 28th 2022

【範例】英文自傳怎麼寫?3 步驟解析求職、大學的英文自傳!

職者。 求職英文自傳範例:主要內容 Possessing excellent organizational skills and analytical mind, I initiated training programs of financial management practical to the company, and had trained 10 new bank tellers in total. Furthermore, I led a nine-people project team in completing all the preparatory tasks for our banking system, maintaining a 95% satisfaction rate from banking customers for 20 months straight. The following is my practical experience related to investment
Resume & CV
Jun 29th 2022

別讓你的英文履歷輸在這裡!10 大英文履歷地雷、50+常用動詞/單字

率、互動率、跳出率、流量、預算、時間範圍 📝 範例:Increased followers on Facebook fanpage by 200%, resulting in additional 100k website traffic gain per month and generating $50,000 profit in total. (達成臉書粉專追蹤人數 200% 成長,同時帶來每月 100k 的網站流量及 $50,000 的獲利。) 軟體工程師 英文履
Resume & CV
Jul 16th 2020


能容易理解) 怎麼做,我們往下看: Situation + Action + Results 方法 修改前: In 2015, led the 4 people team to open the 2 new stores in Singapore, increasing by 130% of total revenue. 修改後: In 2015, the luxury market hit the bottom, led the 4 people team to, based on market research, implement new strategy targeting on youth generation & open the 2 new stores XX area in Singapore, increasing
Success Stories
Oct 4th 2021

從汽車到時裝的設計之路!專訪台灣品牌 SYNDRO 創辦人王心偉

為「買不起日本品牌的 Second Choice」。 回歸到他創立 SYNDRO 的初衷,是希望能夠讓喜歡穿搭的男性都能在 SYNDRO 找到 Total Solution,王心偉期待 SYNDRO 的風格、款式、商品的質感都是「Timeless」的,不受時間與潮流限制、能夠成謂雋永的經典
Success Stories
Nov 30th 2020

今晚,我想來點 Podcast!SoundOn 創辦人顧立楷剖析 Podcast 現況與展望

目製作、上架、行銷、數據收集到利用廣告變現,所有與 Podcast 相關的需求,SoundOn 都能提供整合式的解決方案(Total Solution)。 創作者們!除了內容,其他的都交給 SoundOn 吧! Best friend of Podcasters 2020 年八月,線上娛樂龍頭 KKBOX 亦推出了 Podcast 服務

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