Career Development
12月 19日 2022

Penting! Analisis SWOT Diri Sendiri Beserta Contoh dan Pertanyaan

peluang dan menyelesaikan tantangan di masa mendatang. Daftar Isi: Apa itu SWOT Analisis Diri Sendiri? Kapan Harus Analisis SWOT Diri Sendiri? 4 Aspek dalam Analisis SWOT Diri Sendiri Cara Menganalisis SWOT Diri Sendiri Contoh Analisis SWOT Diri Sendiri Pengertian SWOT Analisis Diri Sendiri Personal SWOT Analysis adalah cara analisis diri sendiri berdasarkan kekuatan(Strength), kelemahan (Weakness), kesempatan yang dimiliki (Opportunity), dan tantangan (Threat). Analisis SWOT kepribadian diri sendiri dapat digunakan untuk berbagai hal, terutama untuk karir dan pekerjaan. Analisis SWOT
Student Guide
5月 15日 2023

9 Cara Ampuh Memilih Jurusan Kuliah Sesuai Minat dan Bakat

politik tidak cukup untuk menjadi alasan kamu memilih jurusan hukum atau ilmu politik. Kamu harus memiliki passion untuk membela kebenaran dan melakukan hal yang benar. Dengan passion inilah, kamu bisa menilai bahwa kamu cocok di jurusan politik. 📚 Baca juga: Analisis SWOT Diri Sendiri Beserta Contoh dan Pertanyaan! 2. Ikuti tes minat dan bakat, kepribadian, dan psikotes Salah satu cara menentukan jurusan kuliah yang cocok dengan kita adalah mengikuti tes minat bakat ataupun psikotes. Tes ini bertujuan untuk mengenali potensi
Personal Branding
4月 8日 2019

Personal Branding - Why and How?

below: Build Your Own Platform: You must have your own website. It should be in your own name and contain all the relevant information about you. You should also have social media accounts and maximum number of followers over there. SWOT Analysis : Identify the areas which are your strength and those which are your weaknesses. When you know what you can and what you can’t, you can find the way out of a critical situation using your strengths. Find
Career Development
2月 18日 2021

What Is Personal Development? 3 Simple Steps to Self Improvement

you derailed from what matters. As you plod along, don’t remember this light of truth. During the self-development process, you have to assess yourself carefully, realize your strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats. Yes, a SWOT analysis helps to unbosom yourself! It pinpoints where you stand now and where you aspire to be, enabling you to leverage what you have at hand and go on the track to self-fulfillment. Needless to say, the process
Career Development
4月 11日 2024

Discover Your Path with the 7 Steps of Career Planning Process

Evaluates behavioral styles, helping individuals understand their communication preferences and work dynamics. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): Assesses personality preferences, helping individuals understand their interactions and task approaches. The MBTI test results can guide career choices based on personality groups. SWOT Analysis : Conduct a personal SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to assess your internal strengths and weaknesses. 1.2 Identifying Skills, Talents, and Areas for Improvement Consider utilizing evaluation tests or tools to gain a more objective understanding of
Resume & CV
2月 14日 2023

Contoh CV Freelance Lengkap dengan Surat Lamaran Kerja & Cara Membuatnya

Daftar isi: Cara Membuat CV Freelance Tips Membuat CV Freelance Contoh dan Template CV Freelance Contoh CV Freelance Virtual Assitant --- Dibuat di CakeResume Jenuh dengan pekerjaan kantoran atau yang jam kerjanya 9-5? Mungkin kamu bisa mempertimbangkan untuk switch career menjadi seorang Freelancer . Selain memiliki konsep work from anywhere , Freelance Job juga bisa menjadi salah satu pekerjaan side-hustle di zaman sekarang. Ada beragam jenis pekerjaan Freelance yang populer, diantaranya adalah Freelance Writer , Freelance Content Writing , Freelance Web Design , dan
Industry & Job Overview
3月 6日 2024

Kenali Pekerjaan Network Engineer: Tugas, Gaji, Skill, dan Prospek Karirnya

Engineer Kerjanya Apa? Dilansir dari Robert Half , berikut merupakan detail tugas dan tanggung jawab network engineer : Merancang dan mengimplementasikan solusi jaringan baru dan meningkatkan efisiensi jaringan yang digunakan sebuah organisasi/perusahaan Melakukan instalasi dan konfigurasi jaringan termasuk router , server proxy , switches , akselerator WAN, DNS, DHCP, dll Memastikan keamanan jaringan perusahaan dengan mengkonfigurasi firewall , routing , dan switching Mengidentifikasi kesalahan jaringan Melaporkan status jaringan kepada stakeholder dan divisi yang berkepentingan Monitoring dan mengoptimasi performa jaringan Mengatasi permasalahan jaringan Skill Network Engineer Pekerjaan
Success Stories
3月 6日 2024

Spotify 商業分析經理 Lillian 的職涯之路:音樂人如何踏入科技業?

Spotify 之外,還考慮了 Amazon Music、YouTube,甚至是 Netflix、TikTok 等等。 而關於 Lillian 和 Spotify 的緣分還另有一段故事。其實 Lillian 在申請 Spotify 實習時也並非一帆風順,一路走來 Lillian 從大二開始總共投遞了 3 次 Spotify 實習履歷,直到大四時才終
Resume & CV
3月 3日 2022

MBA Application Resume: Formats, Templates, and Examples

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: How to write a resume for MBA admission? What should an MBA application resume look like? Top 5 MBA resume tips for business school applications Best resume format for MBA applications MBA application resume sample As an MBA applicant, you will need to focus on many aspects, from preparing for your GMAT exam to writing flawless application documents. With such a rigorous admission process, applying for an MBA spot takes
Resume & CV
8月 18日 2021

Successful Veterinary Assistant Resume Examples & Templates

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a veterinary assistant resume? What makes a good veterinary assistant resume objective? How to write a professional resume summary for a vet assistant job? What are some great vet assistant skills to put on a resume? How to make a veterinary assistant resume with no experience? Veterinary Assistant Resume Sample (Text Format) Veterinary assistants play a crucial role in our beloved animals and pets. Their duties involve communication with colleagues and

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