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Fintech 金融科技新趨勢:Fintech 產業、應用及工作一次看!

Fugle 富果帳戶(Fintech) 1,100,000 ~ 1,400,000 TWD / 年 1. 熟悉 iOS/Android 原⽣開發(任⼀)並且有能⼒維護既有程式碼 2. 有 Flutter App 開發相  關經驗,或是渴望學習精進 Flutter App 開發技能 3. 熟悉 Git 版本控制及 Git Flow 開發流程 4. 熟悉 iOS
Success Stories
May 13th 2021

扎根台北,前進新市場!Lalamove 即時快送背後的堅實團隊與文化

的 1 月分別進駐台中與高雄,接著更要進攻古都台南!在開拓每一個新市場時,Lalamove 首先會派出 BD(Business Developemnt,業務)成員開發企業用戶,同步成立夥伴營運團隊,也就是負責司機經營的成員,目前也正在招募
Cover Letter
Aug 30th 2022

How to Write a Product Manager Cover Letter (With Template)

April 4, 2022 Alice Karim Hiring Supervisor New App Development Dear Mrs. Karim, I’m writing to apply for the Senior Product Manager position at New App Development. I have a degree in software engineering and 4 years of relevant experience as an associate product manager. I’m confident my skills and experience are a good fit for your team. In my last role as a product manager, I oversaw the development and launch of several notable applications. I succ...
Industry & Job Overview
Jul 15th 2022

How to Become a Freelancer: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed

employed workers who offer their services on a project or contract basis. They offer their skills, talent and assistance in areas such as: Web, graphic or interior design Copywriting or copyediting Tutoring or career coaching Contracting work (plumbing, painting, movers) Development (coding, app making) Closed captioning or transcribing jobs Artwork, music, photography services If you want to start freelancing, consider the tips below to ensure you freelance successfully! Step 1: Define your services In order to start freelancing, you need
Success Stories
Mar 26th 2021

在 L'Oréal 跟 Google 工作是什麼樣子?Google BD Manager Rachel 的職涯探索以及 L'Oréal Trainee 經驗

難道就無法獲得科技業的入場券嗎?在《科技職涯》第二季的第 22 集中,我們邀請了現任於 Google TW 的 Business Development Manager Rachel。畢業自港科大工商管理系的 Rachel,在加入 Google 前在 L'Oréal Hong Kong 擔任 Retail & Education Management Trainee,也曾在 Citi Bank、Lindt & Sprüngli 實
Success Stories
Apr 1st 2021

KKday 徵才中!專訪 KKday CTO ,直擊百人新創的企業文化、工程師職缺與工作日常

Mike 表示希望能盡快讓 APP 團隊到位,當務之急便是將 Android、 iOS 和前端等工程師找齊,加速 APP 開發,「我們的 APP 目前已經有 400 萬下載量,有來自全世界、多元語系的使用者,要在台灣找到類似的 APP 其實不太容
Career Tools
Apr 19th 2024

15 Rekomendasi Aplikasi Coding yang Cocok untuk Belajar bagi Para Pemula

mulai belajar coding . Ingin cari kerja jadi programmer? Yuk, cari kerja impianmu di CakeResume! 🎉 Cari Kerja Daftar isi: Rekomendasi Aplikasi Untuk Belajar Coding Bagi Pemula Rekomendasi Aplikasi Untuk Belajar Coding Bagi Pemula 1. Sublime Text Sublime Text merupakan coding app yang memiliki kompatibilitas cukup baik karena bisa diakses pada beberapa sistem operasi yaitu Windows, macOS, dan Linux. Namun, di antara ketiganya, Linux adalah sistem operasi yang paling cocok dengan Sublime Text. App coding yang satu ini menawarkan performa yang
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024


後端薪水、熱門職缺與履歷面試技巧! 四、軟體工程師履歷範本:Mobile App 工程師 Mobile App 工程師履歷範本 Mobile App 工程師顧名思義,主要任務是開發維護手機和平板等行動裝置上應用程式。Mobile App 的開發,目前最
Success Stories
Jul 27th 2022

雲端產業的「隱形冠軍」如何造就?CloudMile 執行長與技術主管親身剖析雲端趨勢!

涯》的來賓,便是來自於雲端產業的重要一員 — CloudMile 萬里雲的創辦人暨執行長 Spencer 劉永信、Cloud Team Manager Hank,以及 Development Team Senior Manager Noah。 創立於 2017 年的 CloudMile 成長快速,從成立至今以來,已在香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、印度尼西亞以
Career Tools
Apr 26th 2024

50 Powerful Marketing Tools for Business Scaling [+ Tips]

Powerful Marketing Tools for Business Scaling Explore both paid and free marketing tools tailored for both big and small businesses. From content creation to data analytics, this comprehensive guide delves into various best marketing tools, providing examples and expert advice to enhance your marketing efforts without breaking the bank. In today's digital landscape, businesses increasingly rely on streamlined online marketing tools to optimize their strategies. Social media managers, in particular, face the challenge of managing dynamic digital tasks, making

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