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Industri & Profesi
19 Apr 2024

Apa Itu Technopreneurship? Skill dan Cara Menjadi Technopreneur Sukses!

Technopreneurship? Skill Penting Untuk Technopreneurship Cari Tahu Cara Menjadi Technopreneur Pengertian Technopreneurship Apa itu technopreneurship ? Technopreneurship adalah usaha menciptakan, mengembangkan, dan mengelola bisnis yang berfokus pada inovasi atau produk-produk teknologi. Technopreneurship berasal dari dua kata yaitu teknologi dan kewirausahaan ( entrepreneurship ). Lalu, apa yang dimaksud dengan technopreneur ? Technopreneur adalah individu atau sekelompok orang yang menjalankan usaha di bidang teknologi. Contoh usaha technopreneur biasanya memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menciptakan peluang bisnis baru atau meningkatkan produk dan layanan yang sudah ada. 📚Baca
20 Mar 2023

Create A Resume Like Elon Musk's Resume

resume like Elon Musk's one-page resume. Elon Musk's One-Page Resume With that being said, we are going to show you an example of Elon Musk’s resume to show you how it is done. Elon Musk Entrepreneur, CEO, Engineer Los Angeles, CA | [email protected] | Twitter: @elonmusk Entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience who is founding and managing highly profitable and world-changing companies. Seeking opportunities to help with climate change and improve human lives
Acara dan Kegiatan
6 Mar 2024

Cara Membangun Personal Branding Ala Fellexandro Ruby

Chef’s Table 2016. Tak hanya itu, Ruby juga berhasil terpilih sebagai Top 4 Food Influencer 2017 dalam ajang penghargaan yang digelar oleh Influence Asia. Dalam perjalanan karirnya, Fellexandro Ruby pernah menjajal banyak pekerjaan, mulai dari sales , fotografer, content creator , entrepreneur, hingga penulis buku. Berbekal pengalaman dan keahliannya, Ruby kemudian membangun personal branding yang berfokus memberikan dampak positif ke masyarakat. Ruby memanfaatkan sosial media sebagai alat untuk menjangkau lebih banyak audiens sekaligus memperluas exposure . Menurutnya, sosial media adalah alat yang
Cover Letter
27 Sep 2022

How to Write a Compelling Banking Cover Letter

a Banking Job? Choose your tone of voice for your banking cover letter by understanding the type of banking job you desire. A personal banking cover letter might emphasize branch management, while a commercial banking cover letter might focus on entrepreneurial expertise for the job. Note that some banking jobs overlap in tasks or client types. Planning your future objectives will help you determine what skills to focus on for your banking cover letter. Below are descriptions of different banking
10 Agt 2022

10 Prospek Kerja Administrasi Bisnis Menarik dan Gajinya!

di seluruh dunia. Untuk mengerjakan tanggung jawab sebagai bisnis administrator, kamu tentu harus mempunyai beberapa skill dan pengalaman. Skill tersebut bisa kamu dapatkan selagi kamu berkuliah. 📚 Contoh mata pelajaran di jurusan administrasi bisnis: Human Resource Management (sumber daya manusia) Entrepreneurship /Kewirausahaan Organizational Behavior Business operation Marketing Management Finance 10 Macam Peluang Pekerjaan Lulusan Administrasi Bisnis Bagi kamu yang tertarik dengan jurusan administrasi bisnis atau akan menjadi lulusan administrasi bisnis, mungkin kamu pernah bertanya-tanya "Lulusan dengan gelar administrasi bisnis
Career Planning
3 Nov 2020

First job for freshers: Startups or Corporates? 3 differences

stagnant environment. More and more companies are moving towards a start-up-esque environment; for example, employees can play foosball during brainstorming meetings to spark creativity; team members can also show solidarity during the process. Some enterprises also encourage internal entrepreneurship by incentivizing them with benefits. However, working in a corporate is less diverse because labor is highly specialized, every member in established companies is assigned to specific job tasks. If you happen to be a specialist, and you prefer
Industri & Profesi
6 Mar 2024

10 High-paying Business Degree Jobs

areas such as marketing or finance with a business degree. Below are 10 examples of different business degree specializations you can choose when majoring in business: Accounting Marketing Business Management Economics Insurance Logistics Management International Business Operation Management Technology Management Entrepreneurship 10 Most In-demand Business Degree Jobs There is a wide range of choices if you are seeking business degree jobs, especially high-paid ones. Below are 10 business major job opportunities that you can consider applying for. 1
6 Nov 2021

List of 100+ Management Skills for Resume [+Examples & Writing Tips]

Resume/CV Planning Planning is one of the critical management skills to put on your resume . It demonstrates one’s ability to develop plans to achieve an objective using various resources within a time limit. Research Forecasting Analyze Business Problems Entrepreneurialism Mind-mapping Strategic Thinking Initiative Goal Setting Critical Thinking Make Plan for New Business Problem Solving Project Management Making schedules Microsoft Office Use Planning Softwares Organizing Organizing refers to creating a protocol or system that allows a person to
Career Planning
6 Mar 2024

Taiwan's Effort in Recruiting Talents in the Digital Field for the Upcoming Decades

Do you know Taiwan is one of the most liveable places in the world for expats? As a matter of fact, InterNations found that Taiwan, a small sweet potato-shaped island located between the East and China Sea, was the second best place to live for expats for quality of life . Another factor that makes Taiwan's employment scene just so attractive is the ease of finding a job. There are plenty of job search sites for both students and
23 Agt 2022

12 Prospek Kerja Ilmu Komunikasi Terbaik Beserta Gajinya

Mungkin kamu bertanya-tanya: “Gelar Ilmu Komunikasi bisa jadi apa?” “Ilmu Komunikasi kerja apa?” Perlu diketahui bahwa lapangan pekerjaan untuk gelar Ilmu Komunikasi itu banyak dan beragam, tidak hanya dalam industri media seperti yang orang kira. “ Kenapa prospek kerja lulusan ilmu komunikasi itu bisa beragam? ” Karena komunikasi merupakan esensi dari hubungan antar manusia. Ditambah lagi, kita hidup di era digital di mana komunikasi dapat dilakukan dengan lebih banyak cara dari sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, memiliki keterampilan komunikasi yang kuat menjadi

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