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Mar 6th 2024

Virtual Career Fair CakeResume 2023, Cari Loker di 50+ Perusahaan Top Indonesia

26 Juni - 1 September 2023. Untuk membekali perjalanan karier kamu, CakeResume juga mengadakan webinar dari pakar karier, Vina Muliana (HR Practitioner & Content Creator), Stefanus Oliver (People Acquisition Lead Dana), dan Dianing Lupitasari (People Strategy Lead Mekari) mengenai perencanaan karier dan job hunting di era digital. Tidak berhenti disitu saja, kami juga akan menghadirkan company talks (Company Xpose) dimana kamu bisa mendapatkan informasi penting tentang perusahaan impianmu langsung dari orang dalam. Virtual Career Fair CakeResume 2023 Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Yuk
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Pre-Employment Testing: What to Know & How to Choose

the theoretical level. Candidates may complete tasks or use software the job requires frequently. Employers can then assess if applicants understand the expectations of the task and what skill levels are needed, with respect to the role. Create a better interview experience By evaluating pre-employment test results, hiring managers can ask less general and more targeted questions. This can keep the interview more focused on questions relevant to the job. Instead of asking about what applicants can do, employers
Resume & CV
Apr 8th 2019

How to Write a Resume That Stands Out

a much clearer image of your abilities and skills when you attach a numbered value to your accomplishments. You stand a higher chance of getting shortlisted for an interview should you quantify the achievements. If you are looking for a job and you want your resume to stand out, just follow the guidelines as mentioned above and for sure you will increase your odds of getting shortlisted for an interview. The moment you land an interview then you are just
Job Search Tips
May 4th 2022

Mau Kerja di Luar Negeri? 9 Cara yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui!

luar negeri. 💡 Pro tips Di Indonesia sendiri sudah ada Perusahaan Penempatan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (P3MI) yang berhak untuk menempatkan kamu di luar negeri, dan untuk informasinya bisa dicek langsung di website Badan Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (BP2MI). 2. Melalui Job Portal maupun Website Perusahaan yang Dituju Melalui job portal, kamu bisa mencari pekerjaan yang kamu mau dari negara manapun. Contohnya adalah LinkedIn, situs cari kerja yang sudah mengglobal dan banyak digunakan orang dari negara lain, khususnya negara barat. Jangan
Resume & CV
Jan 21st 2022

Event Coordinator Resume: Examples and Templates

event coordinator job position that deals with large-sized events. Diligent event coordinator with 1-year experience. Familiar with scheduling and sponsoring development. Seeking an opportunity to coordinate business events. How to write a resume summary for an event coordinator job? An event coordinator resume summary is similar to an event coordinator resume objective. The main difference is that an event coordinator resume summary highlights your past achievements and skills to inform the company that you are the right person
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

9 Contoh Subjek Email Lamaran Kerja yang Dilirik HRD [+Cara Membuatnya]

Seberapa penting subject email lamaran kerja? Hal ini penting ketika kamu melamar kerja menggunakan email. Lupa menulis subject email lamaran kerja dapat menyebabkan email kamu terjebak di folder spam dan pada akhirnya tidak mendapatkan kesempatan interview . Perekrut biasanya menerima ribuan email setiap hari, isi subjek email lamaran kerja menjadi penentu apakah email tersebut akan dibuka atau dilewati. Maka, penting bagi pencari kerja untuk menulis subjek lamaran kerja yang jelas, singkat, dan profesional. Di artikel ini, CakeResume sudah menyiapkan informasi tentang
Industry & Job Overview
Aug 30th 2022

How to Become a Journalist: Step-by-step Guide & Career Advice

easy-to-read format and include the following information: Contact details Profile summary Education Work experience Skills Others: languages, certificates, awards, projects, etc. 🖋 Acquire relevant experience Here comes the most critical factor determining whether you can land your dream job - journalism experience. So, where and how to find relevant internships or job opportunities: Job postings: You can easily seek career opportunities for getting into journalism on the best job search websites like Indeed, ZipRecruiter, LinkedIn, Monster, Glassdoor, etc. Don
Cover Letter
Sep 16th 2022

Contoh Surat Lamaran Magang dan Cara Membuatnya!

as advanced investment banking classes like Merger and Acquisition. To get firsthand knowledge of how the market works, I also track my 6 top stock selections since freshman year and would be very willing to share my findings during the interview. 5. Daftar Dokumen Lampiran Pada bagian ini, tuliskan daftar dokumen yang dilampirkan dalam lamaran magang. Sebagai info tambahan, usaha untuk melampirkan CV dan sertifikat-sertifikat terkait posisi yang dilamar. Bila job seekers mempunyai portofolio yang terkait (misal: kumpulan desain
Recruitment & HR
Apr 24th 2023

How to Create an Employee Referral Program [With Examples]

In this article, we will discuss: A Quick Glance at Employee Referrals How to Create an Employee Referral Program Employee Referral Strategies Employee Referral Program Examples If you have been struggling to find the right candidates, you're not alone. When it comes to hiring, many recruiters and employers encounter similar problems for various reasons, for example: The job posts fail to deliver the intended messages to the candidates, or are not posted on the right platforms. Candidates are more
Resume & CV
Apr 28th 2023

36 Contoh CV Lamaran Kerja dan Templatenya, Gratis!

CV lamaran kerja adalah salah satu dokumen penting yang kamu harus siapkan ketika melamar kerja. Sebuah penelitian dari Ladders menyatakan bahwa rekruter hanya menghabiskan rata-rata 7.4 detik untuk melihat CV kandidat pelamar. Oleh karena itu, CV kamu harus cukup menarik agar dapat lolos ke tahap seleksi berikutnya. Bagaimana cara membuat CV yang baik agar kamu bisa mendapatkan kesempatan interview kerja ? Simak sampai akhir untuk mengetahui cara membuat CV beserta kumpulan contoh CV yang menarik di mata HRD. Daftar

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