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Resume & CV
Mar 2nd 2022

Best Executive Resume Examples & Tips

Show that you have the credentials for the C suite position by strategically putting together an executive resume. How to write a professional executive resume? 🖋 Step 1: Understand the differences between an executive CV and a resume. While a CV and a resume may be used interchangeably, there are a few differences that set the two apart. The main thing to remember for applying for a C level role is that an executive CV will be more useful in
Resume & CV
May 10th 2022

Collector Resume Examples, Templates & Formats

Setting debt collection strategies Leading the debt collection process for assigned customers Contacting customers to recover a debt or answer questions about billing statements Negotiating partial repayments and payment plans if necessary Collaborating with insurance companies and/or lawyers if legal action is required Whatever collector jobs you’re seeking, be sure to prepare a top-notch collector resume to land the dream job. In this article, we will cover a wide range of collector jobs for your reference, including
Resume & CV
Sep 16th 2021

Paralegal Resume Examples [Key Sections & Writing Advice]

life, but they have key differences between them. The main differences between a paralegal CV and a paralegal resume lie in the following three elements: Design : Format types and structures vary and are different between these two documents. A paralegal CV is usually more plain and formal. Size : A paralegal CV can be made of multiple pages describing your entire career. On the other hand, a resume for a paralegal position only highlights the qualifications and legal abilities related to
Resume & CV
Feb 8th 2022

Customer Service Representative Resume (Examples, Templates, & Tips)

add a personalized warmth to the application, evoking a more humanistic nature to the entire process. Sample Customer Service Representative Summaries on a Resume : Insurance customer service resume summary sample: Licensed Insurance Customer Service Professional with sound knowledge in related legal terms. Drive-up sales by 13% and achieved a 95% customer rating last quarter. Sample resume summary for customer service manager: Senior Customer Service Representative with 6+ years experience & led a team of five. Has sound knowledge of CRM
Resume & CV
Apr 6th 2021

Attorney Resume Examples | Job Descriptions, Resume Summary  & Templates

Created by CakeResume Attorneys are certified professionals who offer legal advice and represent clients on legal matters including both criminal and civil cases. In many countries, the terms attorney and lawyer are commonly used interchangeably. An attorney practices law in court and a lawyer, meanwhile, may or may not. A lawyer, by definition, is someone who is learned and trained in law and provides advice and aid on legal matters. Attorney responsibilities and duties include: Communicate with clients and advise
Recruitment & HR
Jul 20th 2022

Offering Letter: Pengertian, Format, dan Contohnya! [+Bedanya dengan Kontrak Kerja]

Daftar Isi: Apa Itu Offering Letter? Format Offering Letter yang Lengkap Contoh Offering Letter yang Tepat Sebuah perusahaan mencari kandidat terbaiknya dengan melakukan serangkaian proses rekrutmen yang cukup panjang, mulai dari review ratusan CV kandidat, melakukan sesi wawancara dengan para kandidat, hingga memutuskan kandidat yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan user . Setelah perusahaan mendapatkan kandidat terbaiknya, langkah selanjutnya adalah membuat offering letter dan mengirimkannya kepada kandidat tersebut. Offering letter menjadi surat cinta bagi sang kandidat yang menyatakan bahwa perusahaan menawarkan posisi kepadanya
Cover Letter
Aug 30th 2022

Paralegal Cover Letter Template & Best Examples

Job? Paralegal Cover Letter Template As a paralegal, you will work in a lawyer's office and under the supervision of an attorney who will need your assistance in providing legal services to clients. You are also responsible for analyzing legal matters, investigating and evaluating the facts of a particular case, interviewing clients, and preparing defense briefs, contracts, forms, and other documents. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , “employment of paralegals and legal assistants is projected to
Job Search Tips
May 4th 2022

Mau Kerja di Luar Negeri? 9 Cara yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui!

dan di Indonesia. Selain itu, kamu akan mendapatkan tambahan ilmu di bidangmu dari perspektif yang berbeda, karena setiap negara bisa saja memiliki pandangan yang berbeda terhadap suatu bidang. Semua pengalaman kerjamu di luar negeri ini bisa menjadi nilai plus di CVmu lho. Ditambah lagi kalau kamu menguasai bahasa lokal disana, ini akan menambahkan kemampuan bahasa asing yang kamu miliki. Nah, pada artikel ini akan dibahas bagaimana cara mendapatkan pekerjaan di luar negeri, cara melamarnya, dan juga cara mencari lowongannya. Daftar
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

How to Find Part-time Jobs As an International Student in Taiwan

Pursuing higher education in Taiwan has only become increasingly popular this past decade - students from Southeast Asia, Latin America, and all parts of the world all gather to study in Taiwan as international students. Not only is Taiwan a safe, convenient and affordable country to study in, Taiwan’s quality education and open field of wonderful opportunities are factors that truly attract students to study in Taiwan. Additionally, planning to study in Taiwan can be hassle-free if prepared well
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Membangun Talent Pool Berkualitas: Strategi, Contoh, Jenis, dll.

Setiap perusahaan memiliki target sendiri-sendiri untuk membentuk tim yang diinginkan, misalnya memiliki bakat yang mumpuni di industri, dengan minimal pendidikan tertentu. Maka tidak jarang perusahaan membentuk sebuah database karyawan yang disebut dengan talent pool. Talent pool biasanya memuat informasi mengenai data kandidat, lengkap dengan prestasi dan bakat yang dimiliki. Lebih mendalam lagi, talent pool juga berisikan informasi mengenai kecocokan pribadi dengan budaya perusahaan . Perusahaan yang mementingkan pengembangan karyawan pasti akan membuat talent pool. Namun, terkadang terdapat kendala dalam cara

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