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Career Development
1월 16일 2023

Pengertian Mentoring dan Cara Menjadi Mentor yang Baik!

Mentoring Jenis Mentoring Tips Mulai Mentoring Perbedaan Mentoring dan Coaching Apa itu Mentoring? Pengertian Mentoring Pertama-tama, apa sih yang dimaksud dengan mentoring? Mentoring sebenarnya adalah kata dalam bahasa inggris yang berarti pendampingan atau pengarahan. Mentoring adalah sebuah kegiatan bimbingan (mentorship) atau pengarahan yang dilakukan oleh orang yang biasanya lebih berpengalaman terhadap orang yang masih terbilang baru dan belum berpengalaman, sehingga dengan adanya mentorship bisa membantu orang yang di-mentor untuk mengembangkan dirinya dan belajar dari pengalaman yang sudah dilalui
Student Guide
7월 19일 2022

10 Manfaat Magang (PKL) Bagi Mahasiswa [+Tips Dapat Magang]

perusahaan. Memperluas Jaringan Profesional Manfaat magang berikutnya adalah untuk memperluas dan membangun jaringan kerja atau networking . Banyak orang mendapatkan pekerjaan mereka karena rekomendasi seseorang. Mungkin para profesional yang kamu temui saat magang akan menghubungkan kamu kepada pekerjaanmu di masa depan. Mentorship Salah satu manfaat internship atau magang adalah kesempatan untuk bekerja sambil dibimbing oleh para profesional. Dalam menjalankan program magang, kamu mungkin akan bertemu dengan mentor-mentor yang dapat membantu memandu jalur karir kamu. Pentingnya menjalankan program magang salah satunya
Success Stories
1월 14일 2021

如何自學成為 Instagram iOS 工程師?Jacky 與 Facebook 教會他的事

興趣的話,推薦本集的《科技職涯》Podcast 給你! Podcast 各節摘要 02:20 請 Jacky 跟我們分享正在參加的 sofasoda「問問先輩」mentorship program 03:50 Jacky 是如何想要從硬體背景轉職成為轉體工程師的? 05:40 Jacky 是如何自學 iOS 並拿到第一份
Recruitment & HR
4월 25일 2023

12 Tips to Motivate Your Employees and Be the Best Manager

appreciated — for example, end-of-the-year bonuses, profit-sharing, or a well-designed employee stock purchase plan. On the other hand, extra leaves, one-on-one meetings, allowing employees to take on more responsibilities, social media shout-outs, and mentorships are some great non-financial ways to increase motivation in the office. 3. Trust Your Employees People like being trusted, especially by their colleagues and line managers. Showing them that you're confident in their skills is the best
Cover Letter
8월 26일 2022

Data Analyst Cover Letter: Samples and Writing Tips

position at your company for I believe that I can contribute to its growth, given my educational background and passion for data analytics. At the same time, I can further develop my core skills as a data analyst with your mentorship program... I believe I will fit well with the company’s culture and that I can achieve my potential working here. I hope I can have the opportunity to discuss with you my qualifications and how I can help
Success Stories
10월 29일 2020

Facebook PM Peter 的產品管理職涯:新創、跨國公司、To B、To C 通通包辦!

印象最深刻的是? 27:10 聽說 Peter 一剛開始加入 Facebook 的職稱並不是 PM? 29:15 想請問 Peter 對於組建社群、加入 mentorship program 的想法? 31:20 Peter 接下來有什麼樣的規劃呢? 從本土新創到跨國大型軟體公司 如何跨出海外職
People Operations
3월 21일 2024

Best Practices for Overcoming Multigenerational Workforce Challenges

no doubt be a technology gap within the multigenerational workforce. This will impact digital literacy and preferences of communication, creating just one more space for miscommunication in the multigenerational workplace. Solutions These multigenerational workforce challenges can be partially solved by implementing mutual mentorship initiatives. By having younger employees share their expertise in technology and social media, and older employees share their expertise in networking, we create opportunities for learning, fostering better understanding and reducing miscommunication among generations. Learn from Best...
People Operations
3월 6일 2024

10 Employee Retention Strategies for Your Company in 2023 [+ Examples]

Low salary Insufficient training Long and irregular working hours Bad relationships with managers and peers No or insufficient hands-on support Sense of isolation Pull Factors Higher salary More opportunities for career growth Flexible work arrangements Better career potential Effective mentorship programs Sense of appreciation 10 Effective Employee Retention Strategies So how to keep employees happy and prevent them from seeking new job opportunities? Here are 10 creative ways to retain employees and boost their job satisfaction within your organization
People & Culture
4월 24일 2023

Farina Situmorang on Founding AI Startup Pensieve Technology and Navigating Career Journey

CakeResume's Talent Connect is a monthly segment where we invite speakers to share their experiences in their field or industry. In this episode of Talent Connect, we invited Farina Situmorang, a prominent Indonesian entrepreneur (CEO and co-founder of Pensieve ) who has made a name for herself in the technology industry. Despite her impressive credentials, Farina had to overcome numerous obstacles in order to achieve her goals. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or simply someone
Success Stories
3월 8일 2023

女性如何發展有影響力的科技職涯?Google 台灣客戶解決方案業務總監 Eleanor & 軟體工程師 Claire 的職場女力

在多元的人格特質越來越被重視的現在,無論是性別、性向、宗教、種族等等的共融和平等常常是會被熱烈討論的話題;在職場上,也是很多企業正在努力的目標。 以性別為例,根據勤業眾信在 2021 年 12

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