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Career Development
Mar 11th 2024

Apa itu MoU? Perbedaanya dengan Surat Perjanjian, Cara Membuat, Hingga Contohnya

pentingnya membuat MoU jika sebuah perusahaan ingin bermitra dengan perusahaan lain. Selain digunakan dalam bisnis, MoU sebenarnya juga bisa digunakan oleh pihak pemerintah. Di artikel ini, CakeResume akan membahas arti MoU, perbedaan MoU dan surat perjanjian, jenis-jenisnya, hingga contoh MoU. Yuk, simak artikel tentang MoU ini sampai akhir! Daftar isi: Pengertian MoU Perbedaan MoU dan Surat Perjanjian Jenis-jenis MoU Tujuan Pembuatan MoU Komponen Sebuah MoU Contoh MoU Apa itu MoU? MoU adalah singkatan dari Memorandum of Understanding . MoU
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

7 Strategi Efektif Word of Mouth Marketing [+Contoh]

meningkatkan jumlah penjualan. Apa itu WOM? Apa saja manfaat dari Word of Mouth ? Jenis strategi apa yang ada dalam jenis marketing ini? Yuk, langsung saja simak artikel CakeResume berikut ini! Daftar Isi: Pengertian Word of Mouth Marketing Manfaat Word of Mouth Efektif untuk Bisnis 7 Strategi Pemasaran Word of Mouth yang Efektif Contoh Word of Mouth Marketing dari Perusahaan Terkenal Apa Itu Word of Mouth? Apa itu Word of Mouth Marketing? Apa arti Word of Mouth ? Word of Mouth (WOM
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Living in Taiwan: the Pros, Cons, Study Opportunities & More!

Created by CakeResume Taiwan has been hitting the headlines over the past couple years, but there’s more to this disputed island nation just 160 km off the coast of China than you might think. For starters, Taiwan is home to the tallest mountains in East Asia. As a bustling - there’s a population of about 24 million people crammed into Taiwan - subtropical island oasis with plenty to explore and eat, expat life in Taiwan is notoriously good. Hence why
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Becoming an English Teacher in Taiwan [+ Requirements]

Created by CakeResume Taiwan is a lush island nation that is the heart of traditional Chinese in the modern world. Sweet potato shaped and sweet potato crazy, Taiwan boasts sandy white beaches in the south, black pebble beaches in the north, and 3,800m tall mountains in between. Taiwan is a paradise for foreigners, being voted among the top three best places to live by expats for more than 5 consecutive years. Perhaps that’s because, in addition to the
People Operations
Oct 26th 2022

Your Guide to Internal Recruitment: Why, How, When + Tips

the same type of talent. Therefore, recruiters need to understand which recruiting method works best for them. You can find the following among the most common internal and external recruitment methods: Direct advertising Referrals Promotions and transfers Internships Word of mouth Job boards Social media recruiting Recruitment agencies However, it is a great idea to ponder internal hiring before considering all the external hiring methods. More often than you can imagine, the perfect candidate already works for your company. If
Resume & CV
Sep 7th 2021

Brand Ambassador Resume Examples [+ Resume Dos & Don'ts]

ambassador, you are commonly employed by a company or organization to help raise their brand awareness and increase sales. You will be a tastemaker in their communities, and utilize your networks and relationships to market the brand via word-of-mouth marketing tactics, including referring friends and posting about the brand online. You will also take part in specific events of the company to perform product demonstrations or give away sample products. With the increasing influence of social media and
Success Stories
Mar 10th 2021

從 Apple 到 Google,Recruiter WeiLin 解析 Google 面試技巧與科技人資職涯!

是大舉擴張,並在 2021 年年初啟用位於台北遠東通訊園區多達 16 層樓的獨棟新總部,更是除了美國 Mountain View 的總部以外,全球第一座、也是規模最大的硬體研發基地。 因此,Google 台灣也開出近 40 個實習與正
Success Stories
Nov 1st 2021

Google 台灣的硬體人才如何擁抱世界舞台?硬體副總裁 Elmer & 人才招募經理 Jeffrey 親自剖析!

大樓落成,這棟大樓除了辦公室以外還有不少實驗室,因為台灣 Google 不僅是業務據點,更是 Google 在美國 Mountain View 總部以外首座、最大的硬體研發基地。 在本集的《科技職涯》,我們邀請到了 Google 台灣的硬體副總裁
Job Search Tips
Jan 18th 2022

6 Best Freelance Sites to Land on a Job in 2022

Introduction: How to find freelance jobs Now that you’ve done everything you can to show that you’re determined to become a freelancer: you’ve quit your job; put aside an emergency fund; polished your skillset; meditate daily in order to be more mentally prepared for the uncertainties yet to come. But, if no one knows about you, all of your preparations will have been for naught. These, of course are indispensable for a successful career as a freelancer

Community Manager: Peran, Tugas, Skill dan Gajinya!

Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi dan aktifnya masyarakat dalam penggunaan media sosial, dunia kerja juga kian berubah. Ada bidang pekerjaan yang mengalami pergeseran dan digantikan dengan pekerjaan lain, sementara ada juga yang justru terbantu dan berkembang pesat. Salah satu pekerjaan yang mulai banyak diminati berkembangnya teknologi adalah community manager. Apa yang dimaksud dengan community manager? Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai pekerjaan community manager , sampai job description community manager , dan skill apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi seorang community

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