求职信(Cover Letter)
Career Development

GoTo Layoff, Apa yang Harus Kita Lakukan?

Tiga tahun belakangan terasa sangat penuh dengan kejutan. Setelah pandemi yang menyerang tahun 2020 dan 2021, tahun ini diramaikan dengan Rusia yang menyerang Ukraina. Dan seakan belum cukup di sana, kini kita dikejutkan dengan Tech Winter . Pandemi Covid-19 membuka jalan bagi berbagai solusi berbasis teknologi. Dan ditambah dengan kiat pemerintah di seluruh dunia untuk meredam efek pandemi kepada perekonomian negara dengan menjalankan easy money policy, maka dalam dua tahun belakangan harga saham teknologi pun melambung tinggi. Setelah pandemi berangsur

Last Assignment in December: Jotting Down Your 2023 Career Resolution

their own merits. They help us mull over what we have done. Good or bad. As well as driving us forward. Be it personal or career-wise. Granted, the timing might sound unsuitable for any career resolution. Supply chain crisis. Tech winter. Inflation. Massive layoff. Job progression in 2023 may seem to hinge on everything else but ourselves. Nevertheless, it would be wise to focus on the cards on our hands. Not the variables we can’t control. 2023 will
Career Development

Resesi Mendekat, Waktunya Career Cushioning?

segi pekerja, tentunya diuntungkan dengan fenomena ini. Ada sedikit lebih banyak leverage untuk negosiasi gaji ataupun kondisi kerja yang lebih baik. Namun kemudian, muncul pula arus balik dalam pasar tenaga kerja. Tren layoff dimulai dari startup-startup yang terpengaruh dampak Tech Winter. Berturut-turut startup papan atas seperti Shopee, RuangGuru, Zenius, GoTo, dan Xendit mengumumkan PHK massal. Meski awalnya hanya memengaruhi sektor tech , tentunya ada kekhawatiran bagi karyawan di sektor lainnya. Bagaiamanpun, startup-startup yang melakukan PHK bukan perusahaan kecil
产业 & 职位介绍

Apa Itu Technopreneurship? Skill dan Cara Menjadi Technopreneur Sukses!

membutuhkan dedikasi dan kemampuan untuk menghadapi tantangan. Peluang usaha technopreneur di Indonesia ini sangat tinggi. Seperti yang kamu tahu, kemunculan startup di Indonesia mulai booming pada tahun 2015 lalu. Namun, tidak semua startup bisa bertahan hingga saat ini. Fenomena banyaknya startup yang gulung tikar tersebut dikenal juga dengan sebutan Tech Winter . 5. Memiliki Kemampuan Untuk Mengambil Keputusan Technopreneurship adalah salah satu bidang bisnis yang sangat dinamis. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan kemampuan pengambilan keputusan yang cepat agar tidak sampai kehilangan pelua...

Human Resources Resume Examples (Templates, Skills & Tips)

excellent HR resume sample from someone is another useful tip for you to start your writing HR resume journey. From those examples, you can learn a lot by obtaining suggestions and avoiding critical mistakes. With the enormous advance of hi-tech, the Internet is the best source to seek great human resources resume examples. Step 4: Tailor your resume for each HR position. Regardless of what level you are applying for, whether it is a resume for HR freshers or

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internal Position

of responsibility in your existing role. Regardless, internal position cover letters should detail your achievements and responsibilities of your existing role, and how you can apply them to a new position. Likewise, there are subtle differences between cover letters for internal promotions compared to general internal position cover letters. Here are our sample internal job cover letters: 💼 Internal Cover Letter for a Job Transfer Tim Jobson 900 000 000  TimJ@Techsolutions.com Tom Hyre Hiring Manager Tech Solutions 900

Computer Science Cover Letter: Cracking the Code for Your Path to Success

GPA of 3.85, and am currently learning JavaScript and SQL. I’m excited to submit this letter for the summer internship at LLC Tech, and believe that my education and freelancing experience would allow me to excel in this intern position. During the past two years as a freelance UX designer, my major duties and responsibilities include: Conducting user research and testing to evaluate the UX effectiveness Defining interaction models, user task flows, and UI specifications Developing and maintaining

Top 5 Highest Paid Jobs in the Current Market 2023 - 2024

backs of incredibly driven and intelligent people working the highest-paying jobs in the tech industry. The average annual salary for high-paying tech jobs can be anywhere between $100,000 and $250,000. Core skills for the highest-paying tech jobs: Knowledge of multiple programming languages Multitasking and punctuality Critical thinking and analysis Finance and Investment Banking The highest-paying jobs in the finance sector, such as investment banking, can easily surpass $200,000. Strong mental acuity, interpersonal skills

Applying for Internships and Jobs at Startups

Why People Apply to Brand-Name Companies Big players in the tech space lure the best talent by offering everything you can possibly think of as work-related perks. The likes of Facebook, Google and Apple offer not just six figure salaries (plus stock options!), gourmet meals on campus, sleeping pods, flextime, and even dry cleaning and car maintenance services free of cost to all employees, but some of these companies even go so far as committing to taking care
产业 & 职位介绍

Apa itu Tech Company? Pengertian, Jenis, Contoh, dan Cara Melamar

Perusahaan teknologi atau tech company mengambil peran signifikan dalam mendorong perkembangan ekonomi digital Indonesia. Riset LPEM FEB UI pada tahun 2022 menunjukan bahwa satu perusahaan teknologi di Indonesia saja bisa menyumbang sekitar 1,8% - 2,2% dari total PDB. Di tahun 2023, Indonesia berada di peringkat ke-6 dunia sebagai negara dengan jumlah perusahaan teknologi rintisan terbanyak, yaitu 2.486 tech startup . Jumlah perusahaan teknologi yang masif ini membuka banyak peluang bagi pencari kerja. Agar tak melewatkan kesempatan ini, kamu


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