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Success Stories
Jan 14th 2021

如何自學成為 Instagram iOS 工程師?Jacky 與 Facebook 教會他的事

夠嘉惠大量的使用者,成就感自然非同凡響。也因為用戶數量極多,數據資料豐富、可以盡情地 A/B Test,有助於產品的優化與決策的進行。 (2) 成功的工程師不只要會 coding 一個產品絕對不只有生產的人
Industry & Job Overview
Mar 14th 2024

3C 產品是哪 3C?一次了解 3C 產業全貌和未來產品趨勢

experience based upon their interests and agenda 4. Demonstrate a mastery of all Tesla products and services, as well as local incentives for EV owners 5. Help Tesla maintain a healthy sales pipeline by collecting customer contact information and scheduling Test Drives for individuals who exhibit purchase intent or potential 6. Regularly update the CRM system to ensure accurate and timely sales and delivery information is available to management 7. Prepare vehicles and host delivery appointments, including new owner orientations
Interview Skills
Apr 28th 2023

Bộ câu hỏi phỏng vấn ReactJS thường gặp và cách trả lời phỏng vấn hiệu quả

phát triển. Việc sử dụng React Hooks vì vậy cũng có nhiều lợi ích: Xóa bỏ key “this”, từ đó không cần tới component dựa theo class hay các vòng đời, giúp code trở nên dễ đọc hơn. Tối ưu test bằng các chia sẻ logic giữa các component với nhau. Cho phép tái sử dụng logic bằng cách trừu tượng hoá các chức năng sang Custom Hook. 5. Lý do cần dùng Keys trong React. Thêm một key cho
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2021

不會跳舞也要斜槓做跳舞 APP!Swipe Co-Founder & COO 凱閔的跨領域職涯挑戰

約 15 個小時的業餘時間,一年過後才正式辭掉上一份工作、加入 Swipe 成為正職夥伴。 「其實你也是 A/B test 你的人生。」 是否要全心全意創業?凱閔以自身經歷建議,不一定要馬上做這麼大的決定,漸進式的
Success Stories
Mar 23rd 2021

如何與使用者一起打造出市場所需的產品?VoiceTube CEO 與 COO 共同剖析團隊 DNA 及海外市場拓展策略

試:了解求職者的人格特質與能力是否符合公司的文化與工作需求。 技術性測驗:工程團隊會有 coding test,開放性地去讓面試者決定自己要表現到什麼程度,藉以了解其開發習慣與基本的能力。其他職
Success Stories
Oct 23rd 2020

機會是用創造的!看李威從 MIT 國際創業訓練營、Udemy 到 SaaS 工具 LearnWorlds 的職涯 MVP

的新講師,或是希望能掌握更多主導權的知名講師,都可以利用 SaaS 分析學員資料,自己做 Re-marketing、A/B test。 此外,SaaS 工具也會有更廣的應用,不一定是營利的課程、產品,可能是企業、學校內部的教育訓練,或
Recruitment & HR
Apr 3rd 2024

Dịch vụ tuyển dụng nhân sự là gì? Khi nào doanh nghiệp cần đến Recruitment Consulting?

nhằm chọn ra những bộ hộ sơ phù hợp với mong muốn của doanh nghiệp. Đọc thêm: Công việc của Recruitment Consultant là gì? 2. Tham gia vào quá trình tuyển dụng Ngoài giới thiệu những ứng viên tiềm năng, các đơn vị cung cấp dịch vụ tuyển dụng nhân sự trọn gói còn nhận tư vấn quy trình tuyển dụng nhân sự chuẩn, tối ưu cho doanh nghiệp và cung cấp bộ câu hỏi, bài test cũng như than...
Career Planning
May 25th 2021

What Is a Letter of Recommendation?

also common for a job application. A reference letter is a general endorsement of the individual's character traits, skills, qualifications, and previous performance. For a job application, the hiring manager would like to review a reference letter along with the candidate's resume and cover letter. Besides individual purposes, an endorsement letter is also written to give support or public approval to something, like a political campaign, social movement, program, etc. A testimonial letter is a formal statement testi...
Resume & CV
Dec 27th 2021

The Power of Resume Colors: Here are Things You Need to Know

Created by CakeResume Not the text, but it’s the overall look of your resume that employers will notice at first glance, including layout, design, font, etc. What color is best for a resume is one of the most frequently asked questions of many job seekers, especially fresh graduates. When used correctly, resume colors can be a major advantage in making employers want to read the entire document. However, picking inappropriate colors can sometimes come across as unprofessional and cause
Interview Skills
Apr 19th 2024

10+ Pertanyaan Interview Programmer yang Sering Ditanyakan Recruiter

Interview programmer merupakan salah satu tahap penting untuk menjadi seorang programmer profesional di suatu perusahaan. Pertanyaan interview programmer biasanya berupa pertanyaan tentang coding, pertanyaan tentang bahasa pemrograman, dan bahkan ada juga tes coding. Jika kamu tertarik untuk menjadi programmer profesional, maka kamu sebaiknya mempelajari pertanyaan tentang interview programmer agar lancar saat melalui proses wawancara nanti. Berikut adalah beberapa daftar soal tes programmer dan jawabannya yang bisa kamu jadikan sebagai referensi sebelum wawancara. Daftar isi: Siapa itu Programmer Daftar Pertanyaan Interview

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