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Recruitment & HR
oct. 7ème 2022

Apa itu Digital Mindset Assessment? Ini Pengertian dan Contoh Soalnya, Dll.!

Daftar isi: Pengertian Digital Mindset (Pola Pikir Digital) Apa itu Digital Mindset Assessment? 6 Ciri-ciri Orang dengan Digital Mindset Cara Menumbuhkan Digital Mindset pada Karyawan Contoh Digital Mindset & Behaviour Assessment Telkom Sejak pandemi COVID-19, banyak hal yang berubah. Semua orang memaksimalkan penggunaan teknologi digital untuk tetap melaksanakan aktivitasnya. Dengan teknologi digital, orang-orang bisa work from home, kelas online, dan bahkan kegiatan jual beli online sekarang makin meningkat. Setiap orang perlu adaptasi, berpikir kreatif, memiliki motivasi, serta terbuka
Career Planning
juil. 1er 2021

How to Become a Software Engineer from Scratch: Ultimate Career Change Guide

high adaptability and attracted job seekers who aspire to higher salaries. According to U.S. News , the median software engineer salary lies around $107,510. Remote software engineer jobs also increased, bringing flexible working modes that allow software engineers to work from home or freelance. More consider a career change as a response to this new era, or find online software development jobs to live more freely. However, before making dramatic decisions, one should probably conduct research to understand the
Career Planning
mai 11ème 2023

【全球遠距趨勢分享】遠端工作 4 大心法,帶你認識跨國遠距工作模式

三本書《WFH 也能發展國際職涯:遠距工作者的職場攻略》,專門討論這個議題, 也舉辦了多場講座分享 work from home 的心法。這篇文章集結我對遠距工作的觀察,整理出以下四大重點,希望能讓讀者用最短的
Career Development
nov. 28ème 2022

Quiet Quitting: Bekerja Lebih Keras atau Sewajarnya?

Fenomena quiet quitting atau employee disengagement sendiri sebenarnya tidak pernah hilang dalam bidang manajemen SDM, namun fenomena ini mulai terangkat kembali setelah munculnya pandemi COVID-19 di tahun 2020. Tahun 2020 membawa perubahan yang sangat besar dalam dunia profesional. Tren Work from Home (WFH) pun menyebabkan pegawai di berbagai industri untuk mengevaluasi prioritasnya masing-masing, terutama mengenai keseimbangan kehidupan kerja menurut Global Talent Trends 2022 dari LinkedIn . Kedua fenomena ini juga bukan tanpa pendukung dan lawannya masing-masing. Contohnya, Elon
People Operations
avr. 19ème 2023

Hybrid working là gì? Bàn về mô hình hybrid work trong thời đại số

kỳ địa điểm nào có kết nối Internet đủ mạnh) mà không cần có mặt tại trụ sở công ty. Trong những năm Covid-19 diễn biến phức tạp, remote working còn thường đi liền với WFH, viết tắt của "work from home" (làm việc tại nhà). Hybrid tiếng Anh có nghĩa là hỗn hợp/lai tạo. Vì thế, hybrid working có thể hiểu là hình thức làm việc kết hợp giữa truyền thống và làm remote, cho phép người
Career Development
mars 27ème 2024

Highest Paying Job in Malaysia: Latest 2024 Guide for Fresh Graduates and All

increasingly steady and robust . The retail sector has increased by 63%, the logistics sector has reached 25%, the hospitality and travel sector is up by 133%, and the sales-business development has experienced a YoY increase of 34%. Job seekers from overseas can also seize this opportunity. Flexible work environments, including hybrid or work-from-home, have become a strategy for companies to attract new talents. Right now, 60% of workers in Malaysia agree that WFH helps them to have
Career Development
déc. 19ème 2022

Panduan WFA Agar Pekerjaan Sukses dan Efektif! [+Contoh Perusahaan]

dengan jam kerja yang panjang, perjalanan panjang, beberapa pertemuan tatap muka, interaksi sosial tatap muka, mulai bekerja lebih awal sehingga seseorang bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan dilakukan sebelum semua rapat, dan begadang untuk menyelesaikan lebih banyak pekerjaan. Sedangkan, WFH adalah singkatan dari "work from home" yang menggambarkan pekerjaan yang dilakukan dari jarak jauh, bukan di kantor. Banyak perusahaan maupun organisasi yang mengalihkan karyawannya dari kantor ke WFH selama pandemi global Coronavirus. Lalu mana yang lebih produktif antara WFA, WFO, dan WFH ? Hal
Recruitment & HR
avr. 25ème 2023

12 Tips to Motivate Your Employees and Be the Best Manager

company. Another way to motivate your team members is by fostering the employee autonomy . This leads to increased job satisfaction and positively affects employees' well-being. Avoid micro-managing employees and allow them to work remotely/independently. Motivated employees will work harder to reach the milestones you set for them. Here are some team motivation ideas that you can use as a reference: Set rewards based on milestones Allow employees to take extra paid hours or work from home. Allow
Interview Skills
avr. 26ème 2023

Nằm lòng bí kíp phỏng vấn online - đảm bảo 99% thành công

Kinh nghiệm phỏng vấn online Mục lục: Phỏng vấn online là gì trong tuyển dụng? Chuẩn bị phỏng vấn online như thế nào? Kinh nghiệm phỏng vấn online đảm bảo thành công Lưu ý khi phỏng vấn online để tránh mắc sai lầm Từ sau dịch Covid-19, hình thức phỏng vấn online trở nên phổ biến hơn bao giờ hết nhằm tuân thủ quy định giãn cách xã hội. Ngoài ra, bằng cách phỏng vấn online, cả nhà tuyển
Success Stories
sept. 7ème 2022

「員工福利」對招募的幫助有多大?看看 inline 如何用超強的餐飲福利幫助企業留住人才!


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