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Student Guide
Mar 6th 2024

11 Jurusan Menjanjikan yang Banyak Peluang Kerjanya!

lulus pastinya menjadi impian semua orang. Pada dasarnya, setiap bidang studi merupakan jurusan kuliah yang menjanjikan dan memiliki peluang kerjanya masing-masing. Walaupun begitu, masih banyak orang yang merasa takut salah memilih jurusan. Jurusan apa yang gampang cari kerja? Berikut 11 daftar jurusan dengan prospek kerja tinggi: 1. Jurusan Teknik Informatika Teknik informatika dianggap menjadi salah satu jurusan dengan prospek kerja tinggi baik sekarang ataupun di masa mendatang. Hal ini didukung dengan data dari Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) di
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

10 Employee Retention Strategies for Your Company in 2023 [+ Examples]

the year. Then, multiply that number by 100 to get the retention rate in your workplace. Below is a simple formula to calculate employee retention rates: Employee Retention Rate = (Total # of remained employees during set period ÷ Total # of employees) x 100 Why Is Employee Retention Important? The following are 5 ways that innovative employee retention strategies benefit businesses. 1. Boost employee morale A work environment with low staff or team retention can dampen employee morale. They not only feel unmotivated
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

14 Important Human Resource Metrics You Need to Track in 2023-2024

In this article, you'll read about: What Are HR Metrics? Recruitment HR Metrics Revenue HR Metrics Retention HR Metrics DE&I HR Metrics Human resources (HR) departments have become an increasingly important part of a business, as they are involved with making strategic decisions that can influence a company’s success or failure. They are responsible for gauging what is working well, what isn’t working, and where to invest the business’ future efforts. A recent survey shows that
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

10 Tips for Successful Talent Recruitment

using tools and creating interview questions, knowing how to recruit effectively will take some time and effort. Previously, we have shared with you how to set up a recruitment process . In this article, we will share with you our top 10 recruitment tips that you can use to attract the best talent possible. Create a Positive Candidate Experience A simple hiring tip is to create a positive experience for your applicants. Not only will this make it easier for the
Recruitment & HR
Apr 25th 2023

12 Tips to Motivate Your Employees and Be the Best Manager

of staff motivation being rather evident, Gallup has reported that only 21% of employees feel engaged at work. So what can a manager do to increase their team's motivation at work? Let's have a look at our top 12 tips. Here are 12 tips on how to motivate your employees: Create a Pleasant Environment Reward Employees Trust Your Employees Give Positive and Constructive Feedback Offer Accommodations Provide Snack Catering Respect Your Employees Be Transparent about the Business Plan
Resume & CV
Nov 3rd 2020

Top 15 Resume Builders For Creating A Perfect Resume | Best Resume Builder 2023

JobCv If you're looking for alternatives to some of the common and generally-known resume/CV builders, here are a few undiscovered online resume/CV makers that you may want to consider using. Some of them are totally FREE! 1. CakeResume With a clean and intuitive interface, CakeResume is the best online resume builder that offers maximum flexibility for creating and customizing your resume. It features a wide range of well-designed snippets, which you can simply drag and
Interview Skills
Apr 29th 2022

Ketahui 10 Tips Interview Kerja ini Sebelum Bertemu HRD

ini, kamu akan lebih memahami cara menghadapi interview kerja bagi pemula maupun bukan, cara menjawab interview kerja dengan baik, dan cara interview online . Daftar isi: Tips Sukses Interview Kerja Tips Menjawab Pertanyaan Interview Tips Interview Kerja Online Tips Interview Kerja 10 Tips Interview kerja Di bagian ini adalah beberapa tips saat wawancara kerja yang bisa kamu ikuti: 1. Lakukan Riset Tentang Industri dan Perusahaan Salah satu cara interview yang baik adalah untuk mencari tahu tentang perusahaan yang kamu lamar secara
Job Search Tips
Mar 8th 2024

Top 10 công ty công nghệ Việt Nam và cơ hội nghề nghiệp

10 công ty công nghệ lớn nhất Việt Nam Mục lục: Top 10 công ty công nghệ Việt Nam Cần gì để làm việc tại top công ty công nghệ Việt Nam? Cơ hội việc làm trong các công ty công nghệ Việt Nam đang ngày càng trở nên hấp dẫn, khi mà ngành này ở nước ta đang trên đà phát triển vượt trội. Các công ty công nghệ thông tin không chỉ chiếm vị trí quan trọng trên
Student Guide
Sep 28th 2022

Simak 10 Prospek Kerja Lulusan Farmasi Beserta Gajinya!

Kalau bicara soal tenaga medis, kemungkinan besar profesi pertama yang terpikir di benak kita adalah dokter. kemudian selanjutnya disusul oleh perawat sebagai profesi kedua. Mungkin masih banyak orang yang belum sadar kalau ternyata ada apoteker yang merupakan salah satu karir atau pekerjaan lulusan farmasi yang juga masuk sebagai tenaga medis. Akan tetapi sebenarnya prospek kerja lulusan farmasi tidak hanya sebagai apoteker, lho. Masih banyak pekerjaan lain yang bisa kamu lakukan jika kamu kuliah di jurusan farmasi. Nah, di artikel ini
Career Development
Sep 20th 2022

Ketahui 12 Cara Mendapatkan Uang Dari Internet! Coba Sekarang Juga!

Cara Menghasilkan Uang Online Jaman sekarang, ada seribu satu cara untuk mendapatkan uang meski tidak pergi ke kantor. Keberadaan internet membantu banyak orang untuk menghasilkan uang. Baik untuk uang jajan tambahan atau menjadi sumber mata pencaharian utama mereka yang bisa menghasilkan puluhan hingga ratusan juta rupiah per bulannya. Asalkan ada niat dan kegigihan, kamu pasti bisa mendapatkan uang dari internet. Hambatan untuk mencari uang di internet sangatlah kecil, sehingga mulai dari anak kecil, pelajar, ibu rumah tangga, pemuda sampai manula

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