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Nov 6th 2021

List of 100+ Management Skills for Resume [+Examples & Writing Tips]

Created by CakeResume Table of Contents What Are Management Skills & Why Are They Important? List of 100+ Management Skills Examples for Resume/CV Where to List Management Skills on a Resume/CV Tips on Writing Managerial Skills in a Resume/CV What to Put Under Management Skills on a Resume What Are Management Skills and Why Are They Important? Management skills are important attributes and abilities that help companies and organizations grow. Some common management skills are supervision, evaluation, planning
May 10th 2023

Bật mí 10 mẫu portfolio cho developer và những tips “vàng”

Mục lục: Tầm quan trọng của portfolio developer ấn tượng 10 mẫu portfolio developer đẹp Cách tạo portfolio online cho developer Đối với một ứng viên xin việc ngành lập trình, một portfolio không đơn giản chỉ là một tài liệu mở rộng của CV trong hồ sơ xin việc. Trên thực tế, portfolio cho developer là một “màn giới thiệu” minh chứng cho những gì bạn nói trong CV của mình. Thay vì nói suông với nhà tuyển dụng
Success Stories
Jan 27th 2022

一探 10 年硬體業 PM 的職涯思維: 專訪 GIGABYTE 產品經理 Erica

現任 GIGABYTE 產品經理的 Erica 擁有電機系和商管研究所背景,畢業後進入硬體 PC 產業發展,以專案經理為起點,一路開展硬體業 PM 的職涯之路,至今將近 10 年。 「我的職涯就像在拼拼圖。」以自身的技術背景為
Career Development
Apr 12th 2024

Discover the 15 Must-Have Sales Skills for Advancing Your Sales Career

15 Must-Have Sales Skills for Advancing Your Sales Career A strong sales team is a key contributor to a company’s success; however, regardless of company strategy or reputation, a team with strong sales skills is what helps in achieving sales targets. Whether it's communication to negotiation, sales skills require time to develop, and can be refined with enough hard work. We’ll go through the diverse types of sales skills, as well as ways you can develop
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Lương tháng 13 là gì và các câu hỏi thường gặp

48 tháng đạt thành tích xuất sắc, có tỷ lệ thưởng là 175% và có mức lương bình quân là 7.000.000. Thế nên cả hai người sẽ nhận được lương tháng 13 là: Ông B: 7.000.000*150%= 10.500.000VND Bà C: 7.000.000*175%= 12.250.000VND Tính theo lương tháng 12 Lương tháng 13 = Lương tháng 12 Ví dụ: Cô A có thu nhập tháng 1110.000.000, tháng 12 có
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Success Secrets 101: A Guide to Career Development for Students

Created by CakeResume Ever done the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI) , also known as the 16 personalities? Well, did you know that it’s actually frequently used as a career development questionnaire for students? That’s because the MBTI is a personality indicator, and your personality and preferences have a direct influence on your career path. However, like most things, your personality can change and develop. From introvert to extrovert, you can gain new interests that refocus your future paths
Resume & CV
May 18th 2023

Resume Format Guideline: 10+ Resume Formats And Free Templates To Download

you have accumulated 5+ years of relevant work experience; Use at most three font sizes on your resume for a clean look. Your name should be in the largest font. As for the headings of each session, you can use 14pt font, and pick an 11 or 12 for the rest of your resume content; Use a 1.25 - 1.5 line spacing to avoid an all-cramped-up resume look; Unless you work in design and have your purpose
People Operations
Jun 2nd 2022

Managerial round interview: 15 sample questions and answers

are truly competent for the role. You will have to gain company leaders' approval, by nailing the managerial round interviews and answering the questions perfectly, to ultimately land your dream job. Read on to learn more about managerial rounds and 15 sample interview questions and answers to get fully prepared. What is the Managerial Round of Interviews? The managerial round of an interview is when a manager or multiple managers interview a job candidate. After you’ve succeeded in the
Job Search Tips
May 6th 2022

Selain Gaji, Ini 12 Fasilitas yang Bisa Diharapkan!

Meningkatkan kesejahteraan karyawan dan menurunkan risiko jatuh sakit, maka karyawan dapat lebih mendedikasikan waktunya untuk bekerja Meningkatkan daya tarik dan reputasi perusahaan di mata karyawan Memberikan fasilitas kerja kepada karyawan dapat membuat perusahaan kamu lebih unggul dan membedakannya dari pesaing. 12 Fasilitas Kerja Selain Gaji Berikut adalah beberapa contoh fasilitas kerja selain gaji yang diharapkan karyawan. Jika kamu adalah seorang karyawan, kamu bisa membuat ini sebagai referensi jawaban untuk pertanyaan fasilitas yang diharapkan yang diajukan oleh HRD. 1. Asuransi Jiwa
Job Search Tips
Jan 29th 2023

找工作 12 大陷阱!責任制沒有加班費?試用期可以薪資較低?加班只能換補休?帶你用勞基法破解求職話術

找工作 時,你都會怎麼談福利與薪資?在與企業接洽的過程中,有哪些細節要注意?那些看似無傷大雅的福利,是否潛藏話術的包裝、位於法律的灰色地帶?那些看似沒什麼問題的程序,是否可能讓你

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