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Resume & CV
Jan 10th 2022

Mastering Google Docs Resume Templates [w/ 10+ Essential Tips]

resume format is easily scannable by the recruiters Cons: Too many white spaces on the left column, resulting in extra space without any purpose The right column is too crowded 💡 3 tips for using this Google Docs resume template: 1. Increase more space on the right column As mentioned in the above section, this Google Docs resume format is ideal, but it may not be aesthetically pleasing. 2. Make use of the borders Swiss is a simple resume template
Resume & CV
Apr 8th 2019

“Haves and “Have Nots” for Resumes – 11 New Rules

keywords for their professional skills which should be “dropped” into the document, in order to pass a digital scan. There are some new additional “must haves” and “must not haves,” however, that may not yet be common knowledge. Here are 11 of them. You Should Have a Title or a Headline. Think about this for a minute. When a recruiter or hiring manager is looking at dozens or resumes in a short period of time, all of them generally look
People Operations
Mar 27th 2023

Đánh giá nhân sự là gì? 10+ tiêu chí đánh giá nhân viên doanh nghiệp nên áp dụng

10 tiêu chí đánh giá nhân sự nhà quản lý cần biết Mục lục: Đánh giá nhân sự là gì, vì sao cần thiết? Các tiêu chí đánh giá nhân sự Cách đánh giá nhân viên hiệu quả Con người được xem là tài nguyên quan trọng nhất trong mỗi doanh nghiệp và việc đánh giá nhân sự đóng vai trò vô cùng quan trọng, giúp quản lý hiệu quả công việc và nâng cao năng lực của từng cá
Personal Development
Jun 22nd 2022

Mau Sukses di Usia Muda? Tiru 10 Kebiasaan Ini!

kiat menjadi orang sukses dan kelihatannya belum membuahkan hasil, jangan putus asa dulu. Mungkin selangkah atau dua langkah lagi kamu bisa mencapainya. Caranya? Coba simak beberapa tips menjadi orang sukses di bawah ini yang mungkin bisa merubah jalan hidupmu. Berikut 10 langkah sukses di usia muda, jangan sampai terlewatkan, ya! 10 Cara Menjadi Orang Sukses Tips Cara Menjadi Orang Sukses 1. Tetapkan Tujuan Utamamu Kunci pertama yang perlu kamu pegang ketika belajar menjadi orang sukses adalah menentukan tujuan utama yang
Resume & CV
Feb 22nd 2022

Write an Impressive Retail Resume in 10 Steps (+ Examples)

the following commonly used fonts: Arial, Helvetica, Gill Sans, Roboto, Times New Roman, or Verdana are all ideal choices. 🖋 What is the standard margin for a retail resume? The standard margin for an A4 paper is around 0.8-1 inch (2-2.54 cm), depending on the amount of content in your retail resume. 🖋 What should the line spacing for a retail resume be? For the retail resume line spacing, keep it between 1.15 to 1
Job Search Tips
May 4th 2021

Working from Home Starter Pack: Freelancing 101

From millennials to working adults, freelancing has become a phenomenon in today’s career landscape. It’s, in fact, approachable. Picture this, at 9 or 10, you wake up after feeling well-rested. Stretch yourself a bit and shake your drowsy head away. The air is thick with the scent of brewing coffee; you take an immediate gulp. Liberating sense of freedom overwhelms you. Slowly, you saunter your way to the living room, eye on the fuzzy armchair by the
Career Planning
Apr 11th 2023

Học kế toán ra làm gì? 10+ nghề hot không thể bỏ qua 2023

liên quan đến giao dịch thì kiểm toán viên sẽ phụ trách kiểm tra những dữ liệu đó. Mức lương cho kiểm toán viên chưa có kinh nghiệm: 7 triệu đồng/tháng Mức lương cho người đã có kinh nghiệm: 12-15 triệu đồng/tháng 3. Giao dịch viên ngân hàng Sinh viên học ngành kế toán ra trường làm giao dịch viên ngân hàng là một lựa chọn phổ biến. Với mức lương hấp dẫn từ 8 - 12 triệu
People Operations
Sep 28th 2022

Hire Offshore Software Development Companies Successfully: 10 Mistakes to Avoid

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover top 10 offshore development hiring mistakes: #1. Not having done proper research #2. Focusing too heavily on cost #3. Not being clear with your requirements #4. Not having established long-term goals #5. Not considering privacy and security issues #6. Not being prepared for cultural differences #7. Not consulting a tech expert before hiring offshore software companies #8. Not trusting the vendor and micromanaging #9. Having a rigid budget and strict
Career Planning
Jul 7th 2022

Looking to Become a Networking Expert? 10 Pro Tips

Created by CakeResume In this article, you’ll learn: What is Networking? Top 10 Tips for Better Networking So you have registered for your first networking event, but you are now thinking how you go around ‘networking’ with people. Picture this: you go into the networking event with the aim to gain a job opportunity or referral. At the end of the event you leave feeling disappointed. Now picture this: you go into the networking event with the goal to
Interview Skills
Aug 11th 2022

2024 面試問題大全:10 道經典面試題附完整回答範例!

好不容易通過獲得面試的機會,卻總擔心自己太過緊張、無法展現出最亮眼的自己嗎? 面試的確是應徵工作中最重要的一個環節,除了讓自己可以再次確認這個公司、這份工作是不是符合期待外

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