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People Operations
Mar 8th 2024

如何守護員工心理健康?引進 EAP 員工協助方案讓你事半功倍!

與心理健康之間有關連的冰山一角。\ DEI 360° 職場新知:加入多元共融宇宙 新世代工作者都想找一份 DEI 工作 —— 想了解更多精選的 DEI 企業、DEI 職缺資訊嗎?都在《 DEI 360° 職場新知 》和《 DEI 多元共融人才職缺專區
People Operations
Mar 7th 2024

同志友善職場不是做慈善,還能讓企業有利可圖?5 項指標一次健檢!

元素跟成分,才有機會廣納更多的人。 DEI 360° 職場新知:加入多元共融宇宙 新世代工作者都想找一份 DEI 工作 —— 想了解更多精選的 DEI 企業、DEI 職缺資訊嗎?都在《 DEI 360° 職場新知 》和《 DEI 多元共融人才職缺專區
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

The Gender Pay Gap: Unveiling The Truth and Debunking The Myths

gap is finally being eradicated? How about the myth associated with the gender pay gap debunked? More women in the workforce is not directly proportional to the company's desire to provide higher wages. Although the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) system in the workplace has been linked to the improvement of doubled EBIT margins , doubled total shareholder return, and tripled revenue growth. This article can be a guide for Human Resources (HR) who need to understand the complexities of
People Operations
Apr 26th 2022

Interview Questions for Managers and How to Answer Them

a candidate; they are especially interested in your management style. The interviewer often asks various behavioral questions and situational questions in an interview for managers depending on the particular values the company is fostering. Other qualities like carrying an inclusive DEI mindset and motivation in contributing towards CSR goals might come into consideration in an interview for a managerial position and questions asked in it. To clearly and coherently display those characteristics might seem a daunting task, but we’ve
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024

光寶科技如何為員工打造 ESG 企業家園?解析「ABC 人才發展策略」!

育訓練,將員工視為「資產」投資 四、光寶科技:以人為本的企業福利 五、光寶科技:公開透明、性別平權的 DEI 策略 一、光寶科技:人,是光寶最重視的核心價值 光寶科技(LITEON Technology)作為引領半世紀的台灣 LED 產業先
Industry & Job Overview
Apr 12th 2024

Apa itu Tech Company? Pengertian, Jenis, Contoh, dan Cara Melamar

menciptakan solusi yang menarik dan relevan bagi pasar. Tech startup memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan yang tinggi karena sektor teknologi memiliki potensi mengubah cara konsumen dalam berinteraksi, bekerja, dan menjalani hidup secara keseluruhan. 📚 Baca juga: Daftar Perusahaan Startup Indonesia dengan Reputasi DEI Terbaik Januari 2024 2. Scale-up Sama seperti namanya, scale up adalah perusahaan startup yang telah berkembang dan mencapai tahap untuk meningkatkan skala operasional dan penetrasi pasar. Untuk menjadi perusahaan scale - up , startup perlu memiliki model bisnis yang solid
People Operations
Mar 29th 2024

Apa itu People Development? Ini Tugas, Tujuan, dan Contohnya!

manfaat dari people development yang harus diketahui oleh para HR. 1. Meningkatkan rating DEI DEI atau diversity, equity, and inclusion merupakan istilah yang sering didengar saat ini, terutama di lingkungan kerja. Perusahaan yang menerapkan people development dapat berpengaruh pada meningkatnya DEI yang akan membawa kepada performa finansial perusahaan yang lebih baik. Karena sebanyak 75% pencari kerja aktif, akan mencari perusahaan dengan keberagaman budaya dan inklusif. 📚 Baca juga: Daftar Perusahaan Startup Indonesia dengan Reputasi DEI Terbaik Januari 2024 2. Mengurangi
People Operations
Feb 14th 2023

Forming An Employer Branding Strategy: A Guide

page, depending on the industry and target group. Make use of each social media’s preferred method of posting, and have a consistent method of sharing your employer branding message. 🔍 Introduce diversity and inclusion initiatives. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are implemented within company practices to promote diversity in the workplace. Including DEI principles such as transparency, equality, choice and opportunity will help with employer branding not only in the public eye, but for candidates who are directly
People Operations
Apr 4th 2024

Advice for Employers – Ways to Prevent Discrimination in the Workplace

Ways to Prevent Discrimination in the Workplace Feeling welcomed and included at work is a crucial aspect of employee satisfaction; yet 83% of employees have witnessed discrimination in the workplace at least once. Companies often set the expectations for employees through a formal code of conduct, which outlines what behaviors are not tolerated in the workplace. Discrimination in the workplace can have serious implications for both employees and the company’s reputation, as many countries have placed anti-discrimination acts
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Succession Planning & Best Practices

A Comprehensive Guide to Succession Planning & Best Practices Keeping high-performing employees in the company, and encouraging them to level up in the workplace is one of the key roles of HR. This is known as succession planning, and requires detailed planning in order to ensure employees can smoothly transition through roles. Despite its importance, only 35% of companies have formal succession plans – so today, we’ll go through ways HR professionals can form their own succession plans for their

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