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Apr 18th 2022

3 Contoh CV Sekretaris yang Dilirik HRD [+Cara Membuatnya!]

diri CV sekretaris bahasa Indonesia: Sekretaris profesional yang memiliki pengalaman 5 tahun sebagai sekretaris direksi PT. Pertamina Persero. Mahir berbahasa Indonesia, Inggris, dan Mandarin. Familiar dengan sistem Saas dalam pengelolaan sistem perkantoran. Komunikatif, aktif, dan terorganisir. ✔️ Contoh deskripsi diri CV sekretaris dalam bahasa Inggris: Professional secretary with 5+ years experiences working in a multinational company. Skilled in database management, scheduling, and general office management. Able to speak Indonesian, English, and Korean with professional fluency. Promoted as senior secretary within
Resume & CV
Feb 6th 2023

3 Contoh CV Social Media Specialist untuk Melamar Kerja

📚 Baca juga: 18 Contoh Deskripsi Diri dalam CV yang Disukai Rekruter! 3. Sertakan Riwayat Pendidikan Dalam membuat CV sebagai social media specialist, kamu dapat menuliskan riwayat pendidikan dari yang terbaru di paling atas diikuti dengan yang berikutnya. Biasanya, untuk CV kamu dapat menuliskan 2-3 riwayat pendidikan terakhir saja. Sertakan juga tahun belajar, jurusan, dan IPK-mu jika bagus. Contoh: Universitas Tarumanegara 2016-2020 Gelar Sarjana, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Jurnalistik (GPA: 3.62/4.00) Aktivitas: Wakil Ketua English
Resume & CV
Apr 7th 2022

3 Contoh CV Product Manager, Siap Diterima Perusahaan!

Daftar Isi: Cara Membuat CV Product Manager Contoh CV Product Manager Tips CV untuk Product Manager Manajer produk ( product manager) , sebuah profesi yang semakin populer beberapa tahun terakhir. Semakin banyak perusahaan, terutama yang bergerak dalam bidang teknologi dan digital membutuhkan profesi satu ini. Sebenarnya, apa yang dimaksud dengan product manager atau product management , sih? Product manager kerjanya apa? Pekerjaan sehari-hari dari seorang product manager akan berurusan dengan pengembangan produk baru, mengidentifikasi masalah user, penilaian metrik bisnis, perencanaan, validasi, riset
Apr 17th 2023

Kemeriahan Lomba Bikin CV CakeResume Menarik Jutaan Talenta Indonesia Meraih Karier Impian

talenta digital Indonesia. Selain lomba membuat CV, acara CV Making Competition pun dimeriahkan dengan adanya webinar oleh pakar karier sekaligus influencer, yakni Eza Hazami dan Yova Beltz sebagai narasumber. Hadiah yang dibagikan CakeResume juga tidak kalah menarik. Pemenang lomba bikin CV akan mendapatkan program pelatihan wawancara kerja bahasa Inggris dari Cakap , subscription aplikasi MentorGue , dan juga hadiah uang tunai jutaan rupiah. Ditambah lagi, peserta webinar juga berkesempatan untuk memenangkan doorprize job interview English course dari Cakap dan juga subscription aplikasi
Resume & CV
Apr 18th 2023

Trình độ ngoại ngữ trong CV - Ghi thế nào cho đúng và ấn tượng?

đó. Dựa vào chứng chỉ đạt được, bạn có thể thể hiện trình độ ngoại ngữ trong CV bằng cách nêu tên ngôn ngữ, cấp độ theo khung tham chiếu, tên chứng chỉ đạt được và thang điểm. Ví dụ: English (CEFR-C1): IETLS 8.0 Mandarin (CEFR-B2): HSK 4 Japanese (ILR Level 2+): JLPT N3 Cách ghi trình độ ngoại ngữ trong đơn xin việc, CV chuẩn Ghi trình độ ngoại ngữ trong CV ở đâu? Dưới đây
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Cách dùng ChatGPT để viết CV, thư xin việc và chuẩn bị phỏng vấn

Hoặc: “Điều chỉnh phần giới thiệu bản thân sau: [...] sao cho phù hợp hơn với vị trí [tên vị trí].” Tìm lỗi dấu câu và ngữ pháp: Dùng ChatGPT như một công cụ hiệu đính, nhất là khi bạn viết CV với một ngoại ngữ. Prompt: “Rewrite this content to enhance sentence sentence structure/improve readability/correct English grammar mistakes” Hoặc: “Viết lại đoạn văn bản sau và cải thiện cấu trúc câu/làm cho dễ đọc hơn/chữa lỗi
Resume & CV
Aug 4th 2022

20 Computer Skills to Write in Your CV [w/ Examples & Writing Tips]

Created by CakeResume In this article, you'll learn about: Good IT Skills for CV How to Put IT Skills on a CV Computer Skills on CV – Examples Tips on How to Highlight IT Skills on Your CV What are IT skills? Information Technology, or IT, skills in a CV are the set of abilities to utilize computers and related technology efficiently. With the prevalence of digitalization, computer skills in a CV could set you apart from other candidates when
Resume & CV
Apr 10th 2023

A Complete Guide: Difference Between Biodata, Resume, and CV

freshers, college students, and people who haven’t been working in the industry for a long time when applying for an internship or a job. It shows your understanding of your talent and skills, and how you use them. A CV can be written in a first, neutral, or third-person tone. What Is a Resume? The word resume comes from French, which means a summary in English. It is a professionally made one-paged document that summarizes all your
Resume & CV
Apr 14th 2022

Brand Manager (Resume Sample, Format, Examples)

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a resume for brand managers? What to put on a brand manager resume? Tips for writing the best brand manager resume How to write a brand manager cover letter? Brand manager resume example You know how to bring a brand to life through stories and communication. Creativity, strategic thinking, organizational and interpersonal skills are in your toolkit. You love how a brand personality attracts people. Now, all you need is an
Resume & CV
Sep 27th 2021

Bar Manager Resume Examples, Templates, Formats [+ Writing Tips]

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: What’s the best format for a bar manager resume? 8 key elements of a professional bar manager resume 5 great tricks for a winning bar manager resume How to create your own bar manager resume template? Bar Manager Resume Sample A bar manager, or pub manager, is mainly responsible for the smooth day-to-day operations and staff supervision of a bar. They also resolve customer complaints and manage in-house resources such

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