求职信(Cover Letter)
产业 & 职位介绍

什麼是 LLM 大型語言模型?6 大履歷加分技能、新職缺需求

超大型深度學習模型,幫助人類解決更多問題如回覆客服、分析數據、寫程式等。各大科技公司如 Google、Microsoft、Facebook 等,早在 2015 年就已投入大量資源研發 LLM 深度學習技術。 本文將詳細介紹:究竟什麼是 LLM?其運作
产业 & 职位介绍


造服務橫跨 AI 伺服器、手機、筆電、電腦設備等零組件組裝,因服務客戶不乏國際知名科技品牌,如 Apple、Microsoft、HP、Dell 等,也連帶台灣相關供應鏈的蓬勃發展。 電子五哥含廣達、英業達、緯創、仁寶、和碩。 近年來全球

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Data Entry Job + Examples

letter. As a data entry clerk, you will be responsible for inputting information, reviewing and updating data, and organizing files, among other tasks. Do your best to highlight skills like your typing speed and familiarity with word processing software like Microsoft Office in your data entry cover letter. An excellent data clerk cover letter will include such essential skills to match the job description. It can be the difference between standing out from other applicants or getting buried under a

15+ Best Online Collaboration Tools Used in 2024

work or remote work. From small teams to large enterprises, these collaboration tools are integral to maintaining efficient communication and workflow. As the business landscape becomes increasingly competitive, proficiency in using collaboration software or collaborative apps like Google Workspace and Microsoft Office is no longer just an advantage; it’s a must. Organizations need to leverage the latest advancements in technology to stay ahead and ensure seamless collaboration among their teams. Whether it's project management, document sharing, video meetings

9 Resume Mistakes People Think Cost Them the Job

and could have been avoided in the first place. #1 Spelling and grammatical mistakes These are mistakes that should be avoided at all costs and could be quite possibly the biggest mistake you can make. While you can rely on Microsoft Word to pick up some spelling and/or grammatical errors, it won’t catch them all. Consider having a friend or even paying a professional editor to glance over your resume to make sure it’s error-free. #2

Everything You Need to Know about Hybrid Work [+ Tips]

possible. According to the same report, over 50% of the employed respondents have the chance to do hybrid work or entirely work from home even after the most critical waves of COVID-19 have already passed. Although big companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Twitter reopened their offices, they have stated that the five-day working weeks will not return . Instead, their staff could opt for a hybrid/remote work model. Table of Contents: What is Hybrid Work? Benefits of Hybrid

Mentor là gì? Tại sao bạn cần có mentor ở nơi làm việc?

phát triển như Mỹ, Úc, Singapore,… từ lâu, bởi ai trong chúng ta cũng mong muốn được học hỏi từ người thành công và có địa vị cao trong ngành. Ngay cả ông chủ Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg hay chủ tịch Microsoft - Bill Gates đều từng được dìu dắt bởi một mentor có tâm, mới đạt được sự nghiệp "rực rỡ" như bây giờ. Nếu bạn đang thắc mắc: “ Vậy mentor là ai? tôi nên tìm mentor ở đâu? ”, thì trước

Power BI vs Tableau, Mana yang Lebih Baik untuk Analisis Data?

Power BI? Apa itu Tableau? Fitur-Fitur Power BI Fitur-Fitur Tableau Kekurangan dan Kelebihan: Power BI vs. Tableau Perbedaan Penting dari Power BI dan Tableau Apa itu Power BI? Power BI adalah suatu alat analisis data yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft pada tahun 2015. Power BI membantu dalam membuat visualisasi data yang interaktif dengan kemampuan business intelligence self-service . Cara menggunakan Power BI adalah pengguna dapat membuat laporan dan dashboard sendiri, tanpa harus bergantung pada teknologi lainnya. Pengguna dapat mengekstrak

Applying for Internships and Jobs at Startups

accident or death! It’s no wonder, then, that these companies are the dream organizations of thousands of people who join the workforce every year, both techies and non-techies alike. Not to mention the fact that having Google or Microsoft on your CV is sure to springboard you to a successful career, regardless of the field of work you are in! Why Join a Startup? Photo by Philippe Lewicki, used under CC BY / Desaturated from original Although joining an

Solution Architect Resume (with Tips & Examples)

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a powerful solution architect resume? How to write a powerful summary for a solution architect resume? What is a good objective for a solution architect resume? What are good skills to put on a resume for a solution architect? How to write a solution architect resume with no experience? Solution architect resume sample Solution architects develop and design applications based on specific problems and needs within an organization. Some other roles


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