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Personal Branding
Apr 6th 2023

What is Personal Brand? 3 Ways of Branding Yourself Successfully!

research shows that Twitter’s role is much more than sharing breaking news in 140-character snippets. Twitter is now a social network that gives online influencers a platform to share their content and build a powerful global distribution. Your LinkedIn profile is a strong representation of your personal brand by showing a history of your professional workplaces. And then there are other social networks. The rise of mobile-centric platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, and Vine are also of...
Job Search Tips
Mar 8th 2024

7 trang tìm việc uy tín ứng viên cần biết

chỉ là website tìm việc uy tín, TopDev còn cập nhật tin tức trong ngành IT trên blog thông tin hữu ích. TopDev là đơn vị tổ chức một số sự kiện công nghệ có quy mô lớn như Vietnam Mobile Day, Vietnam Web Summit ,... Thông tin về tìm việc trên TopDev: Trang tìm việc uy tín này có tin tuyển dụng cho trình độ fresher (nhập môn), quản lý (manager), lãnh đạo (leader), cho đến chuyên gia cấp cao
Cover Letter
Apr 13th 2022

【Cover Letter 範例】英文求職信怎麼寫?外商、海外工作必備 5 步驟完整解析

的全名。 英文 Cover Letter 範例 — 結尾 I am thrilled at the opportunity to leverage my expertise and skill with your company. The document attached is my resume, and feel free to contact me anytime via mobile and email if you have any questions. I am looking forward to speaking with you for more detail of this opportunity. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, John Doe (再複習一下 整封英

2024 工程師求職管道:工程師找工作必看的職缺彙整大全

聽的方法,可以加入一些工程師的網路社群,或是平常多參加 open source。 你的專長是在 Java、C++、Python、Node.js、PHP、Golang、Mobile(Android / iOS)還是其他能力呢?讓 CakeResume 獵頭顧問為你推薦專屬職缺吧 💻 免費洽詢 2. 工程師的網路社群 參
Resume & CV
Jun 29th 2022

別讓你的英文履歷輸在這裡!10 大英文履歷地雷、50+常用動詞/單字

執行效率 25%。) 設計師 英文履歷 📌 流量、留存率、轉換率、跳出率、時間範圍、專案數量 📝 範例: Redesigned user interface of a mobile app, resulting in 15% increase of user satisfaction rate and 30% decrease of bounce rate. (重新設計一手機 APP 的使用者介面,提升使用者滿意度 15% 及
Industry & Job Overview
May 11th 2022


投放。  Google 廣告目前包含關鍵字廣告(Google Search)、多媒體聯播網廣告(與 Google 簽訂合作的網路平台,例如痞客邦、Mobile01 等)、影音廣告(YouTube)、行動廣告(App),可以說是非常廣泛,因此擁有 Google Ads 認證對於數位行銷工作來說可以
Resume & CV
Oct 27th 2020

如何準備 UX 設計師履歷、作品集、面試?3 個求職技能讓你順利拿到 offer

軟體 Mockplus 整理了 22 UX Designer Interview Questions You Must Know in 2020 ,其中針對新手 UX 設計師,列出了 9 個問題: 1. 你覺得 We  b 跟 mobile 之間的差別是什麼? 面試官想考你的是:快速歸納重點的能力、對產業概況的認識 回答時應應避
Success Stories
Nov 23rd 2020

專訪 CakeResume Consultant Team - Gareth| 置身在軟體工程師的環境做軟體招募,這種融入日常的力道是非常不一樣的。

讀: 專訪 CakeResume Consultant Team -Janice|為企業與人選之間找到最高的契合度,成為彼此的理想夥伴。 Gareth Cheng 簡介  專業領域: Mobile Back-end Technical PM 聯繫 Gareth,聊聊招募需求: CakeResume | Email | LinkedIn | Medium 想加入 CakeResume 擔任招募顧問嗎? 歡迎點選職缺連結了解更

機器人、自動化、RPA 工作怎麼找?產業趨勢、熱門公司和職缺一次看

只能在預先設定的軌道上跑的無人搬運車(AGV),在 AI 科技的推波助瀾下發展成「自主移動機器人」(Autonomous Mobile Robot,AMR),AMR 還可以透過 AI 的機器學習來實現自主導航和路徑規劃,使其能夠避免障礙物、優化路徑
Student Guide
Sep 29th 2022

10 Prospek Kerja Teknik Mesin [+Info Kuliah, Gaji, dll.]

Daftar isi: Kuliah Jurusan Teknik Mesin Belajar Apa? Prospek Kerja Lulusan Teknik Mesin Di masa modern ini, masyarakat umum menganggap peralatan seperti mobil, AC, hingga smartphone sebagai hal yang biasa. Namun, peralatan-peralatan tersebut didesain dan dibuat dengan bantuan seorang lulusan jurusan teknik mesin. Dengan contoh-contoh tersebut, tentunya prospek teknik mesin tidak terbatas seiring perkembangan zaman dan perkembangan teknologi. Teknik Mesin memiliki prospek kerja yang sangat luas. Mulai dari insinyur pemeliharaan peralatan di pabrik hingga system analyst , peran seorang

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