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Hybrid working là gì? Bàn về mô hình hybrid work trong thời đại số

CakeResume khám phá “tất tần tật” các khía cạnh về xu hướng làm việc không thể bỏ qua - hybrid working, trong bài viết ngày hôm nay! Hybrid working là gì? Trước tiên bạn cần hiểu được sự khác nhau giữa remote working và WFH là gì. Remote working là mô hình làm việc cho phép nhân viên làm việc hoàn toàn từ xa (tại bất kỳ địa điểm nào có kết nối Internet đủ mạnh) mà không cần có mặt

A Complete Guide to Hiring Offshore Software Development Teams

you pay the expenses. Nearshore outsourcing: hiring contractors or teams in a neighboring country. While it provides advantages in communication (similar cultures), it tends to be costlier than the offshoring of services. Offshore outsourcing : hiring partner operates in a more remote region, like Asia or Europe. Although hiring offshore software development usually brings communication issues due to time zone differences and cultural and language barriers, it is the most flexible option. It also tends to be the most cost-effective
Career Development

Hybrid Working: Ketahui Kelebihan, Kekurangan, dan Jenisnya! [+Cara]

memilih beberapa hari dalam seminggu untuk bekerja secara remote . Tahukah kamu? Perusahaan Google berusaha untuk menerapkan sistem hybrid ini, dimana perusahaan akan mewajibkan karyawan bekerja di kantor selama 3 hari, dan memiliki kebebasan pada 2 hari lainnya. 4. Prioritas Kerja Remote Hybrid working model ini adalah kondisi dimana perusahaan membolehkan karyawan untuk bekerja secara remote , dan hanya pergi ke kantor jika ada kebutuhan yang penting/mendesak. Perusahaan yang biasanya menerapkan kerja hybrid ini adalah perusahaan yang tidak memiliki ruang yang

Software Engineers: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

might skip the rest of your resume and go straight to your Github to check out your technical skills. As for location, note that it’s unnecessary and too private to include your full address. If you’re after a remote position or you’re willing to relocate, it’s ok to leave your current location off as well. 2. Resume summary or resume objective Software Engineer resume header and resume summary example A resume summary can be either an

New Hire Checklist: How to Onboard New Employees Seamlessly

hire onboarding template! Why Is a New Hire Checklist Important? It is obvious that a new hire checklist is helpful when big corporations are onboarding new employees. But is new hire checklist necessary or small businesses or companies that hiring remote workers? The answer is absolutely YES! An employee onboarding checklist is beneficial since it can help save time, increase motivation, and establish effective communication for both big and small companies. Here are the benefits of using a comprehensive employee

Resignation Letter Writing Guide [+Templates, Samples, Tips]

one’s job face-to-face with a formal resignation letter to show gratitude for all the training and time spent on you. But circumstances arise. In 2020, the pandemic throws us a wrench, many have been forced to work remotely and social distancing. That makes providing notice in-person not feasible. A resignation email thus becomes acceptable. You want to do that professionally and courteously so as to leave smoothly. How to Write a Resignation Letter / Resignation Email? - 5

20 Best Exit Interview Questions to Ask for Valuable Employee Insights

member of the HR department in face-to-face exit interviews, but interview settings depend entirely on company work settings and individual needs. For example, where traditional brick and mortar institutions may feel more comfortable with holding in-person discussions, remote-based companies may choose instead to hold virtual interviews or use online surveys like Typeform, SurveyMonkey, or Google forms to ask exit interview questions. Why are Exit Interviews Important? Now that we’ve established the what and when about
Career Development

Success Secrets 101: A Guide to Career Development for Students

higher education, if any, do you need to achieve your dream job? Likewise, career development for students also needs to take into account what makes you comfortable. If you’re a social bumble bee, would you be comfortable taking a remote role? It’s helpful to think of these pros and cons like a career development questionnaire for students before embarking on your career journey. Career Development Advice for Students Regardless of the field of interest, the importance of career
Career Development

Highest Paying Job in Malaysia: Latest 2024 Guide for Fresh Graduates and All

Highest Paying Job in Malaysia The highest-paying jobs in Malaysia are emerging in alignment with the country’s skyrocketing economy. This year, research shows that Malaysia is leading in terms of positive growth in job opportunities compared to the Philippines and Singapore, with an increase reaching 1% month-over-month (MoM) and 7% year-over-year (YoY). Various job sectors in Malaysia, especially digital economics, will require skilled workers. We provide a guide to look deeply into this not

How to Respond to a Counter-Offer: Tips, Tricks, and Suggestions

How to Respond to a Counter-Offer A counter-offer is a proposal in response to one given during job negotiations. Proposing counter-offers is quickly becoming standard practice in the job negotiation process. The power balance between employee and employer has shifted in favor of the former, as employees have realized the value of their time and services can be seriously leveraged. Candidates may propose counter-offers for a plethora of situations, including negotiating salary , job position, benefits, or


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