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Fintech 金融科技新趨勢:Fintech 產業、應用及工作一次看!

秀的數據分析、統計建模和機器學習技能,能夠處理大量複雜數據以提供商業洞察。 研究分析師(Research Analyst) :需要市場研究、財務分析和風險評估技能,能夠提供深入的行業洞察和預測。 軟體開發人員(Software Developer
Job Search Tips
Apr 24th 2024

【2024 最新】新加坡工作全指南:求職管道、面試簽證、薪水福利必看資訊

Angular 等。 3. 良好的問題解決能力和協作能力。 4. 對新興技術和開發工具有積極學習的態度。 Data Engineer / Big Data Analyst 資料工程師/大數據分析師 46,000-133,000 新加坡元/年 1. 具有大數據處理和分析相關的技術知識和


加速團隊溝通 3. 熟悉 HTML, CSS, RWD 4. 熟悉​ Photoshop、illustrator、Figma 或 SketchUp 等設計工具 5. 了解 Material design 或 Human Interface Guidelines​ 數據分析師 Data Analyst PChome Online 網路家庭 50,000 ~ 80,000 TWD / 月 1. 執行數據類型專案項目 2. 參與數據架構規劃,並對應用方式進
People Operations
Mar 16th 2024

Mengenal Analisis Beban Kerja, Metode untuk Tingkatkan Performa Karyawan

perencanaan SDM. Daftar isi: Pengertian Analisis Beban Kerja Manfaat Analisis Beban Kerja Metode Analisis Beban Kerja Cara Menghitung Beban Kerja Tips Menerapkan Analisis Beban Kerja Apa itu Analisis Beban Kerja Dalam dunia kerja, Analisis Beban Kerja disebut juga sebagai Workload Analysis (WLA). WLA adalah metode yang dipakai perusahaan untuk mengukur porsi beban kerja masing-masing karyawannya. Tentunya, metode ini tidak hanya asal hitung melainkan dilakukan secara terstruktur. Ada beberapa faktor yang digunakan perusahaan sebagai tolok ukur, salah satunya adalah jabatan
Career Development
Dec 19th 2022

Penting! Analisis SWOT Diri Sendiri Beserta Contoh dan Pertanyaan

masa mendatang. Daftar Isi: Apa itu SWOT Analisis Diri Sendiri? Kapan Harus Analisis SWOT Diri Sendiri? 4 Aspek dalam Analisis SWOT Diri Sendiri Cara Menganalisis SWOT Diri Sendiri Contoh Analisis SWOT Diri Sendiri Pengertian SWOT Analisis Diri Sendiri Personal SWOT Analysis adalah cara analisis diri sendiri berdasarkan kekuatan(Strength), kelemahan (Weakness), kesempatan yang dimiliki (Opportunity), dan tantangan (Threat). Analisis SWOT kepribadian diri sendiri dapat digunakan untuk berbagai hal, terutama untuk karir dan pekerjaan. Analisis SWOT tentang diri sendiri tentunya berfungsi
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

14 Important Human Resource Metrics You Need to Track in 2023-2024

departments, with more than 80% agreeing that HR metrics are useful measurements for the company. Many companies now use HR metrics to help measure their human capital-related costs and understand their contribution towards the overall performance. HR metrics and analytics can also be used to establish a baseline when tracking training, productivity, revenue, engagement, absenteeism, and more. These HR metrics examples are extremely useful for companies, as they can determine the next steps and develop business strategies by analyzing
Resume & CV
Mar 8th 2021

Chemist Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

Created by CakeResume Have you ever wondered what a chemist does? In general, chemists analyse organic and inorganic compounds to develop new chemical products while ensuring safety at the same time. Employment for chemists is expected to grow over the next ten years by about 6%. Job opportunities for fresher chemists and chemistry-major students vary from academic researcher, clinical scientist, forensic scientist, or even a toxicologist. On the other hand, those pursuing a master degree in chemistry land jobs
Industry & Job Overview
Apr 25th 2024

Discover 9 Marketing Career Paths [+ Skills Needed & Salary Ranges]

9 Marketing Career Paths Success in marketing involves technology skills, psychology, communication, and data analysis. Marketers manage campaigns across different platforms, using different content, and targeting a variety of consumers. Marketing careers are therefore dynamic, and the tasks involved are ever-expanding. In today’s fast-paced digital world, marketing is a crucial element of a business’s success, and great marketing can help you reach an audience, increase sales, and cement your brand image. In this article, we’ll
Career Tools
Apr 26th 2024

50 Powerful Marketing Tools for Business Scaling [+ Tips]

of managing dynamic digital tasks, making social media marketing tools essential for efficiency and project management. A proficient marketer understands the importance of mastering a diverse array of online marketing tools and platforms. By becoming proficient in SEO, design, data analytics, or CRM, marketers can elevate their careers and achieve success in their endeavors. This article explores various types of marketing tools, including digital marketing tools, analytics tools, SEO tools, email marketing tools, project management tools, and more. It also
Resume & CV
Aug 27th 2020


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