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People Operations
Feb 2nd 2023

8 Tipe Budaya Perusahaan (Corporate Culture): Ciri-ciri dan Cara Membangunnya

produktivitas, dan kesuksesan bisnis secara keseluruhan. Namun, membangun budaya perusahaan yang kuat tidak mudah untuk dicapai dan dipertahankan. Dalam artikel CakeResume ini, akan dijelaskan apa itu corporate culture , faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi corporate culture , mengapa budaya organisasi perusahaan atau corporate culture yang baik itu penting, apa saja jenis budaya perusahaan, bagaimana cara membangun budaya perusahaan yang baik dan sukses, serta, seperti apa ciri-ciri perusahaan dengan corporate culture yang sehat. Apa itu Budaya Perusahaan? Mengenal Budaya Perusahaan (Corporate Culture
Career Planning
Nov 3rd 2020

First job for freshers: Startups or Corporates? 3 differences

corporate duel, do you prefer working for a startup or a big company? But first and foremost, let’s define what constitutes a startup and an established company. Next, we’ll delve into some inherent differences in terms of working culture and perks, etc.. After fathoming these two options, you’ll have a clearer picture of which to pick and what suits you better. Without further adieu, let’s dive right in. Further reading: How to Write a Professional Resume
Interview Skills
Mar 6th 2023

How to Nail a Software Engineer Interview in 2023? Top 10 Questions & Answers

Job in IT Top 10 Software Engineering Interview Questions 1.  What do you know about the company?  Why do you want to join us? The company would like to know if you have done any homework: familiarize with their products, corporate culture and working environment. If you aren't able to answer these questions accurately, it implies that you do not know this company and do not attach importance to this interview. Presumably, the interviewer is not going to be
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Am I in a Toxic Work Environment? [+Signs & How to Deal]

directly or indirectly affect your mental and physical health, job happiness, and overall well-being. This makes life even tougher than ever. It is found that the number one motive people quit their job was due to a toxic work culture (62%), according to a 2022 survey from FlexJobs . At the same time, a report by MIT Sloan Management Review revealed that toxic corporate culture is 10.4 times more likely to influence employee turnover compared to compensation. Table of
People Operations
Jan 13th 2023

Apa itu Employee Engagement dan Contohnya di Perusahaan, Lengkap!

dalam perusahaan: Karyawan yang terlibat (engaged employee) meningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan. Employee engagement meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Perusahaan mempertahankan orang-orang terbaik. Worker engagement meningkatkan budaya perusahaan. Employee engagement adalah salah satu contoh kesuksesan perusahaan. 📚 Baca juga: 8 Tipe Budaya Perusahaan (Corporate Culture): Ciri-ciri dan Cara Membangunnya Indikator Tingkat Employee Engagement Untuk mengukur employee engagement, maka karyawan dapat dikategorikan ke dalam empat kelompok utama: 1. Karyawan yang Sangat Terlibat (Highly Engaged) Karyawan yang sangat terlibat ( highly engaged employee ) memiliki pendapat
Job Search Tips
Aug 19th 2020

How to Find Jobs in India? 3 Best Ways for Job Hunting Online & Offline

there are some categories for you to choose from, jobs for freshers, international opportunities, contract gigs, walk-in jobs and services for the public sector if that’s what your heart desires. For those who want to leave the rigid corporate culture behind, some startup openings can be found here. It’s a boon for all walks of life who wants to find a fitting opportunity. Besides, it has a well-developed and extended network of Indian recruiters and job
People Operations
Apr 16th 2024

Manajemen Tim: Karakteristik, Manfaat, dan Strategi untuk Manajer

kinerja karyawan dan akan menghasilkan dampak yang positif untuk perusahaan. 2. Meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan Dengan manajemen tim yang efektif, manajer dapat membentuk budaya di mana karyawan dapat berkembang. Dalam sebuah survei, 77% pekerja di AS mengatakan budaya kerja atau working culture memiliki dampak yang kuat terhadap kemampuan karyawan untuk melakukan pekerjaan terbaik mereka. Manajemen tim yang tepat dapat membangun budaya dimana pekerja dapat fokus pada pekerjaannya daripada mengkhawatirkan elemen eksternal. 📚 Baca juga: 8 Tipe Budaya Perusahaan (Corporate Culture): Ciri
Career Development
Feb 2nd 2023

Town Hall Meeting: Pengertian dan Cara Melakukannya dengan Tepat!

dapat digunakan untuk berbagi ide dan antusiasme terhadap perusahaan. Ini dapat mendorong energi perusahaan dan karyawan ke depan, serta membuat para pemimpinnya memimpin dengan penuh semangat. Hasil ini akan sulit dicapai melalui email. 📚 Baca juga: 8 Tipe Budaya Perusahaan (Corporate Culture): Ciri-ciri dan Cara Membangunnya 5. Menutup Kesenjangan antara Manajemen dan Karyawan Di perusahaan besar, jarang ada karyawan sering bertemu atau bercengkrama dengan manajemen tingkat atas. Maka dari itu terciptalah kesenjangan dalam perusahaan. Town hall meeting dihadiri oleh
People Operations
Oct 26th 2022

Your Guide to Internal Recruitment: Why, How, When + Tips

Created by CakeResume In this article, we’ll cover: What is internal recruitment Advantages and disadvantages of internal recruitment How to recruit internally Tips for recruiting internally An organization has a few recruitment strategies to consider when looking for new talents. Not every position requires the same type of talent. Therefore, recruiters need to understand which recruiting method works best for them. You can find the following among the most common internal and external recruitment methods: Direct advertising Referrals Promotions
Career Planning
Jul 20th 2020

Considering a Career Change? Here Are 3 Tips to a Successful Job Switch

When reflecting upon their careers, more and more people are considering the idea of a “career change”. The thought of changing jobs might stem from several reasons, like You can no longer learn anything new in your current position. Your current job is no longer exciting and you just want to try another type of work. You simply hope for a pay raise. Whatever the reason, it all goes to the pursuit of a better life. Starting a new career

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