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People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

What Makes an Effective DEI Policy? Examples, Case Studies, & Tips

share a few notable case studies to give you a proper overview of the topic. Table of Contents: What is DEI Policy? Examples of Effective DEI Policies Case Studies of Successful DEI Policies Implementation Tips to Evaluate the Effectiveness of DEI Policy What is DEI Policy? An easy way to think of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies is as a master plan for all the DEI programs, DEI training, DEI hiring policies, and DEI initiatives that your company has
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Building an Inclusive and Thriving Workplace with DEI

creating an environment where all employees feel welcome, valued, and empowered to contribute their best. Inclusive practices can range from accessible facilities for individuals with disabilities to fostering a culture where diverse voices are heard and respected. For example, mentoring programs that connect employees from different backgrounds can promote a sense of belonging and inclusion. A common question that arises in understanding DEI is the difference between diversity and inclusion. Diversity is about the representation of different groups in the
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Succession Planning & Best Practices

be met before transitioning through each step of the career path. 6. Provide Targeted Training Succession planning is not just about the career paths of high potential employees, but also helping them along the way as well. Think of what programs, skills or courses employees could take, and invite them to do so. Keep them in the loop of the company’s succession planning process, and how they fit in it. Succession Planning Best Practices Succession planning needs to be
People Operations
Mar 22nd 2024

DEI: Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Cara Menerapkannya di Lingkungan Kerja

mengatakan mereka lebih tertarik bekerja di perusahaan yang menghargai isu-isu DEI. Mengingat pentingnya DEI di lingkungan kerja, tim CakeResume akan membahas lebih detail seputar pengertian, manfaat, dan cara menerapkannya. Tak hanya itu, penulis juga akan membagikan contoh perusahaan dengan program dan capaian DEI terbaik. Yuk, simak selengkapnya! Daftar Isi: Apa itu DEI? Perbedaan antara Diversity, Equity, dan Inclusion (DEI) Manfaat DEI di Lingkungan Kerja Cara Menerapkan DEI Lingkungan Kerja Contoh Perusahaan dengan DEI Terbaik Apa yang Dimaksud dengan DEI
Success Stories
Mar 7th 2024

才華主導你的職涯!戴爾科技集團怎麼用 DEI 魅力狂吸新世代多元人才?

找一份 DEI 工作 —— 想了解更多精選的 DEI 企業、DEI 職缺資訊嗎?都在《 DEI 360° 職場新知 》和《 DEI 多元共融人才職缺專區 》,邀請你一起跨入職場多元共融宇宙 ! 延伸閱讀: DEI 多元共融是什麼?揭秘 DEI 對企業的重要性!
People Operations
Mar 29th 2024

Apa itu People Development? Ini Tugas, Tujuan, dan Contohnya!

people development dapat berpengaruh pada meningkatnya DEI yang akan membawa kepada performa finansial perusahaan yang lebih baik. Karena sebanyak 75% pencari kerja aktif, akan mencari perusahaan dengan keberagaman budaya dan inklusif. 📚 Baca juga: Daftar Perusahaan Startup Indonesia dengan Reputasi DEI Terbaik Januari 2024 2. Mengurangi tingkat turnover karyawan Dalam beberapa tahun ini, jenjang karir merupakan alasan utama karyawan meninggalkan perusahaan. Dengan program development yang meningkatkan kemampuan karyawan, perusahaan bisa menghemat waktu dan biaya dengan mengurangi tingkat turnover karyawan . Biasanya
Success Stories
Mar 8th 2023

女性如何發展有影響力的科技職涯?Google 台灣客戶解決方案業務總監 Eleanor & 軟體工程師 Claire 的職場女力

DEI 議題發揮自己的力量? 28:50 Google 的內部社群 — Women@ Google 都在做什麼? 31:30 Google 如何提供內部社群資源? 33:15 DEI 的理念對兩位的工作產生什麼影響? 36:10 DEI 也影響到生活中的 Eleanor 和 Claire 嗎? 每個人都是獨立的個
People Operations
Mar 8th 2024

如何守護員工心理健康?引進 EAP 員工協助方案讓你事半功倍!

與心理健康之間有關連的冰山一角。\ DEI 360° 職場新知:加入多元共融宇宙 新世代工作者都想找一份 DEI 工作 —— 想了解更多精選的 DEI 企業、DEI 職缺資訊嗎?都在《 DEI 360° 職場新知 》和《 DEI 多元共融人才職缺專區
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024

光寶科技如何為員工打造 ESG 企業家園?解析「ABC 人才發展策略」!

育訓練,將員工視為「資產」投資 四、光寶科技:以人為本的企業福利 五、光寶科技:公開透明、性別平權的 DEI 策略 一、光寶科技:人,是光寶最重視的核心價值 光寶科技(LITEON Technology)作為引領半世紀的台灣 LED 產業先
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024

半導體頂尖公司德州儀器滿足年輕人對理想職場的想像:FAE 工作內容、FAE 職涯發展、跨國學習機會完整介紹

FAE工作內容、FAE職涯發展 許多人對於理想工作的期待包含了深度學習機會、職涯發展空間與多元開放的企業文化,如果這也是你求職中最在意的事,德州儀器能一舉滿足你對最佳職場的渴望與

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