求職信(Cover Letter)

Best Entrepreneur Resume | Examples & Templates

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a resume for an entrepreneur? How to put entrepreneur experience on a resume? Tips for writing the best resume for startup founders How to write an entrepreneur cover letter ? Entrepreneur Resume Sample Being the founder/co-founder of the company, entrepreneurs know the company like the back of their hands. They are responsible to lead the team, come up with business strategies, and handle problems with strong resilience. Every entrepreneur has

機會是用創造的!看李威從 MIT 國際創業訓練營、Udemy 到 SaaS 工具 LearnWorlds 的職涯 MVP

創與創業的探險之旅。 MIT 國際創業訓練營的第一位台灣學生 麻省理工大學的國際創業訓練營(Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp)創立於 2014 年,起源於在 MIT 及哈佛大學合作的線上課程平台 edX 中十分受到歡迎的課程「Entrepreneurship 101」(創

產品經理的創業之路:前 Dropbox&Facebook PM Wen 的新創與 PM 歷險

你曾想過要創業嗎?你會負責哪些項目?是產品、業務還是行銷?你有夥伴可以一起分擔嗎?還是你有能力一人身兼多職? 創業是高風險的事,也因此常聽到創業被鼓勵是年輕人的事。如果你擁有理想

4 Things You Should Ponder on Before Working at a Startup

Due to the boom of entrepreneurship, the number of startup companies around the world is soaring. More and more young job seekers are considering working at startups because of their flexibility and growth opportunity. While every startup is unique and different, there is no standard guideline to judge whether you are suitable to join one or not. Here are 4 important questions you need to ask yourself and ponder on before making the decision of working at a startup. 1

Farina Situmorang on Founding AI Startup Pensieve Technology and Navigating Career Journey

Indonesian entrepreneur (CEO and co-founder of Pensieve ) who has made a name for herself in the technology industry. Despite her impressive credentials, Farina had to overcome numerous obstacles in order to achieve her goals. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or simply someone who is interested in the world of technology and innovation, Farina's story is one that is sure to inspire and motivate you. Table of contents: Farina's Path to Tech Entrepreneurship Lessons
Career Development

Gateway to the Lion City: Your Comprehensive Singapore Visa Handbook

their employees. Criteria include a job offer, a fixed monthly salary, and meeting the stipulated skill and qualification requirements. 5) EntrePass: The EntrePass Singapore business visa is tailored for foreign entrepreneurs looking to start and operate a business in Singapore. Entrepreneurs must submit a detailed business plan and meet criteria such as a viable business idea, financial capability, and entrepreneurial experience. The EntrePass facilitates the growth of the local business landscape by attracting international entrepreneurs. How to Apply For a

Business Owner Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: A step-by step guide on writing a business owner resume What to put on a business owner resume? Tips for writing the best business owner resume How to write a business owner cover letter? Self-employed business owner resume sample With the rise of entrepreneurship trends, becoming your own boss is something that many people dream of. Indeed, you can come in and out whenever you like and get to make the final
產業 & 職位介紹

Apa itu Angel Investor? Cara Kerja dan Cara Ampuh Mendapatkannya

Daftar isi: Pengertian Angel Investor Bagaimana Cara Kerja Angel Investor? Jenis-jenis Angel Investor Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Angel Investor Bagaimana Cara Mendapatkan Angel Investors? Kamu sedang membangun perusahaan rintisan atau startup ? Agar bisnis dapat berjalan dengan baik, pada langkah awal pastinya membutuhkan modal. Biasanya modal ini bisa berasal dari dana sendiri atau dari pihak luar atau investor. Bagi para entrepreneur startup, istilah angel investor adalah sesuatu yang sering didengar. Peranan yang sangat membantu dari angel investor adalah dalam memberikan dana
作品集 & 個人品牌

Building a Professional Art Portfolio: Tips & Examples for Students

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: What Is an Art Portfolio? How to Make an Art Portfolio - What to Include Tips on How to Make a Digital Art Portfolio Tips for Creating an Art Student Portfolio More Art Portfolio Examples As an artist, promoting your artwork either online or in-person is a part of running your own art business and living as a creative entrepreneur. Your art portfolio is the first place where people

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Resign from a Job

Created by CakeResume In this article, we’ll cover: Give notice in person Write a professional resignation letter Arrange a meeting with HR Express gratitude for the opportunity Tips on how to quit a job you just started Do not be afraid to admit it. Most of us have been in a position where we struggle to decide if staying at a job is the best option. Resigning from a job is never easy. Let us venture together on this


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