求职信(Cover Letter)


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Tips Vina Muliana dalam Menavigasi Kesuksesan Usia 20an di Era Digital

dan juga karir yang kita idamkan. Tapi realitanya banyak orang muda yang masih kesulitan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai. Nah, kenapa ini seringkali terjadi dan apa solusinya? Di artikel kali ini, CakeResume merangkum tips dari webinar Vina Muliana, BUMN Career Professional, HR Practitioner & Content Creator, di acara Virtual Career Fair CakeResume. Webinar ini bertemakan “ Navigating Your 20s and Finding Your Path to Success ” dan diselenggarakan pada Minggu, 30 Juli 2023. Yuk, mari kita simak! Daftar isi: Tantangan Job Search di Era

Contoh Surat Lamaran Magang dan Cara Membuatnya!

catatan, surat lamaran magang Bahasa Inggris umumnya tidak memiliki bagian khusus untuk daftar dokumen terlampir. Pada lamaran magang Bahasa Inggris, dokumen terlampir umumnya disebutkan di bagian akhir isi. Contoh surat lamaran magang b ahasa Indonesia: Berikut ini saya lampirkan dokumen terkait sebagai berikut. CV Fotokopi KTP Fotokopi ijazah pendidikan vokasi Universitas Udayana Fotokopi sertifikat pelatihan perhotelan Aman Resort Contoh cover letter magang b ahasa Inggris: Last but not least, I attached my CV that could give a more complete p...

How to Write a Perfect Lawyer Resume (with Examples and Tips)

A dazzling lawyer resume boosts your overall competitiveness among other candidates. How to write a lawyer resume Before drafting your lawyer resume, here are some crucial steps to follow to understand the basics. Step 1: Understand the differences between a CV and a resume. A lawyer resume briefly summarizes your experience, skills, and accomplishments. A lawyer CV is, on the other hand, a detailed summary of your affiliations, research, and accomplishments and is typically used for academic purposes. Step 2

Dentist Resume Writing Guide: Examples & Templates

experiences rather than fabricating them) is crucial to show oneself as the perfect fit. 💡 Tips: Something to keep in mind: depending on one’s location, the recruitment requires one of the two major kinds of professional catalog: a dentist CV or a dentist resume. Dentist CV Context: academic settings. Content: a detailed version of all experiences (educational, academic, professional). while a length of 2 pages is normal, it is expected to be expanded as one’s experience multiplied. Design

Professional Recruiter Resume [+ Examples, Templates & Job Description]

very important for you, “a recruiter-to-be", to prepare a professional recruiter resume and make a good impression, enhancing your chance of landing the job interview. How to make a recruiter resume? Step 1: Understand the differences between a CV and a resume for the recruiter position CV (Curriculum Vitae) and resume are both professional documents required for the job application, depending on the company that asks for one or both. The major differences between CVs and resumes lie

6 chiến lược tìm ứng viên miễn phí cho doanh nghiệp và nhà tuyển dụng

nguồn tài nguyên có sẵn, việc tìm kiếm hồ sơ ứng viên miễn phí là hoàn toàn có thể. Bài viết này dành cho các doanh nghiệp, nhà tuyển dụng (recruiter/headhunter), cũng như các nhà quản lý nhân sự (HR manager) đang hướng tới quy trình tuyển dụng hiệu quả, tiết kiệm . Cùng khám phá 6 chiến lược tối ưu để tìm kiếm và thu hút ứng viên mà không cần tiêu tốn nhiều nguồn lực tài chính nhé

Program Manager Resume Examples & Templates [+ Tips]

for a program manager? Program Manager Resume Sample How to make a great program manager resume? To write a program manager resume that wows the recruiter, applicants should follow the 6 steps below. Step 1: Understand the differences between a CV and a resume. A program manager resume is different from a program manager CV. CV is the abbreviation of the Latin word “Curriculum Vitae,” and it means “course of life.” A program manager CV is a detailed document showing
产业 & 职位介绍

Apa itu HRBP? Kenali Tugas, Peran dan Skill yang Dibutuhkan!

karyawan, memperbarui strategi manajemen HR, serta dapat bertindak sebagai konsultan perusahaan dengan memberikan ide dan solusi terhadap permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi. 4 Peran HRBP Pada tahun 1995, seorang profesor di bidang manajemen, Dave Ulrich memperkenalkan model Human Resource Ulrich. Model HR Ulrich ini membahas betapa pentingnya pembagian peran seorang HR dalam sebuah perusahaan. Setelahnya, model HR Ulrich ini diterapkan di hampir seluruh perusahaan di dunia. Secara spesifik, model HR Ulrich ini berfokus pada pembagian fungsi HRBP ke dalam 4 poin

Information Technology (IT) Resume Examples: Templates & Formats [Skills, Objective, Summary]

Created by CakeResume A profession in Information Technology (IT) requires you to work with computer-based information. You will be required to get familiar with various network applications, softwares and computer hardwares. More specifically, IT jobs could relate to designing, maintaining and operating various IT products like websites, softwares or hardwares and will work together with any businesses or organizations that requires the uses of these technologies. Some of the duties of an IT professional include: Installing and upgrading IT


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