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Interview Skills
Apr 1st 2022

“What Motivates You?” & Example Interview Answers

fast trying to speculate what they mean by asking what motivates you to work. Instead of guessing ad hoc how to answer what motivates you professionally, you should prepare answers in advance. This article will guide you through the best approach to answer the interview question “What motivates you.” Similar motivation questions asked in an interview include: What drives you in life/at work? What motivates you to do a good job? What inspires you to go to work every
Career Development
Apr 11th 2024

How to Take Initiative at Work? Essential Tips, Examples, and Best Practices

of person will be valued by their boss for a long time. And to your surprise, an initiative person also brings significant benefits to the company. How so? Well, it’s a win-win situation. Having such individuals increases the productivity within the company, and they also bring forth an unlimited source of innovations for their development. Meanwhile, the employee also has an opportunity to make a positive impression on their bosses. Building initiative at work may be more challenging
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Guide to Addressing Racial Equity in Workplace (with Case Studies)

can have legal and ethical consequences. Workplace discrimination and bias can lead to lawsuits, reputational damage, and regulatory penalties. Embracing racial equity is not only a compliance requirement but also a commitment to upholding ethical standards. Employee well-being and productivity aspect An inclusive workplace, where employees feel valued and respected regardless of their racial backgrounds, leads to higher job satisfaction and engagement. Conversely, a lack of racial equity can result in disparities, causing stress, disengagement, and reduced productivity. Reputation
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

14 Important Human Resource Metrics You Need to Track in 2023-2024

for the company. Many companies now use HR metrics to help measure their human capital-related costs and understand their contribution towards the overall performance. HR metrics and analytics can also be used to establish a baseline when tracking training, productivity, revenue, engagement, absenteeism, and more. These HR metrics examples are extremely useful for companies, as they can determine the next steps and develop business strategies by analyzing trends from each HR metric, which in turn helps HR professionals locate
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

How to List Self-Employment on Your Resume (+Samples)

Self-Employed Period on Your Resume? Self-Employed Resume Sample Key Takeaways How to Write a Self-Employed Resume? You do not have to reinvent the wheel when writing your experience on your self-employed resume. The same strategies that apply to traditional employees are equally effective for those with self-employment backgrounds. Focus on highlighting your accomplishments, quantifying your successes, and demonstrating your expertise just as you would in any professional setting. Let's see what should be included
Resume & CV
Apr 19th 2024

10+ Key Leadership Skills for Resume Should You Include

employers and hiring managers highly value good leaders and candidates who possess effective leadership skills. This is why it is imperative to sprinkle a few leadership skills for resumes somewhere in your skills or experiences section before sending off your application to the employer, regardless of whether the job title and job description explicitly require it or not. So, what are good leadership skills for resumes? All will be revealed in this article! TABLE OF CONTENTS What are Strong Leadership
People Operations
Mar 16th 2024

How Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace Benefits Both Employees & Businesses

to engage in open discussions or contribute ideas effectively. In conclusion, untreated problems of mental health in the workplace have negative effects on employees and businesses. Neglecting mental health in the workplace leads to higher healthcare costs, employee turnover, and decreased productivity, impacting overall company success. How to Improve Employees' Mental Health in the Workplace? Improving mental health in the workplace requires a proactive and holistic approach. Here are some strategies that employers can consider to implement and thus creat...
Cover Letter
Feb 24th 2023

Cover Letter for Executive Positions with Examples and Tips

forecasting, and many other duties related to the fiscal and financial aspects of the operation. Chief Technology Officer - CTOs are essential to the operation of a company. By supervising the technical and operational teams, CTOs’ presence is correlated to the productivity and operation of the company. Their vision and technical expertise will help the company to better integrate up-to-date technologies to help reach the company’s objective. Executive Director - Although the responsibilities of an executive director are, in
Resume & CV
Jul 28th 2022

How to Write Time Management Skills on Your Resume (+Tips and Examples)

Created by CakeResume TABLE OF CONTENTS What Are Time Management Skills for Resumes? 10 Examples of Time Management Skills for Resumes Where to List Time Management Skills on a Resume/CV Tips on How to Describe Time Management Skills on a Resume How to Improve Your Time Management Skills In today's fast-paced society, time has become a rare resource that people are expected to manage effectively. Research done by Zippia showed that an average corporate employee normally spent
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

A Complete Guide to the Recruitment Process in 2023-2024

Employees are undeniably valuable assets of an organization and the key to its success, no matter what level. They are highly skilled people who strive hard to deliver their best work and contribute to the profits and worth of the organization. To hire the right people for your business, you need to develop and implement an effective recruitment process. This is one of the most complex aspects of operating a business as there are different types of recruitment, and each

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