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Mar 11th 2024

Slack: Kelebihan dan Kekurangan [+Cara Membuat Akun Slack]

akan fokus membahas aplikasi Slack. App Slack adalah aplikasi pekerja yang mempermudah akses komunikasi antar rekan kerja. Di aplikasi Slack, pengguna dapat membuat ruang khusus untuk bertukar pesan dan berbagi informasi atau file . Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan Slack serta cara membuat akun di Slack melalui artikel ini, ya! Daftar isi: Pemahaman Mengenai Slack Apakah Slack Gratis? Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Slack Cara Membuat Akun Slack Apa itu Slack? Jika diartikan dari bahasa Inggris, slack artinya kendur dan app
Job Search Tips
Apr 13th 2020

9 Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Job in IT

IT and development jobs are among the most desirable careers in 2020. As a developer with a few years of experience, it's easy to find many suitable roles and choose the one that best meets your career path and lifestyle. Although jobs are abundant, it's still important to avoid these critical mistakes when you're applying for a new role. Having a Good Resume When applying for a job in IT, like any other job, a strong resume
Career Tools
May 20th 2021

遠端工作如何效率加倍?別錯過 4 個實用軟體與 3 招遠端工作技巧!

通簡單又有效率?Slack 有三大特色,就能幫助團隊解決這個問題,而需要遠端工作的團隊也可以透過 Slack 更順暢地溝通。 遠端工作的通訊協作軟體 Slack,圖片來源:Slack Slack 特色一:在團隊中開設子頻道、私訊群
Resume & CV
Aug 4th 2022

20 Computer Skills to Write in Your CV [w/ Examples & Writing Tips]

IT skills? Information Technology, or IT, skills in a CV are the set of abilities to utilize computers and related technology efficiently. With the prevalence of digitalization, computer skills in a CV could set you apart from other candidates when applying for jobs. As businesses improve and people seek greater efficiency in doing every task, there are fewer jobs that are independent of technology. Every profession requires a certain degree of technology use, from programming to utilizing computer applications, and
Career Tools
Apr 18th 2024

15+ Best Online Collaboration Tools Used in 2024

modern businesses striving for efficiency and productivity. Let's explore the most common tools in detail below. 1. Asana Asana is one of the most comprehensive project management tools. It has many collaborative features and also integrates with project management apps like Google Drive, Microsoft Teams, and Slack. Asana is suitable for remote teams and highly effective for cross-functional collaboration. In essence, it is suitable for both long-term and short-term projects, and it can be particularly beneficial
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

How to Announce an Employee is Leaving [+Examples & Writing Tips]

and day out, it is of little surprise that an employee announcing their resignation to staff can bring a mix of emotions to their colleagues. In addition, if the employee announcing departure was previously engaged in a project or task, slack will need to be picked up and the workload will need to be shared while the administration seeks out a new hire. To minimize the impact of an employee departure announcement, the HR department and employer must work hand
Job Search Tips
Mar 19th 2024

用 DEI 原則打破產品界限,更具包容性的產品開發指南

括改善顏色對比度、提供圖片的文字描述(ALT)等,以確保視覺障礙的用戶也能享受順暢的瀏覽體驗。 Slack 多元化的表情符號和反映真實世界的特性 辦公室應用軟體 Slack 提供了一系列多元化的表情符
Resume & CV
Jan 25th 2022

List of Important Skills for a CV [+ How to Write & Where to Put Them]

leg up on the competition. Read on to learn key CV skills examples and how to list skills in a CV. What Skills to Write on a CV Three different types of skills that employers look for in a job applicant are: Soft Skills (Personal Skills) Hard Skills (Technical Skills) Computer Skills (Digital Skills) Soft Skills (Personal Skills) Soft skills are interpersonal attributes that characterize one's relationships in a social or professional environment. In the workplace context, soft skills
Success Stories
Jan 14th 2021

在 Sketch 工作是什麼樣子?唯一亞洲區夥伴揭秘:UX 設計師在 Sketch 的全遠端協作!

進來聽聽吧! Podcast 重點節錄 1:03 如何加入 Sketch 2 :26 應徵 Sketch 職缺時,如何呈現自己的作品集?  4:20 在 Sketch 用 Slack 文字面試的經驗  6:08 日常的遠端會議如何進行? 9:01 身為第一位加入 Sketch 的在亞洲工作者,跟團
Job Search Tips
Sep 9th 2020

For Freshers: Tips to Land Your Coveted Job

Finding a job — conundrum for fresh graduates I’ve watched enough YouTube videos to know that most of you 22-year-old have resolved to do now that you’ve graduated: take good care of yourself both mentally and physically; do good for Mother Earth; find a life partner (no one’s asking but I personally prefer animals to human company, thank you very much); further develop your talents; find what you’re passionate about and turn it into your

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