CakeResume Job Search

Logo of Mlytics 摩速科技有限公司.
Founded in 2017, mlytics is a startup aiming to build a more reliable, faster, and safer internet world with options and transparency. With our rapid growth speed we now reached an employee number of more than 60 and we are still expanding ! mlytics is a diverse team of experts with a broad range of backgrounds and experiences who are not afraid to ask tough questions. You could help build our platform with the brightest people, discuss the design with the
The employer was active 3 jours ago
Logo of 為人有限公司.
Wee design inspired gigantic change. 為人有限公司(Wee Design)於 2014 年成立,自詡為「推進企業數位轉型的陪伴者」,擁有堅實的技術能力和高效的溝通能力,致力於協助企業順利實施數位轉型。 公司經過多項資訊服務專案的歷練
The employer was active 6 jours ago
OUR STORY Gamma interactive Inc., (GII) has been a leading solutions provider since 2009. At GII, we are passionate about delivering the best on-demand solutions tailored to your business needs. We have a wide range of services including payment support, relationship management, marketing, IT consultation, and many more. We aim to make your business more efficient and profitable by providing you with high quality solutions that can be customized as per your requirements. We have partners in over 12
The employer was active 3 jours ago
Alphaland Makati Place 7232 Ayala Ave Cor. Malugay St. Bel-Air Makati City
Logo of FARM.
The employer was active 7 jours ago
261 waterloo street
Logo of 菱鏡股份有限公司 TRAPA Security.
菱鏡股份有限公司 TRAPA Security TRAPA Security 為 2020 年成立的資安新創公司,創辦人皆有豐富的資訊安全領域相關經歷。 曾獲國內外各種資安競賽冠軍,在世界各大研討會上發表資安研究成果,並揭許多知名軟硬
The employer was active environ 13 heures ago
Logo of Wesendesign 文森視覺整合設計.
Wesendesign| 文森視覺整合設計 位於新竹,成立於2013年,主力於平面設計與展覽活動。 我們是小型設計公司,成員約5人, 我們期望的辦公環境是互助、溝通、交流與回饋,遠離傳統辦公室文化。 公司由廣告起家,在
The employer was active 1 jour ago
Logo of 衍盛金融科技有限公司.
衍盛金融科技 成立於2021年6月,團隊結合了區塊鏈、金融工程與量化交易等豐富的技術與產品設計經驗,並累積眾多國際知名的機構合作夥伴。我們團隊具備豐富的傳統金融交易經驗以及系統
The employer was active environ 8 heures ago
Logo of 禾云創意整合有限公司.
藝文展覽活動為主 可洽網站及相關活動專頁
The employer was active environ 1 mois ago
Logo of 壹壹影業股份有限公司.
壹壹影業是以系統化流程管理創意及效率的團隊。透過數據了解觀眾需求,結合金獎影視人才確保製作品質。融合傳統影院和影音串流,用多年一線經驗溝通創作與市場。 由前樂視影業市場管理
The employer was active 3 jours ago
Logo of 窩窩科技行銷股份有限公司.
『窩窩科技 Woworld』於2014年創立,是由一群年輕、活潑、充滿創意的夥伴組成的團隊, 秉持著熱愛生活與挑戰的精神,我們致力於打造一個工作與生活平衡的職場環境。 ▌電商成就了阿里巴巴,錯過了這次
The employer was active environ 8 heures ago

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